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the dover demon

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Paranormal Adept
I head about a strange creature soon out east called the dover demon with orange or green eyes. Has the creature ever been proved to be a hoax or myth? Any info on this odd creature would be most welcome!
I head about a strange creature soon out east called the dover demon with orange or green eyes. Has the creature ever been proved to be a hoax or myth? Any info on this odd creature would be most welcome!

There's a post on Cryptomundo dated Oct. 10th, 2007 (sorry I can't post the link) which basically reprints a newspaper article about the creature 29 years after the fact. I've heard Loren Coleman say before that one of the primary witnesses, Bartlett, regrets ever coming forward and is very reluctant to speak about the incident. Coleman investigated this incident and found the witnesses to be credible. I won't discount the idea of a baby moose, but Coleman argues that besides being extremely rare in that area, a baby moose at that time of year would be too small. It would be nice to know opinions from someone like a game warden on whether or not the baby moose theory is plausible based on the foaling season. Anyways, cases like this, the Loveland Frog and the Flatwoods Monster have always fascinated me for their high strangeness and extremely limited occurrence.