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And the UFO field goes down yet another notch

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David Biedny

Paranormal Adept
I just noticed on Facebook, Richard Dolan is involved in a new TV show called "First Contact TV", with none other than one of my favorite morons, Robby "The Robot" Simone.


Very, very sad. Simone is being called a "UFO researcher", which is a load of horseshit, IMO.

Dolan is a nice, smart man, but being involved in a venture with Simone is rather unfortunate, and not a great decision on his part.

Too bad. Dolan seems to have good credibility. This looks like another version of UFO hunters with different characters.
This can be looked at in two ways.

It's bad that Dolan is on a bad show with an idiot.

It's good Dolan is on a bad show with an idiot to make all that see it not come away from the show that the entire topic is worthless due to people like Simone.

I think it's good for the general public/viewer. I understand the concerns on an internal level though inside this little sandbox. I would still rather have Dolan on these shows then someone we know is totally full of crap as his work is excellent.
I just noticed on Facebook, Richard Dolan is involved in a new TV show called "First Contact TV", with none other than one of my favorite morons, Robby "The Robot" Simone.


Very, very sad. Simone is being called a "UFO researcher", which is a load of horseshit, IMO.

Dolan is a nice, smart man, but being involved in a venture with Simone is rather unfortunate, and not a great decision on his part.


I've heard Simone's name before, where can I learn more about what you are saying about the guy?
On his last interview, I really got the impression that Dolan had been smoking the woo. Most of the "secret government ET conspiracy" stuff he was talking about was stuff that seems to owe its origin to people like John Lear and to that whole late-80s Las Vegas UFO sensationalism milieu. IMHO, everything from that milieu can be thrown out.

The only way to save this field is to go back to first principles and evidence and ditch everything else. This includes any rumors and hearsay, any evidence with no credible origin or chain of custody, etc.

I've sort of done this in my own mind as I've listened to the Paracast, and the picture that I've formed looks like this:

1) There is some sort of phenomenon here, and there is a hard core of multiple-witness, highly credible witness, or multiple-sensor (e.g. visual and radar) cases that are very hard to explain away with any mundane explanation.

2) The most credible stuff seems to fall into two categories: stuff that points to a "nuts and bolts" phenomenon, and high strangeness stuff.

3) The "nuts and bolts" evidence points to either advanced off-the-books human technology and/or to visitation by some non-human intelligence. The most likely origin of that intelligence is space. Other dimensions are also possible, but we have not yet confirmed that they literally exist so that leaves space as the most likely hypothesis.

4) The "high strangeness" evidence points to other possibilities, and some high-strangeness phenomena may have absolutely nothing to do with the more "nuts and bolts" UFO phenomenon at all. However, we must also remember that any sufficiently advanced technology might appear magical, and so at least some of the "high strangeness" stuff may be compatible with "nuts and bolts."

5) There is a body of mythology surrounding UFOs, the majority of which may have nothing to do with the actual phenomenon. The actual phenomenon would be those things that would continue to exist if we stopped believing in them (e.g. good photos, radar data, credible sightings, etc.)

6) There seems to be official interest in both the phenomenon and the people who follow it. There is evidence for official actions to cover up actual sightings and interaction and there is evidence that certain government agencies might be holding onto evidence that they're not sharing... though what that might be and how far that goes is not known. There is also evidence that the UFO field has been manipulated for unknown purposes, possibly to cover up the phenomenon but also possibly to experiment with mass manipulation or to use the UFO myth as a cover for other activities.

7) A lot of stuff gets thrown into the UFO basket that might have nothing to do with UFOs including: cattle mutilations, abductions, crop circles, etc. I personally doubt that any of these things have anything to do at all with "nuts and bolts" UFOs.

Did I miss anything?
Occasionally, when I get the time. I would listen to other shows that have interesting guests on. Well Richard was on his wife's paranormal show, through the keyhole some time last week. And, I was pleasantly surprised by some of his comments. He spoke about, Alfred Webre, Michael Salla, that so called Doctor, and about the Exopolitics movement. He went on the offensive. He attacked them for what they have printed recently on the web. And Richard was was not happy. With the movement our those men.
I agree that its disappointing to see Dolan associating himself with folks like Simone. But with the economy the way it is, can you really blame him? Rich has to work another job to finance his research and writing efforts and I'm sure he would love to transition to full time work in the field that he's chosen to spend the majority of his energy in.

I dunno. I guess I just see stuff like this as part of the hazards of the job.
And from Simone's (clearly self-authored) Wikipedia page: "A special focus of Rob's research is on the E.T./supernatural aspects of Islam and the origins of the Koran"

Oh dear. Looks like somebody's cruising for a fatwa. My incredible powers of prognostication predict trouble ahead should anyone actually read his scribblings.

What I personally find particularly irritating in that document is his description of himself as the first "paranormal paralegal" - why do ufological dilettantes (and for that matter, pretty much every idiot with a web page) insist on giving themselves childish titles, as if they're playing at being superheroes?
Perhaps it sounds less jarring to a US audience, although I can't imagine why it would. For myself, I just want to slap the people responsible and tell them not to be so bloody stupid.
Mornin' David, et al.

I just noticed on Facebook, Richard Dolan is involved in a new TV show called "First Contact TV", with none other than one of my favorite morons, Robby "The Robot" Simone.


Very, very sad. Simone is being called a "UFO researcher", which is a load of horseshit, IMO.

Dolan is a nice, smart man, but being involved in a venture with Simone is rather unfortunate, and not a great decision on his part.


As a capitalist, I tip my hat to Dolan and Co; as a Ufologist I puke on my shoes! "If" a field of Ufology (this is questionable) exists--these reality shows do it no favors. The public's perception of the phenomenon gets "dumbed down" and serious attention from either mainstream media and or science gets pushed further away.

If indeed a body exists that holds the collective intelligence re UFOs (and I believe it so), then methinks they are the true fans of such endeavors!

Mornin' David, et al.

As a capitalist, I tip my hat to Dolan and Co; as a Ufologist I puke on my shoes! "If" a field of Ufology (this is questionable) exists--these reality shows do it no favors. The public's perception of the phenomenon gets "dumbed down" and serious attention from either mainstream media and or science gets pushed further away.

If indeed a body exists that holds the collective intelligence re UFOs (and I believe it so), then methinks they are the true fans of such endeavors!


I might add that the blond photographer is hot.
Yes, this show looks like garbage. But I don't hold it against Dolan. I don't know what his finances are like but I doubt he's getting rich off his books and the occasional appearance fee. There's so little money to be made off UFO books- I remember how excited Nick Redfern was a year ago that he was finally able to get his first car. Dolan seems to be a voice of reason on the show- for example, in that clip he says something like "I don't think we'll get to the bottom of this by waving flashlights in the dark." Then again, it's disappointing to see yet another program about the Philadelphia Experiment and to hear Dolan say he doesn't know if the ship went invisible- come on, that is something that has been thoroughly debunked. Dolan can't honestly think there is something to that urban legend. Why can't a program take a look back at an interesting case that was well researched and is little known. For example, here's one from Bob Pratt's files on the MUFON website (it's the case titled "5 Weird Looking Aliens Abduct Young Man"):
I find one of the interesting aspects of this case (that is not mentioned in Pratt's report) that the guys passed a herd of cows (while the car was not under their control) who were moving their heads from side to side in unison. I love little details like that. I don't know what these details tell us but they're fascinating. Anyway, I would wager 99% of the people interested in UFOs are not familiar with this case- while all of us have heard about the Philadelphia Experiment ad nauseum. Anyway, back to that show. Gotta love the hot "photo-journalist" and "RV Bob". HaHa. This show looks like complete shit.
Its all about the money. The sooner you realize that the bettor off you'll be. Dolan is a sell out. It is not a secret. If you think the guy has credibility, you have not been paying attention. He is a smart enough guy to know he has hitched his wagon to morons, thieves, charlatans, and liars. But he doesn't care. Again, it is all about the money. From this point forward he should share the shelf with Birnes and other sell outs. This shit makes me sick.

Oh, and the "photojournalist" is a nice Charlize Theron lookalike. Anyone want to hazard a guess why she is on the show? I'm sure it is just her qualifications and lifelong research of the topic. The even have comic relief. An actual character called "RV Bob". My GOD! Wow Rich, way to one up the stupidity that was the UFO Hunters.
I would hold off in judging Richard Dolan until we assess his role and behavior on the show over a number of episodes. Perhaps it is a good thing that a serious minded researcher is involved, if his inputs are balanced, objective and skeptical. Otherwise, the mainstream viewing public is left with buffoons and bubble headed beach blonds, and that is not good for any of us who take this field seriously.

Regarding the financial angle, the guy deserves to make a living, as we all do. Putting together those books are very time intensive and certainly don't yield much in terms of profits. He has a family to support and kids to put through college. There is no evidence yet that he intends to misrepresent the facts vis-a-vis the phenomena to get ratings, so, absent that, good for him if he picks up a few bucks.

People on this site continually assail Mr. Dolan for showing up at particular UFO conferences. The reality is that Dolan repeatedly takes Greer & Co. to task for their behavior, if you actually listen to what he says, often receiving applause from the audience (a good thing in my opinion).

As I said before, if the precious few bona fide researchers all turn on one another, where does that leave you at the end of the day? Alone and with limited voice to counteract the charlatans.
I lost track...... did Gene and David get their re-sent copies of Dolans new book yet?? And if so, when will he be on to talk about this stuff?? Or rather,..... will he be back on?? It only seemed like a matter of getting the books at the time.

He's got some explaining to do and I'd like to hear it. But if I were him I might have the feeling that one shoddy trail leads to another dumbfuck. In fact it seems that any good information is somehow tainted with BS, lies, hoaxes, disinformation, or any number of other things. So, screw it, might as well join the loony tunes gang because I have a family to feed and I'm never going to get any reliable pertinent information anyway.

And here's a question: Do you think that this field of "study" has somehow been responsible for the degradation of Dolan as well as others?? If you continue to walk through muck, don't you end up being mucky?? Maybe the phenomenon and all that it encompasses really is bad for you..... it is pretty twisted.