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Shadow's chasing animals?

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Well the other day I was thinking about sharing this well anyway while strolling down a street in my area a rain clouds were forming which later we heavy down pour. I saw a large ginger cat running down a street the strange thing was a shadow shape with wings was chasing this cat. Now it was heavy cloud cover and could not see anything above this was low on the ground.
Maybe the cat tried to make a meal out of some large bird that turned out to put up too much of a fight? Defensive birds often tend to chase the attacker when it's given up.
Yep that's what I thought some large bird but this was only a shadow chasing near the ground very strange and my first impression was could there be a natural chemical in some creatures that cloak the feathers or skin?
Maybe the cat tried to make a meal out of some large bird that turned out to put up too much of a fight? Defensive birds often tend to chase the attacker when it's given up.

I'd think the same thing, if clouds were forming and there was still some light at the time then it could have been some interplay with shadows and light. I've seen some pretty interesting distorted optical effects when the weather was unsettled and there's a lot of cloud & light but if the cat was runnning, being harassed, and not just stalked then the winged predator should have been pretty low which means it seems it would have been more solid instead of just a shadow