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Your Paracast Newsletter — July 13, 2014

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Gene Steinberg

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July 13, 2014

UFOs and Conspiracy Theories Explored on The Paracast

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About The Paracast: The Paracast covers a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions across the planet.

Set Up: The Paracast is a paranormal radio show that takes you on a journey to a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions. The Paracast seeks to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives.

Join long-time paranormal researcher Gene Steinberg, co-host and acclaimed field investigator Christopher O'Brien, and a panel of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories of the history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries.

This Week's Episode: Gene and Chris present conspiracy theory researcher, Olav Phillips, who covers the entire spectrum of possible secrets about whether some UFO reports are based on sightings of test aircraft, Nazi UFOs, the secret space program and other fascinating tales. Phillips has been featured on nationally syndicated radio and TV shows, and is the owner of The Anomalies Channel, an online video channel with over 26,000 subscribers and hundreds of videos available to Roku players all over the world as well as The Anomalies Network, which is the primary source for his writings and research.

Chris O’Brien’s Site: http://www.ourstrangeplanet.com

Olav Phillips’ Site: The Anomalies Network | Exploring the Unknown…

Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums. We recently completed a major update that makes our community easier to navigate, and social network friendly.

About UFO Conspiracies and Legends
By Gene Steinberg

There’s an active topic thread in The Paracast Forums as to what UFO author and researcher William L. Moore might have contributed to the UFO myth. In the late 1970s,he became famous as the result of the two books he co-authored with the late Charles Berlitz, which included “The Philadelphia Experiment,” and “The Roswell Incident.”

Now in passing, I should let you in on the fact that I was in close touch with Berlitz when he was working with Moore on the first book. I even provided him with a printed copy of the infamous “Varo Edition” of M.K. Jessup’s “The Case for the UFO,” which had those silly annotations from “Carlos Miguel Allende,” a pseudonym for Carl Allen, a curious character who inserted himself into the UFO field. Those annotations talked of an alleged invisibility experiment at the Philadelphoia Naval Shipyard during World War II.

As Allen admitted later, it was all made up of whole cloth, but the Berlitz book was fodder for much controversy in the UFO field, not to mention two sci-fi movies and a TV movie. In passing, I wonder if Allen was upset over the profits earned over his tall tales, and the fact that he never shared in them.

As to the Roswell book, Moore, Berlitz, and Stanton Friedman, who contributed heavily to the book but didn’t get his name on the cover, gave credence to an almost forgotten case from the early days of the UFO era that may have involved a crashed flying saucer. Today, the Roswell affair is the stuff of legend, but in 1947, it consisted largely of a newspaper report about a supposed crashed disk that was later corrected to say it was just a balloon.

Moore, however, got his hands dirty by his involvement in alleged disinformation campaign that may have seriously harmed a UFO investigator, one Paul Bennewitz, who helped create the legend of a secret underground alien facility at Dulce, NM. So Moore later claimed that he was acting on behalf of government agents when he attempted to drive Bennewitz to a mental breakdown by feeding him fake information about alien visitors in our midst.

Moore’s credibility in the UFO field came crashing down in the wake of his infamous appearance in 1989 at a MUFON conference where he confessed his government connections. He is also close to the MJ-12 affair, involving an alleged document about a secret group in the U.S. government monitoring UFO activity. Knowing what Moore was up to, it’s easy to believe that his questionable activities may have also involved not just MJ-12 but possibly enhancing the Roswell legend.

In other words, can one believe anything he said or did due to his connection to the UFO mystery?

Today, Moore’s efforts to muddy the waters are mostly ignored, although the original MJ-12 document and other papers that purportedly describe the group are still given credibility by a number of researchers, and that includes Friedman. But if the original document is shown to be a fake, wouldn’t that make all the rest suspect as well? Just saying.

Of course, the presence of possible government operatives and disinformation has been ever-present in UFO history. Whether it’s the three men in black or the Aviary, an ad-hoc group of people that included intelligence operatives, it seems that the field has been steeped in questionable activities. I often wonder, too, just how many key cases may have been deliberately misdirected to convey the belief that we’re seeing UFOs when there were other mundane causes.

The most obvious would be a test aircraft of some sort. While most flights might be conducted in out-of-the-way areas where they aren’t apt to be seen by the public at large, how does one explain away the occasional sighting by an innocent witness? One way would be to spread the illusion that maybe it was a UFO, a possible alien aircraft. Since UFOs aren’t supposed to be real, that either makes the accidental sighting seem a simple mistake, or it becomes fodder for UFO believers to claim that the truth is being withheld.

Some researchers have even claimed that the nine crescent-shaped aircraft seen by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947 were actually test aircraft. Perhaps they were inventions perfected by the German scientists who came to work for the U.S. after World War II, or even craft that was first developed during the war. With the Cold War then in full force, the authorities wouldn’t want to have the secret revealed to the Soviet Union, so if it was just another flying saucer sighting, the opposition may not pay any attention.

Of course, that scheme would not have been obvious in the wake of the Arnold sighting, but the possibilities may have become crystal clear once the saucer wave was in full force.

Now as the result of the Arnold case and subsequent sightings, a mythos arose that consumed the lives of thousands and thousands of people around the world. As I’ve said in the past, I just wonder how things might have turned out had Arnold looked elsewhere when those craft were airborne, or had made that flight at another time. Funny how events manage to coalesce in a way that has unexpected repercussions.

As for me, I’d still probably be in radio, still doing a talk show on other subjects, but at least you get the picture, and I know you readers would have stories aplenty as to the direction your lives might have taken had there been no UFOs or other mysteries to chase.

Now I do not necessarily believe that all UFOs are Earth-made conventional aircraft, but certainly some are. And mixing them up with the genuine UFOs certainly would serve a valid purpose, particularly if we’re talking about test aircraft that might impact national security.

But what about other countries?

Well, certainly you expect there would be communication between U.S. military officials and their counterparts in some countries. It might be to the effect that they are testing a new aircraft that might even be for sale to friendly nations. So, if they get reports about them, just call them UFOs and explain that, of course, there’s nothing to UFOs. End of story.

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... Now I do not necessarily believe that all UFOs are Earth-made conventional aircraft, but certainly some are. And mixing them up with the genuine UFOs certainly would serve a valid purpose, particularly if we’re talking about test aircraft that might impact national security ...

Certainly not all the objects that are the focus of UFO reports turn out to be UFOs, and no doubt there are cases where the objects described in UFO reports have turned out to be conventional aircraft ( e.g. the SR-71 ), so it wouldn't surprise me at all to find that some secret aerospace projects still get mistakenly classed as UFOs, and that the POB lets that assumption slide rather than explaining what is really going on.