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No no no. Only non Christian funda*mental*ist go to hell. Dinosaurs never existed, so they go no where. The fossils were put here to test our faith /snicker.
Jehovah Witness. what a bunch of loons.
i have converted a few back to reality. they used to knock on my door when i was laid off. they gave all this "the Lion shalll lie with the Lamb" garbage.. imagine a Lion with 4 inch fangs living off of grass and fruit.

i showed them my extensive fossil collection and they said they were mearly rock formations.
pixelsmith said:
Jehovah Witness. what a bunch of loons.
i have converted a few back to reality. they used to knock on my door when i was laid off. they gave all this "the Lion shalll lie with the Lamb" garbage.. imagine a Lion with 4 inch fangs living off of grass and fruit.

i showed them my extensive fossil collection and they said they were mearly rock formations.

Is this tiger orthodox Jewish or a Jehovah's Witness? Beats me. But since she doesn't have a bullseye painted on her forehead, I'm guessing JW.


thanks for sharing the photo! maybe those JWs will stay the heck away from my door now! their work is done.
well according to Christians the earth is only around 6000 years old and dinosaurs walked the earth around 3000 - 4000 years ago

theres this university in America called "liberty university" that allegedly has dinosaur fossils showcased with a little sign saying their 3000 years old

a religion like this is followed by over 1 BILLION people *sigh*
faith in humanity -1000
pixelsmith said:
Jehovah Witness. what a bunch of loons.
i have converted a few back to reality. they used to knock on my door when i was laid off. they gave all this "the Lion shalll lie with the Lamb" garbage.. imagine a Lion with 4 inch fangs living off of grass and fruit.

i showed them my extensive fossil collection and they said they were mearly rock formations.

Ah, Jehovah witnesses came to mind, but wasn't sure on their typical views on fossils. I've dealt with many at my doors, but usually I just recommend reading back to them. One person asked me where my god was on the day of 9/11. I told them, holding the building up so many people could get out, as short of a joke, but it seemed to stump them no less.

A few years back I heard Prince was running around doing the door to door thing for JWs. That would be interesting to see.
yes.. it is sad. that is why the world is in the state it is. because of religion. the basis of religion is good. the interpretation of it is deadly. it is sad to say that more people are killed in the name of religion than all known natural disasters combined.

the world would be better off without religion.
Mogwa said:
Is this tiger orthodox Jewish or a Jehovah's Witness? Beats me. But since she doesn't have a bullseye painted on her forehead, I'm guessing JW.

Theoretically she could also be muslim.
lets not forget the wonderful "creation museum" somewhere in the usa dunno where exactly


YES that is a child with a baby trex in the background happily living together in peace as god wanted it


anyone wanna ride some triceratops?

HOW can people be this STUPID??

it genuinely frightens me
Rick Deckard said:
Religion is the work of the Devil. :p

One of my favorite quotes I learned from a reference to it in the Conversations With God books by Neale Donald Walsh (Good guest to have on btw) is, "God please save me from your followers".
CapnG said:
Theoretically she could also be muslim.

My bets are on buddhist, or agnostic.

Whats funny is religion is such a bad pill, it's one of the things we all seem to agree upon here, yet the world at large doesn't.
thee only "god" anyone needs is the planet itself. mother nature is greater than a mere "god" from ANY religion.
pixelsmith said:
thee only "god" anyone needs is the planet itself. mother nature is greater than a mere "god" from ANY religion.

I have no problem with the God often encountered in NDES. Well, besides giving me the bad luck I've had in life:) I kid, kinda. I've had some ghostly encounters that has basically proved there is more to existence than mainstream science wants to think is real, so I don't have much problems with ideas of soul and a non dogmatic God. It's dogma not spirituality that does the harm that I see. A godless and souless accidental universe is one I have a hard time living in. Makes things seem so meaningless. But having said that, nature worship is one aspect of certain religions like Wicca that I respect. The only religion that comes to mind in which I don't trash :)