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Did Tom DeLong ex-Blink 182, Meet w/ Obama & Discuss "UAPs?"

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[DeLong said he did. He posted a status update to that effect on Facebook –chris]

"...Facebook statuses show Delonge meeting with NASA officials, as well as possibly the President, for what he describes as “An important film on something about space.” Delonge’s interest in space dates back many years, in particular with the well-known song, “Aliens Exist,” which includes the lyrics: “I know the CIA will say/what you hear is all hearsay/I wish someone would tell me what was right.”

"In the first status update, Delonge discusses his coming trip to DC where he will film for his new production on space. It appears he is shopping for stock images...In the following [Facebook] status, Delonge claims to be sitting with the president discussing UFOs. As you can see, Delonge and a young film crew does seem to be seated in a rather stately room, however, the man evidently being interviewed does not appear to be President Barack Obama.


Chris, I'm interpreting Delonge's post as a picture of John Podesta, and the quotation marks indicate it is Podesta bring quoted about his UAP discussions with POTUS.
Tom DeLonge is this generation's Linda Molten Howe, and Paul Bennewitz. Clearly, by the evidence he has put forward, members within government are :cough: "working with him" on this subject. He has been told fanciful things, that he no doubt believes to be true. However, our intelligence apparatus has been doing this for years. Back when LMH was a well known reporter, she was "brought in" and shown supposed TOP SECRET documents inside an office at a military instillation. Bennewitz too was used by intelligence operatives, and given select and supposed TOP SECRET information, that they knew he would no doubt regurgitate. I see the same thing happening today, however, with DeLonge and his far reach with millennials being the focus.

The reason for all of this will never be known to us, but DeLonge has been in contact with select military people, these people, like with Bennewitz and Howe, have encouraged him to tell these tales, or certainly have NOT told him to to stay quiet. This is just another perception management job for 2017, rather than using an well known and up and coming reporter like they did with Howe, (and probably Knapp), they are using a popular musician with a far reaching fan base.
What I can't read in this situation is why.

It's not fame. It's almost certainly not fortune.

That only leaves two possibilities in my mind: delusion and disinformation.

After getting sucked in and then repulsed by one of his books about it, my money is on the former.
There are ~1,200 people that know with absolute certainty, mostly military and intelligence types, of contact, or have made contact, with various ETs. At this point in time, imo, their best MO is to leak as much as they can without having to admit that they have been hiding this info for decades. Heroes? Liars? Your pick.

Like the Vatican, they want to begin to clean up the mess as much as possible, imo, to limit the damage that is most assuredly coming down the path.
There are ~1,200 people that know with absolute certainty, mostly military and intelligence types, of contact, or have made contact, with various ETs.
And how the hell do you know this?! This is the kind of true-believer hyperbole that drives me nuts. You DO NOT know this to be true and unless you can provide us w/ undeniable proof that you do and/or that the statement is true, I would kindly advise you to not make such a ridiculous statement. Seriously. I would hope you do not want to come across as a complete fool.
And how the hell do you know this?! This is the kind of true-believer hyperbole that drives me nuts. You DO NOT know this to be true and unless you can provide us w/ undeniable proof that you do and/or that the statement is true, I would kindly advise you to not make such a ridiculous statement. Seriously. I would hope you do not want to come across as a complete fool.

But, if he said, Ray Stanford knows, that would be perfectly acceptable...sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL If you believe some old guy in a shack full of dinosaur bones knows the alien secrets to propulsion, I can't see how you could ridicule someone for suggesting a thousand other people also know similar things. Just sayin'
But, if he said, Ray Stanford knows, that would be perfectly acceptable...sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL If you believe some old guy in a shack full of dinosaur bones knows the alien secrets to propulsion, I can't see how you could ridicule someone for suggesting a thousand other people also know similar things. Just sayin'
Apples and oranges dude. I never said Ray knew the secrets to AAO/UAP propulsion, I said that he is making great strides toward a further understanding of the possible operative principles. Saying that 1200 people know "w/ absolute certainty ... of contact, or have made contact, w/ various ETs" is a definitive, declarative statement.

So, wtf's up w/ you? Just itching to get in a pot shot at me it would seem. Not even a decent try... ;)
But, if he said, Ray Stanford knows, that would be perfectly acceptable...sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL If you believe some old guy in a shack full of dinosaur bones knows the alien secrets to propulsion, I can't see how you could ridicule someone for suggesting a thousand other people also know similar things. Just sayin'
If you can't tell the difference between a B- rock star saying he knows a thousand people *that know for a fact we're in contact with ETs* with no evidence or credentials whatsoever and a published amateur scientist who's shown respected folks in this field what they consider hard optical evidence, I just don't know what to say.

And I say that as someone who doesn't buy Stanford's story at all, but can understand why some do.
Waller said:

There are ~1,200 people that know with absolute certainty, mostly military and intelligence types, of contact, or have made contact, with various ETs.

And how the hell do you know this?! This is the kind of true-believer hyperbole that drives me nuts. You DO NOT know this to be true and unless you can provide us w/ undeniable proof that you do and/or that the statement is true, I would kindly advise you to not make such a ridiculous statement. Seriously. I would hope you do not want to come across as a complete fool.
The above came from a recent Bashar session I attended but he is not the only source I have for my knowledge. I have explained many times how I am sure of myself but since you have been ill recently I will repeat it for you.

The ET and spirit communicators lay down an instruction manual blah blah blah here...

Guest suggestions for the Paracast

If you would like the sources I use, click the first URL in my signature.

Don't believe me though, take this advice from a great mind "Get a grip, get a life and get real. Do your own research and don’t rely on the Internet or your TV set to educate you."

But, if he said, Ray Stanford knows, that would be perfectly acceptable...sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL If you believe some old guy in a shack full of dinosaur bones knows the alien secrets to propulsion, I can't see how you could ridicule someone for suggesting a thousand other people also know similar things. Just sayin'
I'll go back and look at his answer, I must have missed the ridicule part.
The above came from a recent Bashar session I attended

It is very hard to be sure of what is going on in someone’s head, but one thing we can be sure of is that even if he actually is channeling a multidimensional alien from the future - which I personally doubt - we can safely ignore his predictions, because he gets most flat wrong, and most of the rest tend to be so vague as to be worthless.

To take inspiration from this list by a reddit-user, who has cataloged some of Bashar’s predictions, apparently Bashar made predictions that include:

  • A nuclear strike between 2006 and 2016 - miss
  • Proof of ET life in 2005 - miss
  • UFO sighting in March 2007 - the author counts it as a hit, but as Bashar gets the month wrong, and as there have been as many as 45,000 UFO sightings in one year in the USA alone, this one can clearly be disregarded.
  • Japanese nuclear reactor disaster between 2004–2014 - hit
  • Terrorist nuke in NY or Middle East - clearly a miss, though the list author for some reason gives this as a partial hit. Crashing planes into buildings is not the same as using nuclear weapons.
  • Hidden chamber in the sphinx opened by 2001 - miss
  • Economic collapse in 2013 - miss
So in a list of things he predicted as being of high probability (he never claims 100%, usually between about 70% and 98%), his hit rate is 1 hit against 5 misses. A 16% hit rate.

(The second UFO “hit” is about as astonishing as me predicting the sun will rise tomorrow, so I’ve removed that one from the statistics).

His predictions don’t stand up when tested and he can be ignored.

It is very hard to be sure of what is going on in someone’s head, but one thing we can be sure of is that even if he actually is channeling a multidimensional alien from the future - which I personally doubt - we can safely ignore his predictions, because he gets most flat wrong, and most of the rest tend to be so vague as to be worthless.

To take inspiration from this list by a reddit-user, who has cataloged some of Bashar’s predictions, apparently Bashar made predictions that include:

  • A nuclear strike between 2006 and 2016 - miss
  • Proof of ET life in 2005 - miss
  • UFO sighting in March 2007 - the author counts it as a hit, but as Bashar gets the month wrong, and as there have been as many as 45,000 UFO sightings in one year in the USA alone, this one can clearly be disregarded.
  • Japanese nuclear reactor disaster between 2004–2014 - hit
  • Terrorist nuke in NY or Middle East - clearly a miss, though the list author for some reason gives this as a partial hit. Crashing planes into buildings is not the same as using nuclear weapons.
  • Hidden chamber in the sphinx opened by 2001 - miss
  • Economic collapse in 2013 - miss
So in a list of things he predicted as being of high probability (he never claims 100%, usually between about 70% and 98%), his hit rate is 1 hit against 5 misses. A 16% hit rate.

(The second UFO “hit” is about as astonishing as me predicting the sun will rise tomorrow, so I’ve removed that one from the statistics).

His predictions don’t stand up when tested and he can be ignored.


If 'Bashir' "knows" what is going to happen: why is he making predictions?
Apples and oranges dude. I never said Ray knew the secrets to AAO/UAP propulsion, I said that he is making great strides toward a further understanding of the possible operative principles. Saying that 1200 people know "w/ absolute certainty ... of contact, or have made contact, w/ various ETs" is a definitive, declarative statement.

So, wtf's up w/ you? Just itching to get in a pot shot at me it would seem. Not even a decent try... ;)

I pick on you and your views, scoff at them really, in the same way you pick on most everyone else in this field via your "radio" show. I clearly laid out what I think is going on with Delong, and it is probably pretty accurate.
I pick on you and your views, scoff at them really, in the same way you pick on most everyone else in this field via your "radio" show. I clearly laid out what I think is going on with Delong, and it is probably pretty accurate.
Whatever dude, take your best shot. I don't pick on anybody in the field, I just cut through the BS and tell it like it is,. Don't like it? Sorry. That's the way I am and I ain't gonna change that anytime soon, for you or anyone else.
I pick on you and your views, scoff at them really, in the same way you pick on most everyone else in this field via your "radio" show. I clearly laid out what I think is going on with Delong, and it is probably pretty accurate.
Whatever dude, take your best shot. I don't pick on anybody in the field, I just cut through the BS and tell it like it is,. Don't like it? Sorry. That's the way I am and I ain't gonna change that anytime soon, for you or anyone else.

OK the above is what the simple question by Chris "How do you know this" has devolved into. It was a perfectly legitimate question and a perfectly legitimate caution by Chris that has been hand waved and straw-manned by inserting Stanford into the argument. The fact is that Stanford has nothing to do with Chris' question. So how about we get back to just how somebody knows, "There are ~1,200 people that know with absolute certainty, mostly military and intelligence types, of contact, or have made contact, with various ETs." ? To my knowledge that simply can't be substantiated.

That being said, IMO the PTB must certainly know a lot more than we do. But I also readily admit that is simply my belief based on evidence that is in my mind beyond a reasonable doubt. Why I think the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt is often less evident to other people, but regardless of whatever evidence is presented, there's no way to prove to everyone that alien visitation is real. After all, there are still people who think the world is flat. It also depends what sort of experiences people have had, but to my knowledge there's no way to prove with 100% certainty what the nature of any experience is, so there's always going to be some skeptic to argue it's all deception or a trick of the mind.
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