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Using The Question Bank - Please Read

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Skilled Investigator
Hi all.

Gene and I decided to consolidate the future guest and ask future guest threads into one location. This was to make it easier for Gene and David to have one location to come to in attaining the questions you all might have for certain guest or ideas to pass along for future guest.

What you all have to keep in mind is most shows are taped 2 to 3 weeks in advance of the broadcast date.

How this is going to work is a guest (or potential guest) are going to be listed in their own threads ONCE ONLY. In other words, Stan Friedman is going to have one thread and one thread only. If you all open more than one thread on Stan to propose questions I will merge them into one Stan Friedman thread.

Gene and Chris can't promise that a guest you suggest will be interviewed but that may be more of an issue of a potential guest not willing to be a subject of an interview.

But share your ideas. If a potential guest you desire to see interviewed is already proposed in a thread then add to the thread and explain your reasons for inviting the guest on. Also ask your questions way in advance.

Is it just me, or does David get more Avatar Pixels than the rest of us?

It must be that fine Chitahouri gold dust we've been mining for the Annunaki that makes his avatar shine so hard.
Great idea, glad to be the founder and thanks for doing it. It's nice to be able to participate with guests like those goons at C2C "could it have been an angel?" but with smart people.

P.S. You might want to change the name from "The Question Bank" to something like "Questions For Upcoming Guests" to help get people in here. "The Question Bank" doesn't tell much.
Miah said:
P.S. You might want to change the name from "The Question Bank" to something like "Questions For Upcoming Guests" to help get people in here. "The Question Bank" doesn't tell much.

Duly noted. And you did suggest this forum before I thought of bringing it up with Gene. I did not see your post but great minds think alike.
Thank you.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Are we updated like a month in advanced? Seems it's always two or three weeks when I notice a future show.

I guess until a better way is thought of the forum should be used like this.

If tomorrow you would love to have a question asked of say Jeff Ritzmann (a popular person to pick on in the Paracast) but you don't know when he is coming on the show next. Then put it here before you forget the question. When Jeff cycles back onto the interview schedule Gene and David will most likely see what questions are out there for Jeff. That is why we called this a bank. You never know when your going to need the questions.
Another suggestion would be to put the date the guest will be on the show and/or the deadline for questions for it in the title and/or description.
ondafritz said:
Miah said:
P.S. You might want to change the name from "The Question Bank" to something like "Questions For Upcoming Guests" to help get people in here. "The Question Bank" doesn't tell much.

Duly noted. And you did suggest this forum before I thought of bringing it up with Gene. I did not see your post but great minds think alike.
Thank you.

It's been suggested by others, but ignored seemingly. Until now at least.
Paranormal Packrat said:
ondafritz said:
Miah said:
P.S. You might want to change the name from "The Question Bank" to something like "Questions For Upcoming Guests" to help get people in here. "The Question Bank" doesn't tell much.

Duly noted. And you did suggest this forum before I thought of bringing it up with Gene. I did not see your post but great minds think alike.
Thank you.

It's been suggested by others, but ignored seemingly. Until now at least.

Sometimes one just needs the time to think before things come together :D
How do I give a donation?
I've listened to every show that's up on the podcasts in the last six months. I drive a truck for a living across Canada and could not live without you guys and the amazing guests you manage to get, minus Greer of course , he makes everything sound like B. S. Anyways thought I could at least help out financial you guys sooo deserve that.
Thanks ease let me know can't seem to find where?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Everytime I try to post my question to Robert Sheaffer, it does not work. It says server error. Any idea why this happens?
I don't see why it would. In any case, the show is in already recorded, so no more questions will occur. If something prevented you from posting, it would be all over the forum, not just in one place. If something like this happens again, do let me know so we can look into it.
Everytime I try to post my question to Robert Sheaffer, it does not work. It says server error. Any idea why this happens?
Clear your cache and/or if you're using Safari, or an older version of MSIE, or a scaled down portable browser ( like on a phone or tablet ) try using a full featured browser or a different browser altogether ( e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox ). We've found that on the iPad, we need 3 different browsers because some sites just don't work on the one that comes with it. One called Puffin has been working very well.
Thanks Ufology
I tried Mozilla, but still showed the error. Cleared my cache, and nothing.
Oh well, I just was not supposed to do it...
It has been recorded already. I will question him after. hehehe
By the way, I checked our server log for the time you tried to post your messages, and found some obscure error messages that I've sent on to the publishers of our forum software to see what's up.

I hope it's just a momentary glitch, since it didn't repeat itself after those few attempts.