Recent content by dtp1978

  1. D

    Latest Net ET Conspiracy Thingy

    The name Aaron McCollum should be a monumental clue here. McCollum is another Project Camelot whistle-blower (perhaps better described as horn-blower) who claims to be a brain-washed super-solider secret-agent. The fact that the guy is obnoxiously tattooed says a lot to me about this fellows...
  2. D

    Is Quantum Jumping for real?

    Hello, I did not buy the program myself, but a friend of mine did and he let me borrow it. If you have some weird desire to waste your money than by all means purchase quantum jumping. Essentially the program is a tutorial on how to use your imagination, which is something I, and I think most...
  3. D

    Could this be the END of RELIGIONS as we know them ?

    I would like to find out how much money the author of this ebook pulls in. I occasionally think about writing some total piece of crap and offering it for sale as an ebook, than I remember that it is not nice to take advantage of gullible people who will believe anything.
  4. D

    Giorgio Tsoukalos Internet Memes

    The first time I saw him on the history channel my first thought was that he must have bathed in a vat of really cheap self tanning lotion.
  5. D

    Suggested Guests

    I don't know if anyone has suggested her before but how about Dr. Joye Pugh? I personally believe that her ideas are complete crap and her "evidence" is even worse. She has never been called on her crap evidence on her appearences on C2C (no surprise there) or any other show she has been on...
  6. D

    Another reason why advanced species should avoid us

    I would be inclined to say that any extreme in religion is not good for society in general. Whether that extreme is witch-doctors, fundamentalist christians or fundamentalist muslims.
  7. D

    Sylvia Browne Busted on 911 Death.

    Ok I was wrong, there is a case even worse than the Hornbeck "reading", click the following link to see what is probably the most despicable "reading" that this b*tch has ever given. This woman disgusts me hopefully she will eventually have to face some sort of consequences for her actions...
  8. D

    Sylvia Browne Busted on 911 Death.

    She has apparently been in a wheelchair for awhile, which is why you never saw her walk around on the stage on the Montel show they, they would park her ass in a chair before taping started. Some people think she has Emphysema from smoking but she says she does not smoke. Even though her...
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    Sylvia Browne Busted on 911 Death.
  10. D

    Greeting from Richard Dolan

    For those who argue that I keep the wrong company ... this is very easy to say -- unless you become a public figure, actually going out there to make a difference. See how far you get with such an attitude, then. Richard Dolan Yes, because associating with a fields charlatans and morons...
  11. D

    Greeting from Richard Dolan

    What??!! That is some fairly impressive ass backward logic.
  12. D

    Bob Lazar with George Knapp this Sunday

    There is no such thing as a "lie detector test" it is a polygraph test. It tests stress levels not if a person is lying or not. ex. A sociopath will pass a "lie detector" test everytime. Also if an adequate attempt is made a non-sociopath can easily fool a polygraph by using breathing...
  13. D

    Show suggestion: GIANTS

    I think this is an ok idea for no other reason than the fact that I would like to hear an interview w/ Steve Quayle that included actual "hard questioning" on the part of the radio hosts, something that I think that David and Gene would bring to the table. Because honestly I am sick of...
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    Paracast is the best show of its kind out there.

    Dave and Gene, I just recently started listening to the paracast and have been making my way through the archives, it is awesome. Just got done listening to the show where you are talking about reviews and people were saying you suck and you are mean. Boo hoo, I say get meaner. Is it mean to...
  15. D

    Television Show - Extreme Paranormal

    If only...maybe we would all get lucky and ol' nessie would be real and eat them, at least than we would be rid of them.