Recent content by 0uterj0in

  1. 0uterj0in

    super deja vu

    I encourage you to read JW Dunne's Experiment with Time, which describes this exact same phenomenon, and proposes a theory to explain it. The theory gets pretty hairy, but his detailed accounts of his own experiences and methodical study of them is compelling.
  2. 0uterj0in

    A New Origins Hypothesis: Not ETH or IDH, but DBH

    This happens to be my pet explanation, and I agree that it seems unprovable. Lately I've been wondering why anyone would want to tamper with the simulation, or reveal to the simulated beings their simulated nature.
  3. 0uterj0in

    I Hear Voices

    Might jive with the speculations Julian Jaynes, who proposed that consciousness is actually a very recent adaptation, and that pre-historic man heard "voices" from the other half of brain instead of self-consciousness.
  4. 0uterj0in

    I'll take Funny Coincidences for $1600, Alex

    Not paranormal, just highly improbable in my view: Last Thursday I was reading Douglas Adams' "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" while traveling thru Michigan to visit my mother-in-law. When we arrived, she had Jeopardy in TV while we unloaded. We sat in kitchen talking when out of...
  5. 0uterj0in

    Mac Tonnies passes away

    Stunned, so sad. This world does not make sense. And yet he tried to make sense of it in his own original way. He had a huge impact on me. Can't help vague feeling that we will now miss out on something very big. Or that something very important will now be delayed for years. Fuck.
  6. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    It's here, read it yourself. Basically it's Wolff's take on what movements in the relative value of the US dollar mean for the big picture (trade deficits, inflation/deflation, etc). Pretty interesting to a layman like myself, especially this part about the risks of having a single dominant...
  7. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    Why? Who would benefit from this "world government" that isn't already benefiting hugely from the current system? By "new monetary system" I presume you mean a single global currency. Do the financial elite really desire this? Will the people who make billions from currency arbitrage just...
  8. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    The factors are readily apparent, I guess I'm just wondering what the design is. Is the Fed cartel bankrupting the US for the purpose of weakening it? Or is the US decline an incidental side effect?
  9. 0uterj0in

    Universal UFO Database

    I speak a little SQL too, would be happy to help. This would be a massive ETL effort, but maybe you could start with 2 or 3 datasets. Semi-related thread:
  10. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    "Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars."
  11. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    And the decay marches on...
  12. 0uterj0in

    10 observations

    I agree it is self-correcting. Which I take to mean: the phenomenon hovers in a sweet spot between detectability and non-detectability. The cultural epi-phenomenon surrounding it acts like a protective coating that simultaneously invites inquiry and destroys credibility.
  13. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    Ha, nice! Probably true for the medieval period. For modern times I've long guessed it was Israel: tiny rocky outpost with no natural resources created by imperial (UN) fiat forced to survive by self-reliant cunning, strategic alliance-building triumphed thru numerous crises by following...
  14. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    I'm not joking. The question here is intent. You say the international banking cartel is bringing the USA to its knees. And I'd agree there may be circumstantial evidence for theft on a grand scale. But I'm not talking about theft as the objective. I'm talking about deliberately making the...
  15. 0uterj0in

    USA Decline

    Interesting angle, I hadn't considered education as a factor, and I don't doubt that our average citizen is dumber than pre WWII. I don't know that this means we've lost our leadership position in higher ed, it's possible. On the other hand, there has definitely been a huge net increase in...