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UFO in Nanjing (vid clip)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mindsky
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Thought this vid would interest folks here.

Looked like a slightly modified blimp to me. The end is neat though.

Can anyone translate the language to English?
It's a hoax.

No wait, it's real.

No wait, it's a hoax.

Oh, I dunno. Looks CGI, to me.

Sorry. There does appear to be a competition to see who can produce the most convincing UFO video. I find them interesting, but at the end of the day, how do you tell a 'genuine' photo/video from a 'fake' one.

Until some UFO's are officially acknowledged as 'ET craft' and until the general public know what an 'ET craft' looks like, then I say that, unless you have had first hand contact with ETs and their craft, you're only option is to assume that ALL videos and photos of UFOs are fake.
Oh, I don't care if it's a hoax or not. Either way I woulda posted it. Just like I did a mockery of the Wedding Cake ship. It's all worth looking at I think. Helps to show what all can be done. Plus I am curious as to how they did the end part. I thought David might have some ideas.
Mindsky said:
Oh, I don't care if it's a hoax or not. Either way I woulda posted it.

Sure, I entirely agree with you. Yes, I find UFO pictures and videos interesting.

But, there's something bothering me about the whole area of photo/video evidence - I just need to sort my thougts out and put them into a coherent concept.

I'll come back when I've straightened my head out.
Citizen vids have no weight these days since anything can be faked just about. Unless, radar or multiple independent witnesses are involved.

I'm dying to see an abduction caught on tape. I been trying for years to find a repeated abductee to stake out near. An abduction vid would be hard to fake. One of the reasons we never see any, heh.
Mindsky said:
Citizen vids have no weight these days since anything can be faked just about.

Well, that is one of the 'issues' that has bothered me for a long time - the 'credibility' of the source.

If NASA had released the very video that you linked at the top of thread and categorically stated that the 'object' was indeed an ET craft, everyone would accept that explanation. In a way, organisations like NASA maintain what is an acceptable 'consensual' reality.

Until officially sponsored organisations, with a large degree of credibility with the general public, admit that some of these sitings are indeed ET craft then that explanation remains firmly outside what is accepted as 'rational'. In effect, the 'reality' that we perceive as a society is directly defined by the institutions at the core of our educational and news media structures.

How many times have we heard pseudo-skeptics and debunkers looking for 'rational' explanations for UFO sitings? If we truly are being visited by ET craft and that is proven beyond all reasonable doubt to the general public (which I believe could be proven today if 'those in control' would allow it), then at that point, ET craft becomes part of the 'rational' explanations. The concept of 'ET craft visiting the Earth' would finally be part of the 'consensual' reality.

The way you perceive reality is established early on in your childhood. For example, if your parents bring you up to believe in and to worship a god, then that becomes your reality. It's almost impossible to consider the alternative - in affect you've been conditioned to believe in something and never to question the rationality around that belief. You then pass the same beliefs down to your children and cycle begins again. Personally, I think that if this process ever broke down then organised religion would disappear within 2 or 3 generations.

Anyway, I think similar processes are at work to keep the 'lid' on the whole UFO debate - except this time the 'reality' is defined by the educational institutions and the news media organisations. By keeping the idea of ET on the outside of what is 'rational' ensures that when 'genuine' cases are investigated, any findings that may point to ET involvement are generally ignored by the general public. It is literally outside their defined 'reality'.

So if NASA say they landed on the moon and have the video to prove it then we all buy into that - no further 'proof' is required. But, if John Doe has a video of an 'ET craft', then most of us will scream 'fake' while some of us may say 'that is interesting, I hope it's genuine'.

Finally, I think the important point is that, in end it does not matter whether the video is 'genuine' or 'fake' - what does matter is the perceived credibility of the source and the extent to which the person viewing the video has been conditioned to accept/reject the idea of 'ET craft visiting the Earth'. And even then, because a UFO siting is a transient event, it's very difficult to investigate in any meaningful way - the best you can hope for are corroborating witnesses and even then, their credibility can be undermined...


I'm still not happy that I have got my entire point across, but there you go - hope some of it made sense...
Ha ha, brilliant. Well spotted Rick. I dunno if you noticed, but there's a couple of others there too.

Shock, horror, it must be a CIA cover up/disinformation exercise.

Or maybe it's just some dudes having fun with their new Tesla cars. They definitely out perform Frost's AVRO car from the late 1950s. That was just a glorified lawnmower.

If the Tesla salesman is reading this. I wanna buy one of those. I mean it, I really wanna buy one of those.

How about the Moller 'Skycar'?

Website Link

Video Link

How about your own flying saucer?

Website Link


While we're on the subject of UFO videos have you ever seen the Travis pop video 'Side'?

Video Link

I recommend that you download it and play it 'full screen' on your favourite media player to fully appreciate the job they did on the 'UFO' clips.

When I first saw it, I assumed that some of the UFO video clips were 'real' - but now, even though I never found out for sure, I'm assuming that they were created especially for the pop video...

...BTW, I'm not referring to the end sequence 'ship' which is obviously fake.


This ones new to me - a video supposedly taken shortly after the Roswell crash:

Video Link

Is this one real?


While I was searching google video for other UFO stuff, I came across something very disturbing - to see one of the most disturbing 'ET' videos on google video, type 'el nino extraterrestre' into the search - I'm not posting the direct link because I'm not sure what 'it' is we're being shown. The text, which appears to be Mexican (Spanish?) suggests that what is being shown is an extra-terrestrial baby - all I can say is that I found it disturbing and I won't be watching that particular video again!

If you're brave enough, take a look - is that video a fake or are we being shown a badly disfigured human infant child? Morbid curiousity really is a shameful human instinct, don't you think?
Hi Rick

When I said "brilliant" I meant it. Slow down, take a deep breath and think about it. The flying cars are not causing a problem for the witnesses. They are something familiar. Something that can be put into context. Listening to the conversations you can hear the disappointment when they leave ("Ah, they're goin' away"). These are not UFOs, they're IFOs (Identifiable Flying Objects).

What it all means is a different matter. Somebody, somewhere has figured out what Tesla was doing. He/she has had the good sense to stick it in a car, not a silvery disk. Westinghouse has withheld this information since 1902. There have been two world wars that weren't necessary. We have been burning fossil fuels for a century (wasn't necessary). We have heated up our planet (wasn't necessary). I can go on, and on.

When Google satellite picked up the first flying car in Australia

Flying car captured on Google Earth

nothing much was made of it. However, now that the intrepid Aussie is flying his/her cars up and down the freeway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas it becomes a different matter. I expect that the Aussie has taken care to not infringe upon any of the guidlines set out by NASA concerning the Highway Code for flying cars (yup, it exists, check it out for yourself). It also appears that our Aussie friend is flying his/her cars in areas of California (near the coast) and Mexico (even if the video has been taken by a German).

I suppose he/she will be prosecuted by the FAA for flying cars that have not received their certificate of air worthiness (a neat get out of jail card because nobody at the patent office will accept the application). Y'know, Albert Einstein was a patent clerk. I wonder whether he would have accepted Tesla's work.

I'm a pacifist at heart. However, I will forgive any crowd that gathers at the home of the Chief Executive Officers of the Westinghouse Corporation and burns them alive (for the worst ever recorded crimes against humanity). I will not forgive the crowd for causing any harm whatsoever to any of their families.

I dunno what to say, Woody.

Your response caught me totally off guard - are you "pulling my chain" or what?

The flying cars videos are some sort of 'viral' marketing campaign or possibly just some CGI whizzkids having fun - but IMO, they are totally fabricated.

Hovering cars, eh? Are you aware that there is a company who manufacture radio-controlled, inflatable, life-size 'flying/floating' cars? One was demonstrated on the TV program "Top Gear", here in the UK, about six months ago. They flew it around the TV studio and it looked totally convincing as a 'hovering' car - even close up.

Video Link to Top Gear Flying Car


How about a flying lawnmower?

This one IS genuine - well it's a 'lawnmower shaped' radio-controlled aircraft...

...but if someone can get this sort of thing into the air, what else can they do?

Video evidence is no longer acceptable for anything (given the ease with which it can be fabricated), unless you have about a half a dozen or more live witnesses with no hidden agendas. Pretty hard set of circumstances to come by these days.

The chinese UFO footage is weird, but that ending looks positively fake, IMO. I'll be taking a closer look at it, but I suspect it's fabricated.

That "nino extraerrestre" is a deformed human child. Morbid curiousity is a core aspect of the human psyche, and there's nothing to be done about that. We're animals, we eat, defecate, breath, and ultimately die. ANYTHING to do with death is interesting to us, it's hardwired into our brains, the part that also holds fear, dark sexual desire and a bunch of other stuff that we're genuinely less than comfortable facing on a daily basis.

The flying cars are mediocre CG, THERE ARE NO FLYING CARS, and the google earth "flying car" is an optical illusion.

You all wanna see a weird, unexplained UFO video? Here:

Now THAT'S one hell of a faked video if it's not real, but I suspect it's genuine. of course, i always reserve the right to be wrong.

David Biedny said:
That "nino extraerrestre" is a deformed human child.

Yeah, that was my impression (not knowing anything else about it).

David Biedny said:
You all wanna see a weird, unexplained UFO video? Here:

Now THAT'S one hell of a faked video if it's not real, but I suspect it's genuine. of course, i always reserve the right to be wrong.

Yeah, I've got the whole documentary somewhere on VHS - it's called "The Secret KGB UFO Files" (or something close to that) and is hosted by Roger Moore.

IMDB Link to The Secret KGB UFO Files

The whole documentary has supposedly been 'debunked' several times - but, like I've been saying, it really doesn't matter whether these videos are real or fake - in the end, you make your own mind up about the possibility that some UFOs are ET craft.

I think the most credible evidence in the public domain are de-classified witness statements/reports from military personel and civilian pilots - but then how does each and every one of us verify the validity of those documents? There's still an element of 'faith' attached to the UFO reality.
Rick Deckard said:
I dunno what to say, Woody.

There's no need to say anything. I was suckered. ::)

The videos seemed a natural progression from the satellite image. Ah well, nobody's perfect.

Rick Deckard said:
How about a flying lawnmower?

The 'Cotton Eye Joe' soundtrack is wonderful. I can't figure out the aerodynamics that allows the lawnmower to loop the loop. I do like the video though.

I read somewhere that that floating car in Australia on google earth was just a black car that just happens to be parked next to the white one. Take a look at other black cars in the area. They could be shadows for a car too if they were in the right spot. So yeah, optical illusion as David Biedny says

I hadn't seen this vid before: That is quite something. As always, its too bad they couldn't get closer for a better look...
Woody Sideman said:
The 'Cotton Eye Joe' soundtrack is wonderful. I can't figure out the aerodynamics that allows the lawnmower to loop the loop. I do like the video though.

You can buy this stuff from FlyingThingZ:

Link to FlyingThingZ

Other stuff includes 'Dog House', 'Indy Car', 'Witch on a Broomstick' and 'Tank'. Clever stuff.

Check out the Flying Indycar Race Video

If you saw these things from a distance, what would you make of it?
I think the following video is genuine - it's not a UFO as such but does show 'something' exploding in the night sky.

Watch the large bright object that the cameraman says is probably 'Venus', not the feint object 'above left' - I found it interesting to watch regardless of what it was.
David Biedny said:
You all wanna see a weird, unexplained UFO video? Here:

Now THAT'S one hell of a faked video if it's not real, but I suspect it's genuine. of course, i always reserve the right to be wrong.

This one also listed on the same page (and from the same show) looks interesting.
It's interesting to note that a shadow can be seen on the cloud in the vid Raccoon linked.