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Billy Meier

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Paranormal Novice
I have been studying the Meier case for the last 6 years. I have to say I'm rather impressed at the data that he has published. I'm not sure what you other guys are looking at but besides some info that can't be proven yet with current technology and some predictions or prophecies that haven't come true, I have no doubts he's real. I would like to ask the skeptics, what part of Meiers material have you read? Have you read the contact notes? Have you read the Talamud of Jammanuel? Any other material???

Now I don't personally know Michael Horn, I've just called into a show once when he was on, but I do like the way he presents the case and I'm sure he takes a lot of crap from people just for talking about it. My father once said, you can't change a dummy, he alone can only do it when his mind is ready. I have come to the conclusion that many who are skeptics of Billy's, their minds are not ready for the material. If not this life, maybe the next but I know once you STUDY the material yourself, and DONT accept 2nd hand info from others (which seems to be the case everywhere I read), you are going to have a hard time of contesting much of what Billy states.

If you are argueing that Billy's pics are fake, go ahead.. Thats just the icing to the cake folks. The real info is in the spiritual teachings. If you don't read his material on his site or the Talamud of Jammanuel, you are missing a very important time in our worlds history. We are at a time where lies are bigger, better and badder than ever before. War is upon us and maybe even WW3. When I read Billy's info, its actually a breath of fresh air thats hard to find in any published news print.

If you are a skeptic of this case, and you haven't read Billy's material and studied it inside and out, then you are a skeptic without the ability to make a logical conclusion. Of course thats my two cents..


Teacher of Fools
A logical conclusion... hmmm... okay how's this:

-Billy Meier claims to have had contact with aliens
-Billy provides photographic evidence to backup said claims
-Billy's photos are obvious fakes, even to the untrained eye
-Billy's further "proofs" have all been shown to be fakes or frauds
-Billy's ex-wife corroborates the fraud

Conclusion: No real proof means no real contacts, ergo Billy Meier is full of crap and therefore anything he says after that is just his own pseudo-hippie, new age nonsense, unrealted to anything but himself.

Six years and this simple reality has somehow eluded you? What a shame...
CapnG said:
A logical conclusion... hmmm... okay how's this:

-Billy Meier claims to have had contact with aliens
-Billy provides photographic evidence to backup said claims
-Billy's photos are obvious fakes, even to the untrained eye
-Billy's further "proofs" have all been shown to be fakes or frauds
-Billy's ex-wife corroborates the fraud

Conclusion: No real proof means no real contacts, ergo Billy Meier is full of crap and therefore anything he says after that is just his own pseudo-hippie, new age nonsense, unrealted to anything but himself.

Six years and this simple reality has somehow eluded you? What a shame...

Good post, but you're probably wasting your time. The Meier believers aren't going to let anything as simple as a few facts to interfere with their beliefs. To them, Meier is a religion, and therefore you have to accept it on faith.

Where does fake evidence and failed prophecies compare with that?

I took the extreme measure of banning this person from posting, I'm really not in the mood for any more Meier nonsense. Let these morons create their own little sandbox to play in, The Paracast will NOT host any of this garbage.

I couldn't agree more David - He had to go.

Besides it is not healthy to encourage or play into mental illness, if someone has invested six years studying that nonsense - I think maybe some treatment is in order.
David Biedny said:

I took the extreme measure of banning this person from posting, I'm really not in the mood for any more Meier nonsense. Let these morons create their own little sandbox to play in, The Paracast will NOT host any of this garbage.


wow... What an extreme move David. You are a forum god..

Now back to my banning. Thats not nice. I believe my post was independant and honest based upon what I read on your site this afternoon. Read a whole bunch of stuff, some good some boring, and finally ran into the meier material. Like I said I studied Meier material for 6 years. I don't believe you can form a proper opinion unless you do study his material. By some of the posts in this forum, its quite obvious most have not and get their info from 2nd hand BS. Others I am of firm belief have alterior motives.

If I may ask... Has Meier ever done anything to you personally to mock and ridicule his work?? Has he ruined your career or embarrassed you in any way? If not, why all the hostility?

For a man who has had over 20 assination attempts on his life, I highly doubt that he's lying. No one loves being shot at would you agree? Whether you believe in the material or not is irrelevant... Its spreading slowly and surely around the world, in every country, every community. By my guess within 100 years or so, it will be common knowledge among the masses. What will you do then?
David Biedny said:

I took the extreme measure of banning this person from posting, I'm really not in the mood for any more Meier nonsense. Let these morons create their own little sandbox to play in, The Paracast will NOT host any of this garbage.


Damn it, David! I was really looking forward to reading a 50+ page thread. :P
teacheroffools2 said:
Others I am of firm belief have alterior motives.

Curses, they've found me out! Damn you Meirites! My subversive agenda to incite people to think critically is undone!

teacheroffools2 said:
If I may ask... Has Meier ever done anything to you personally to mock and ridicule his work?? Has he ruined your career or embarrassed you in any way? If not, why all the hostility?

You may but don't expect David to answer. Suffice it to say, the short answers are yes (indirectly) and yes (partially). It's all documented here on the site, look around and read up.

teacheroffools2 said:
For a man who has had over 20 assination attempts on his life, I highly doubt that he's lying.

And I highly doubt he's had 20 assisnation attempts. I doubt he's had one.

teacheroffools2 said:
Whether you believe in the material or not is irrelevant... Its spreading slowly and surely around the world, in every country, every community.

So is AIDS. That's not exactly the best analogy to make your case with...

teacheroffools2 said:
By my guess within 100 years or so, it will be common knowledge among the masses. What will you do then?

Nothing... because I'll have been dead for at least 50 years.
Wow. Went to sleep and woke up and here's a new thread with two pages already. Wish mine did that well. BM campers will actually use that as proof Billy is legit btw. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's legit, but that will fall on deaf ears, or blind eyes I guess.

OP, please see other threads on this matter. If that is not enough proof of a hoax, then forgive me while I build sand castles in the sand you bury your head in.

I just skimmed the OP, but BM is not needed for a spiritual message, only spirit is. There is no evidence that he is in touch with spirit over ego. If spiritual messages you seek, try else where, away from proven hoaxers I recommend. I don't take issue with SOME of his "teachings". He supposedly is for peace. Fine fine fine, but you see, many of us here are interested in UFOs. So asking us to look past his alledged ufo photos is a little, well, silly or stupid. Take your pick.

You've failed to teach fools btw. What does that make you I wonder.....
Mannyp4 said:
It seems nobody is paying attention to BM BS anymore so that is probably MH playing with his proxy skills.


Cool pics. That show is a little before my time I think, and I don't recall seeing any re runs ever. I've been wanting to see more pics from that show out of curiousity.

If I remember correctly, that dancer or two were lookalikes, or doubles eh? So much for occam's razor I guess.

Wonder if the lookalikes have ever been told about BM. I'd love to read their response.
Their response would be, hey you are selling our pictures, give us our cut. lol
They (meier and scam associates) called them lookalike but to cover the lie, after was discovered that those were the suppostly alien girls meier have photos from. It was just one lie after the other. Remember this one :

We come from the Pleiades. Later it was discovered that no-life could exist there, listen to the excuse: oh they "LIED" they come from another time configuration universe blah blah..... lol

Amazing! and just for fun I will play a little with the tale, so if they lied to meier "prophet"? who can say they didn't lie about everytyhing else.


  • MH.jpg
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when BMs book came out i was floored. i read everything i could about this man and bought into it hook, line and sinker. then i grew up and realized he was full of ****. it doesnt take too much intelligence or photography skills to figure it out. BM and HWSNBN are indeed teachers of fools.
KorMan said:
Obviously he doesn't understand any part of "NO!" The vB admin CP allows blocking IP numbers and ranges. Just FYI.

We do a general ban, which covers all that apparently, but I think one of our chronic offenders came in on different IP address :)