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Probability manipulation

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I am far to tired to go into all these replies tonight. It is enough to say that, as a whole, there are basic things we all consider as being not at all beneficial. Do not commit murder stands out, for example. Rape is another. Most of the worlds mainstream religious principles are the same, stated maybe just a little differently.
There are a lot of replies I would like to comment on but given the hellish migraine headache I have, and that it is neigh 12am, I must retire 4 the night and do my thinking on the morrow.
No. I don't think mind control is the best answer to ending the strife and avarice of the human race, but it would effectively put an end to woes. There would be no need for police because there would be no crime. MUCH more 2morrow when I am rested and able to think past splitting pain.

In all of my experiments instilling specific emotions in others through thought resonation, there has been absolutly zero resistance. Simply, they thought the emotion they were feeling was of their own creation. <they were="" not="" aware="" of="" resonation="" going="" on="" in="" the="" first="" place=""></they>

Attemting to use telepathy to cajole people into better behaviour is one thing.

But your method here relies on your deception and their ignorance; if what you say is possible really is possible then I'd say that your suggested course of action should be considered illegal. What's so GOOD about this technique? Are you saying we should help people to be good (in your chosen ways) by behaving badly?
Attemting to use telepathy to cajole people into better behaviour is one thing.

But your method here relies on your deception and their ignorance; if what you say is possible really is possible then I'd say that your suggested course of action should be considered illegal. What's so GOOD about this technique? Are you saying we should help people to be good (in your chosen ways) by behaving badly?

I for one am very leery of anyone who says they have the answers to the problems of the world no matter how well intentioned they are. Anyone here remember Hitler?

Edited to note: I am not comparing Wynn to Hitler, but there have been a lot of very nasty people who said they had the answer to the world's problems and ended up causing even more havoc. Hitler, Manson, Sai Baba, Nixon and Koresh are all figures that come to mind, but the list could go on infinitely.
My context of "Heel" went completely over your heads. When a dog is pulling on its leash and not obeying you tell it to "Heel".
Let's define "Right", and "Wrong" in as few words as possible and see if it can be agreed upon as at least feasibly close to a viable definition as one can get. Let's say that to do what is right is merely an action which you are CERTAIN will result in your benefit, and add to your prosperity without harming another person nor impeding upon their own prosperity. Lets define that which is "Wrong" as an action which you are either uncertain of it's benefit or DO know that it will be destructive to your own prosperity or the health and (or) prosperity of another.
This doesn't sound like to bad of a definition, except that it leaves a very large number of people. Those who are unable to prosper on their own. The very old, the disabled, and the very young. If the rest of the world is concerned only with actions which will benefit them without harming or impeding another, the less fortunate are utterly neglected, but is it necessarily one persons responsibility to provide for the needs of a person who is not able to? That is called charity. Charity is a noble and compassionate an act, but no-one is actually OBLIGATED to help people. There are just those which do.
Here's the problem with mind control using this definition of right and wrong. There would be no acts of compassion because, to everyone, to do what is right would merely be to prosper without harming another.
I don't think controlling the minds of the worlds population is the RIGHT thing to, but it would be a way to successfully put and end to the criminal element completely.
I posted this thread to gauge peoples opinions on mind control because, ultimately, it is what every government wets it's little political panties at the thought of, and you would be burying your head in the sand if you were to say the governments of the world are not actively researching technology which will bring such things to reality.
There is more to be said on the subject of probability manipulation, such as maybe my definition of what it IS 4 one, which I have, as yet, made only vague referenced 2. One person wants me to provide my research on the phenomena, how I performed my research, and even to give examples of my experiments. This will not be easy 4 me to do for one reason. In providing my research, providing my methods of research, and even giving examples, I could inadvertently provide one or more of the needed steps involved with conscious, intentional manipulation of probabilities <reality>. There are already enough people doing this sort of thing, and not all of them are as benevolent as I.:)
I think we are all going to the movies now, so I will have to reply to these other posts later 2nite or 2morrow morning.:frown:
Again, though I think it to be the only way to successfully end mans atrocities against man, I don't think mind control is ethical, or acceptable, though there are those who do.

I got it just fine. But I think there is a huge difference between letting goodwill flow into the quantum continuum in the hopes that it will have a positive effect on people allowing them to become better human beings and trying to control people.
By making humanity HEEL as you put it (assuming it works), you give them no opportunity to evolve on their own. They simply become pets and once your control is gone, the whiplash effect created will cause even the good that you did do to disappear.
If the world is going to change, people will change it because they want it to change.
To recognize the good there must be bad? I have to say that is an over-used, misunderstood, and out of context psycho babel catch phrase. There is not a balance of "Good" guys and "bad" guys out there. So far as I can tell, the majority of people are just trying to live their lives, prosper, ad raise a family, while a minority of people are trying to take by force what they can't get through honest means. A There is not a balance of criminals to non-criminals. We all have the capacity to do something horrid to another person, but a majority of people don't cultivate those base elements.
Perhaps, if the world doesn't make changes, there will be a shift in things, and the bad guys will become the majority. That would suck.

To recognize the good there must be bad? I have to say that is an over-used, misunderstood, and out of context psycho babel catch phrase. There is not a balance of "Good" guys and "bad" guys out there. So far as I can tell, the majority of people are just trying to live their lives, prosper, ad raise a family, while a minority of people are trying to take by force what they can't get through honest means. A There is not a balance of criminals to non-criminals. We all have the capacity to do something horrid to another person, but a majority of people don't cultivate those base elements.
Perhaps, if the world doesn't make changes, there will be a shift in things, and the bad guys will become the majority. That would suck.

Yes, to recognize good, there must be something that is, by definition, not good. It's not psycho babble. It's the reality of humankind. It's the perception of the human that makes it "good."

As far as your original premise; you've not supported it. You've not answered questions about your "experiments." Therefore I will beg your leave of this thread. Good day.
First, let me thank you for not 1st ASSuming that I've been, at all, been posting this stuff in any way as some proclamation of being "The One". you have NO idea how many people have, so far, just presumed I would be some one who would want to take on such a vastly ALL encompassing responsibility as to lead humanity towards such a thing as unified thought. HAIL no! <grin> 2nd. It is good to see another person that realizes something should be done. No let me address your thoughts on a "Backlash", and the possible removal of any individual evolution.
You are correct. In the beginning of such a thing as, to use other words than "Heel", bringing the world populous into "Check", there would be no room for any other moral choices than the ones that are PUT into their collective brains. This would continue until, at a wisely determined time <when elements="" greed="" avarice="" have,="" through="" the="" passing="" of="" time,="" diminished="" and="" no-longer="" exist="" as="" any="" individual="" resonation=""> At that point, every human being would no-longer have within their nature the first thought of destructive activity what so ever. What they think, because they do not KNOW it is not their own would, in fact, BECOME their own resonative emenation, and guidance could theoretically be released. They would continue on said course. Though enlightened through force, now FREE in their state, and WITHOUT any destructive elements, each would see the greater GOOD in this all encompassing resonation and BEGIN to recognize that they are doing good all on their own. (Having not known they were being forced into a thought pattern, they would only SLOWLY awaken to the fact that it's not there any longer, and the good that they have been doing for, say, a hundred years since the control was dropped has been their own) Does this make sense? A majority of this, save for actual resonative science and probability bending has been purely theoretical, which is the VERY reason I started this thread. (To see if there are others who are researching a way to bring about such a change that would forcibly PULL humanity from it's muck)
I am about to post the definitions of resonative manipulation and probability manipulation, and give my theories on why neither of these methods would be successful in putting mankind into check.
Thank you very much. I appreciate a mind that can ANALYZE before IMMEDIATELY assuming. Your post shows me that you are on the path of wisdom.
You have to spoon feed a child before they learn how do do it on their own...and they will STILL make a mess at first...it's the same with right and wrong as humans go.
You are, if I may quote you "by definition", WRONG. I don't need a punch in the eye to recognize that a kiss on the cheek is good! That's just bs. You are mixing physics with philosophy. "For light to exist there must be darkness". Some say that darkness existed just FINE before light. It was Dark, and you could TELL it was dark WITHOUT light there because...well...IT WAS DARK!!! perhaps your "Good and evil must both exits" is a misguided attempt to say "Creation and destruction both exist", for as there are stars being formed, there are also stars going super-novae and destroying everything around them?
I've not put anything down as pertaining to the phenomena of probabilty manipulation or resonative science because it's not necessarily relevant when the entire thread is asking "Should the minds of the world be controlled. HOW becomes irrelevant at that point doesn't it?
Be that as it may...good day then.

If there exists, a person who not only knew the difference between "Right" and "Wrong", but they knew the BEST "Right" way to treat each other, I would GLADLY allow them to steer me in the right direction for a while, just until I got used to the controls, I mean, you have to spoon feed a baby before they learn how to do it on their own right? And even then they still make a mess to start with, but they DO get it right eventually. We are in DIRE need of spoon feeding as a race I think. Maybe after about a hundred years of spoon feeding we will be able to handle things on our own, but right now we're just having a food fight.
Control the steering wheel for a while til we can steady ourselves is as best a metaphor as I can come up with besides the spoon feeding a baby til it gets a clue. Training wheels? CHEAT Codes??????:D I've GOT to get to writing down the science of resonation and theory of probability manipulation before some one on here viruses this laptop out of spite though....ty for your input though.
Probability manipulation 101
Probability manipulation is the use of the mind to cause a highly improbable event to become not only probable, but to manifest and become reality, be it an event effecting one or more person(s), or effecting ONE persons choice in ONE situation.
Like, for example, causing an event in which a city bus is put out of service and all of the crabby, rude, greedy, OUT of "Christmas spirit" people ON the bus are made to exit the bus and WAIT an hour for the next bus to arrive.
The example given above is one of many, but stands out as one of my "Karma" works in probability that I still smile over today gleefully. The example given is also an example of the SECOND form of probability manipulation, which is INTENTIONAL probability bending. There are few who are doing this.
Now let me give an example of INVOLUNTARY, which is to say REFLEXIVE probability manipulation.
You go to your brother in law to retrieve your daughters, of whom he and his wife were watching for a few days as you had to handle your alcoholic wife, his sister for those whod don't follow the whole family tree thing.:D Upon getting there, the bastidge tells you he is filing for custody of the gifts the gods have given YOU, and slams the door in your face. You panic, freak, and drive off wondering WTF to do. You see a cop car in a Sheri's resteraunt and think, "I'll go in there and as that cop what the hell I'm supposed to do!"....You do. You walk up to the four cops <there were 2 cars...didn't see the other one at first>...and you blurt out, "My daughters are being held at my wifes brothers and he won't give them back, and he's filing for custody, can you please tell me what to do!!!???" The older of all four cops says:
"I happen to be the officer in charge of custody cases. Go to the court house RIGHT NOW and put a restraining order against Rick Dishner and Cindy Dishner...blah blah" <You get the idea> I saw it then. What were the odds in probability of me running in to the VERY person I needed to talk to about the very situation I was in.
This is a Crisis probability manipulation, and this is the kind that happens to ALL those who manipulate probability, though in the panic state they are in, they can sometimes not listen to intuition. <Had I not listened and driven on frenzied?> Just the cop I needed to talk to. Coincidence? Just hold on b4 saying that. I went and collected my wife, who had been sober for over two weeks <I thought she was done @the time...turns out she was just taking a month break but let me continue>, took her and myself to the court house. COINCIDENTALLY, after filling out the restraining order, we were assigned a judge, who before we got to see him, ended up going to the hospital with a heart attack. We went b4 a stand in judge. He COINCIDENTALLY happened to be the judge that married me and my lush of a wife, and he signed yes on every square I requested on the restraining order. We had my little princess' back that day.
A Crisis situation puts our brain in overload. At that point, for those who are able to manipulate reality <Probability>, the subconscious part of our brain takes over, and in the middle of a crisis unfolding, an event aligns itself and comes about <Coincidentally> at the same time as the crisis, not only disolving the crisis, but the entire situation ends up benefiting the person.
Probability bending is RIPE with "Coincidence". There hasn't been a single time when I haven't consciously manipulated probability WITHOUT a VASTLY improbable amount of "Coincidence".
So there you have the first kind of manipulation of future probabilities. On to the second kind? Or should I list more examples of crisis manipulation? Or should I sign off, get my shoes on and go by more carcinogens for my lungs, and drink a beer, bending probabilities on any cops driving by as I do? Beer and smokes!!! I'll be back with the second, most IMPORTANT form of probability manipulation, that of INTENTIONALLY bending reality to thy will.;)

Do you HELP a child go from spoon feeding to feeding themselves or just let them sit there flail, cry hungrily and wonder, or, later on, do you help them take the step from a tricycle to a bicycle....or maybe IF you get to THAT point <in our="" case="">, do you help with their HOMEWORK? How many parents even look at the text books of their children, much less help them with their homework? How many parents show their child what is honorable, Just, noble, and TRUE when they themselves have no clue at all of what is being taught on these things, or for that matter, if what THEY know as true, right and noble is indeed TRUE...or what is BEING taught is what SHOULD be taught?
I think Mankind either needs SPANKED, or the "Spoon" needs be TAKEN from them and they be fed FORCEFULLY until they get a clue on what they SHOULD be doing instead of what they WANT to do. The wheel NEEDS to be taken OUT of mans hands, and put into the hands of......YES...a man OR woman who DOES know the correct direction, WHERE to go, WHAT is right, what is WRONG, and what the HELL is best for us ALL, because obviously we have let religious differences and political AMBITIONS get in the way of the SIMPLE truth of SEEING what is RIGHT, so that we might SEE what is JUST, and hold ON to that which we have found TRUE!!!
DO what is Right, SEEK what is Just, Hold to what is TRUE!"
Reality for you is different than for me?
Under water we BOTH would die!!!!"
HOW different can our realities be?
I'm NOT Hitler here in saying we NEED a GUIDING hand on the wheel!!! Mind control by our government(s) OBVIOUSLY won't Do it, but PLATO would!!! Socrates?....Where are THOSE ancient souls?
Well, I'll tell you where they are now. They are here, as is Aristotle, and going WAY back, even Thor, and the one so badly refered to as "The Adversary". <the enemy="">...Ok, I won't go so far as enlightening you to that part, but I will tell you that Aristotle, Socrates, AND Plato have BEEN reincarnated, TRIED turning things around, and the world didn't only "g'phaw" at them, they dismissed everything. Einstein was one of them...can you take a pretell guess as to which philosophic master was reincarnated as HIM? Damn. That's the next Thread post topic isn't it?
I will tell you in this one....
....to r'leh with THAT!!!...not tonite.

INTENTIONAL Probability manipulation

You have TWO examples of probability manipulation. What you don't know is that I have given you one of UN-intentional and one of Intentional manipulation. So what's the difference?
You would think that manipulation is manipulation, but it is not so. here is the difference between the two. In the first example:
I was on a bus, which was very hard to board because everyone was pushing, crowding andtrying to get their own seat, not caring about the elderly, or those with many packages, as in the example I said it was Christmas Eve, and the whole experience was sucking to great SUCK!!! I managed to get on the bus, scrunched between a hot milf and a teenage hottie chick...heh heh...Coinkidink...and started listening to the rude comments of people, and MOSTLY the gang bang bs of a wanna be "Tough guy" intimidating a little girl and boy about how he was going to TAKE their cute little Rottweiler puppy from them by following them when they got off. Needless to say, I was wroth. The rudeness of everyone, the shoving, the crowding, all the NOT Christmas energy, I wanted OFF the bus when that gang banger A-hole got off, to follow those children. <blade at="" my="" hip="" to="" prove="" him="" wrong=""> The Crowding got worse, Ass-hat gang banger got worse and explicit with his words, as I wrote it all down in my journal. My last line before the event was, "I wonder what the probability of this bus stopping and EJECTING all these A-hole, rude, NOT deserving of this cummfy warmth people onto the sidewalk" before the bus SCREECHED to a halt at the next bus stop and ejected us all because a woman was having a medical emergency and the bus driver would have to make a long and arduous report. I INTENTIONALY wanted EVERY sour assed, mutherFu#ker OFF the Nice warmth of that bus and INTo the ICY cold of the night!!! And it was so. Coincidence. Just like the time b4 and the time Be4 and the time Before that. Yeah. Ok, and this is AFTER the "Chess set" episode.
Chess set episode:
Five months before the BUS episode of reality
manipulation, I had by far already shown my 2 friends Sean and Tina that manipulation of probability was real, But I wanted to SEAL it with "Just one more time".
Sean, boyfriend of Tina, of whom I was also in love with, wanted to play chess with me, Capricorn as he is, and I am too. <coincidence, nothing="" more="">:D We had no chess set on hand. I said, "Ok, <our convo="" was="" about="" prob="" manip=""> "here's the deal...I will play a game of chess with you when some one BRINGS a chess set to us!"
Sean HAD a chess set at his house that he could have brought to play on even the next day. I had money to BUY one, but I was OBSTINENT on proving BEYOND a doubt, which to both Tina AND Sean, was NO doubt in the first place but it as...DAMMIT!!! Just ONE MORE TIME TO BE SURE for ME!!!
Later, far after the fact, Tina was to say that it was HER doing. Sean had "no Comment". I was VERY particular, unbeknown to either of them, on what KIND of Chess set. Electronic. <so that="" i="" might="" play="" when="" sean="" or="" tina="" wasn="" t="" there.="">
What shows up no more than a few weeks later? A mutual friend of ours that we had not heard from in a few months with...an ELECTRONIC chess set. Coincidence. ok?....<sogh>...ok.
Another example????
I have a necklace that was my cousins grandmothers which my cousin gave me. Hanging one way it looks like a "Mystic Eye"...So I being the mystic that I am wired it and did hang it so.:cool: There it did hang for a long time, at least for those times when Tina didn't snag it off my neck for a while, and then I "Charm" it back. So...
....I left Tiona and Sean to Sojourn down to venice beach California. I had not been there in years. I was born there. I LOVE it there!!!! My HOME town!!! My MOM chose to live there!!! Ahem! heh. Anyways. I got off the bus at 9 at nite, bought my 40oz beer, and went to th3e boardwalk. I started drinking, and some guy who rode by slowly on his bike said, "hi Wynne" casual as if I had been there every day for years. Coincidence? ok. Long story short tho...
At the Venice beach drum circle, whilst Lightsabre dualing with a friend, my necklace is ripped off my neck and falls into the venice beach sand unbeknown to me. I, drunk as I was, don't notice it until I look into a mirror, disheveled and blurry eyed. Necklace gone!!!
I took a guess that it was lost lightsabre dulaing aka, ended up wrestling, the night b4, so I imediatly brick WALL..."A HOT Venice beach drum circle hottie will find it, I will SEE her, and she will not only offer it BACK to me but...<heh...the rest="" is="" not="" to="" be="" spoken="" of="">...I am wearing that necklace NOW.
Do you know the odds on ANYONE finding a pice of jewelry in the sand? Do you know the probability of the person finding that piece of jewelry just happening to "Run into you"? Do you know the odds on them GIVING you the piece of jewelry they found fair and square? That's a LOT of odds to come to odds with. Don't you find it all...ODD?:D
Elasfar Soveriegn
PS. Did I mention that, after waking up on the Venice beach boardwalk with no beer, and not wanting to spend the little money I had on hand, I wanted beer, and three hottie college girls walked by me and four other people asking if I..."I"..."ME"....wanted a hefty bag full of coors beer?
Next will be explaining the Science of Vibratory rate, and how resonation effects all of us in one way or another, and how it can not be used to "Bring the world to Heel".
Tonite, however, for the rest of the night, I am going to listen to a little more music, watch a movie or two, and then go to bed, but I will leave you with this.
Thought resonation only affects ones emotions and moods, not ones thoughts of ANYTHING. Sux for mind control then!:frown: DAMMIT!!!:mad:

INTENTIONAL Probability manipulation

It makes no difference to me if anyone believes that probability manipulation is real or not. Better that you don't as I see it. It's just to bad that I can't see a way to make it work on the whole of humanity rather than just one person, or a MASSIVE amount of people as, say, an earthquake would effect, being single manipulative event. <That is another experiment I would rather not speak of again>:o
I HAVE given some insight as to the "How" on Intentional probability manipulation, and I challenge you to point one of them out to me. <Read the thread from beginning to end to find the two points of importance>
I have come to the end of things tonite. Tomorrow nite I will explain the science of resonation, and why IT won't work at "Spoon feeding" humainity.
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