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Bizarre organism appears after lightening strike

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What The Hell Is It? Bizarre “Organism” Appears After Lightning Strike | Who Forted? Magazine
Looks more like something that should be on a coral reef? Aren't there tales of sea life being sucked up into the air from a water spout and being dropped on land? Could it be from the sea and ended up on land - there was a storm going on?
I dunno ... maybe some kind of animal crap or barf?
Whatever it is it's got BIOHAZARD written all over it.
I certainly wouldn't want to step in it ...
The Who Forted first two pictures look like lightning blasted the plastic face-plate off of the outside power outlet and partially melted it. The separate incident and photo, posted above, also looks like melted plastic to me. Although I do see a squirrel if I squint and stare for a minute. I guess the first one could also be a cell phone struck by lightning, but I don't see any electronics sticking out, besides that lone capacitor in the center-left portion.
Along the same lines, did you see the recent TV show called " The Unexplained"? There is a segment of the show that covers red rain that has fallen in India , Australia and some other places. Inspection of the rain has revealed cellular organisms that are reproducing and that don't have DNA...this all seems really strange and I can't verify it as factual. Has anyone else heard more on this and are there indeed cells multiplying in rain clouds that don't have DNA?
Along the same lines, did you see the recent TV show called " The Unexplained"? There is a segment of the show that covers red rain that has fallen in India , Australia and some other places. Inspection of the rain has revealed cellular organisms that are reproducing and that don't have DNA...this all seems really strange and I can't verify it as factual. Has anyone else heard more on this and are there indeed cells multiplying in rain clouds that don't have DNA?

Well ... When all else fails try good ole Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_rain_in_Kerala