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DMR Live 2 Nite!

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Okay Gang, for any of you that enjoy DMR .. we are back on the air tonight. After almost 3 weeks during the transition of the Corporate Hdqts. we are back on the saddle again. From 10:00 PM Pacific to Midnight ... Only on CyberstationUSA! Go to Dark Matters Radio - Cause it matters in the Dark ! ! and click on the Listen Live flashing icon and I will see you on the RADIO!


Marvin the Martian may be there RealFunnyET.jpg
Great Show last night Fellas!

I'm glad you're back on the air, because I gotta tell ya listening to Snoory was softening my brain, and the paracast comes but once a week.

You guys talked abit about vito and some moon anomalies - well get a load of this one. I've never seen a print-flaw like it, or anything like it on moon image for that matter:

My brother was joking that it is maybe this particular lunar UFO/TLP at rest.

(This one was caught by the Apollo 12 DAC)

*I've got a few more lunar anomalies anyone wants to see 'em.
Tonight, January 06 on DMR Walter Bosley is coming on to discuss a number of items, not the least the film project he is currently working on.

DMR ... 10:00 PM Pacific to the Witching Hour .. on CyberstationUSA.

Go to Dark Matters Radio - Cause it matters in the Dark ! ! and click on the flashing icon at the top of the page. Will take you to Listen Live.

Don, what is the Skype number or address to call in on?

Bit hard over here Down Under to try and call with the time differences etc but at least I can attempt and call when there is a subject that pops up that I can try to ask a sensible question.
Don, what is the Skype number or address to call in on?

Bit hard over here Down Under to try and call with the time differences etc but at least I can attempt and call when there is a subject that pops up that I can try to ask a sensible question.

No Skype number right now, however you can email questions at [email protected]

Happy New Year Cinder.

January 7 will end out the first week back on the New Year. Joining me in studio will be my regular Friday night Co-host Rich Sarradet and also joining us will be Greg Bishop. Only the universe knows what topics will be discussed. After DMR …. comes Vicious Vinyl!!
Tonight on Vicious Vinyl I examine that God of the Electric Guitar, considered to be the greatest electric guitarist in the history of music, Jimi Hendrix!!
Jimi doing his thing!

Vicious Vinyl starts immediately after Dark Matters Radio. See you there!
Remember to keep your eyes to the skies and your ear to the ground … and Vicious Vinyl!
So, by those four thankses, I'll assume you fellas still have an appreciation for the odd lunar anomaly or two.

That being the case, I've got a few new ones some of you might find interesting

Let's start with this 'standing' stone. It appears to be a tall narrow monolith on the moon surface, and by 'monolith' I am not stating that it is artificial - there is not enough data to determine that:

Strange shadow - I can't pinpoint the source of it though. Maybe it is apossible eruption/outgassing? Or just a terrain thing. Still though, check it out::

Here is high albedo object with a wobbly trail behind it that looks like a mountain or hill-road - but it is probably just as peculiar boulder trail, but it winds like a road :

This last one is John Lear flying his airplane through the dense lunar atmosphere:

(I joke, but his is an actual print flaw which I found resembled an aircraft)
Okay, after dealing with more problems … January 13 I hosted a return appearance by one of my favorite guests .. Louis Jarvis. We hit a lot of areas and if you missed this one, get the download at the archives. Everything from chemical and bio warfare to what may be prowling the Cosmos … Out There!
Friday January 14 Rich Sarradet and hopefully Greg Bishop will join us here at DMR and we will see what is what.
Then … tonight on Vicious Vinyl ..Don Ecker’s Sex-Drugs and Rock and Roll I take a look at the music of and during the Viet Nam War. For all you Vet’s out there … this should be a memorable trip into the past.

Remember to keep looking up and your ears to the ground and we will see you on the radio!
Hi Ryan. Yes, saw the news story in several places today. Lets see how the "Lame-stream media" treats this story.
