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Shadows Moving...

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Paranormal Novice
Alright, last night I was trying to fall asleep. I have this technique that I do when I can't get to sleep to try and help. What I do is close my eyes and breathe deeply and relax everything, almost like I'm getting ready to astral project (if anybody's familiar with that term) but then I opened my eyes, still in this DEEP relaxed state to see all sorts of shadows and small flickering orbs moving around my room. I got so freaked out that I pulled the sheets over my head and ran into my bathroom and slept in there with the night light on...
I'm experienced with meditation and self-hypnosis, but I've never had that happen. Very interesting indeed. I wonder if the experience could be replicated.
Alright, last night I was trying to fall asleep. I have this technique that I do when I can't get to sleep to try and help. What I do is close my eyes and breathe deeply and relax everything, almost like I'm getting ready to astral project (if anybody's familiar with that term) but then I opened my eyes, still in this DEEP relaxed state to see all sorts of shadows and small flickering orbs moving around my room. I got so freaked out that I pulled the sheets over my head and ran into my bathroom and slept in there with the night light on...

This is nothing to worry about. It's as if there is another level of reality revealed or overlaid onto the normal but none of those "things" touch you. They are purely visual.
it may be an optical illusion, i used to work in the "bowels" of a very old stone building where there was no natural light, if you turned the electric light off the dark was total, and i found that if i stood there in the dark, it would seem like shadows detached themselves from the blackness and began to move around the room, ive had the same thing happen in caves.
it may be a sensory dep thing where the brain creates objects in a situation where it has no references anymore.