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Peckman's alleged video?

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I just watched the video and my head says that this is a joke. The alien, quite illuminated for being outside in the dark, pops up and down like a whack-a-mole game. It is constantly blinking. Perhaps relation to Bill Birnes. My impression is that this seems utterly wrong and made up somehow. I'm not even sure if there is something there in film or if it was put in after. It looks sort of cartoonish and maybe even video-gamish.

If aliens need to hide out, peeping inside of peoples windows to get whatever it is that they need, then they certainly aren't very advanced. There not even good peepers. If this is a leak of the actual video, then I'm not only terribly unimpressed (which I figured anyway), I'm embarrassed for even having an interest in this topic.
The Larry King segment seems to indicates that skeptics made the vid for under 100 bucks. At least that is whats on the "scroll" at the bottom when they show the full body video of the obvious puppet. I'm still not sure if skeptics made it, but watch the Larry King segment (I think it's posted in this thread) and let me know your thoughts.

Just cause most people are ugly, doesn't take away my interest from hot women. Just because there's a lot of crap in ufology, it doesn't take away my interest of the better cases. I blame the media for dealing with crap over the better stuff.
Raevenskye said:
i didn't know aliens had eyelids....or bifurcated skulls....

There's some reports with them blinking. Last one I recall reading had their bottom and top eyelids meet in the middle when blinking. Whatever you can think of, someone has claimed to have seen it basically.
TClaeys said:

I just watched the video and my head says that this is a joke.

Dear Tclaeys.
I have just forwarded the link with the quoted text from the youtube poster (that is not my text as I stated) without interpretation.

To be honest with you I have only watched video once and moved on to another story. For now I am more interested about social response to this whole saga and what kind of momentum will the story get from the general public.

As for the other things...time menagment is very important. After the Santilli fiasco critical aproach is advisible until proven otherwise.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Raevenskye said:
i didn't know aliens had eyelids....or bifurcated skulls....

There's some reports with them blinking. Last one I recall reading had their bottom and top eyelids meet in the middle when blinking. Whatever you can think of, someone has claimed to have seen it basically.

Travis Walton's account includes blinking.
Okay. This is a science and technology forum as well as a paranormal forum. The grammar and spelling mistakes didn't used to be that big a problem here, but now they are.

If you want me to read your post... and I DO want to read your post... Please spell it correctly.

IF you want to be lazy--or just not worry about it--use FireFox... it spell checks for you.

Or, rather, it gives you options to spell check. You may continue to misspell if you like.

That is all.
Paranormal Packrat said:
The Larry King segment seems to indicates that skeptics made the vid for under 100 bucks. At least that is whats on the "scroll" at the bottom when they show the full body video of the obvious puppet. I'm still not sure if skeptics made it, but watch the Larry King segment (I think it's posted in this thread) and let me know your thoughts.

Just cause most people are ugly, doesn't take away my interest from hot women. Just because there's a lot of crap in ufology, it doesn't take away my interest of the better cases. I blame the media for dealing with crap over the better stuff.

The press focuses on the crap because they are mandated to. The government controls the media, and vice-versa. The largest lobby and financiers of political campaigns are the companies that own the networks, and in exchange for unprecedented power to have just a few multinationals own all of the media, they must bow to the pressure to maintain the UFO blackout on the national level.

This is why the UFO newsclipping service gets lots of UFO stories every month (30 pages sent in by members), but almost* no stories make it to the national wire. There are whole rooms and floors in phone company buildings dedicated to the NSA (look it up if you don't believe me) to monitor phone calls, surely they can prevent coverage of certain material from being covered.

"You like your job? Kill that UFO sighting story. No, I don't care that you have video. Go work on Anna Nichole Smith some more."

Oh, and the Peckman video hasn't been released yet, all those Larry King videos are admitted hoaxes, at the time, made by the guy that was in the first segment. They're all based off of descriptions of the Peckman video.

*Back when Ted Turner still owned CNN, he threw off the mandate successfully several times, and used to show lots of great old UFO documentaries on his channels, specifically TNT late at night.

When it was sold, the only person that continued to cover UFO stories was Larry King. He's older than God, I guess they figure he can do what he likes, no one will believe him. Or maybe it's disinfo. Who knows. After the Aviary, on "UFO Cover-Up Live", anything's possible.
Must be real...

I examined Romanek's (the abductee, not the Denver initiative guy) web site, and there is some interesting information regarding his sleepwalking and writing down equations (some of them backward, viewable only with a mirror) even though he is dyslexic and only has fourth grade mathematics skills.


Lots of video on the site from M.I.T. physics p.H.D.s and so forth.

I found this little snippet of conversation on their forum:

Must be Real...
« on: June 07, 2008, 05:46:02 PM »

I have been waiting since hearing news about Romanek's experiences...waiting for what you ask? For a public statement that it was a hoax...guess what...there was no public statement...the story got buried, because they expected it to be a hoax too...i believe Stan's story is real, and this is the first REAL exposure that we have gotten publicly. We cannot ridicule this man, and we must be open to what is on these videos. Every day that passes that the media does not call Stan a Fraud is 10x the proof that it is real!

Lisa Romanek
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Posts: 40

Re: Must be Real...
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 06:15:58 PM »

YEAHHHH...... tigi.. I love it when people are smart and pay attention to what is going on. Than you for noticing it. If it were a haox, they would have chewed us up and spit us out. What impressed me the most tigi is that it was allowed on all of the Networks, and that the government did not stop it this time. When did you hear about the phoenix lights? the UFO's over the airport, the many many important events....after the fact, and only on obscure sites, not in the main stream media... to tell you the truth I am shocked by the response...


thanks for beleiving tigi;)

Interesting, anyway. Discuss.
uforadio said:
Now there is another version available on youtube. It is available here:


The poster has sent this description - I am quoting now:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iyUi_amu38

From: CilyPudi
Joined: 2 years ago
Videos: 46 Please login to subscribe.
Added: June 01, 2008 (More info)


The Romanek has now confirmed that the version above is a fake too. So the video has not leaked.
Source: http://www.stanromanek.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25bf87c274746b88d8405c21286c6566&topic=8.0