Agnostic Gnostic, walking conundrum & metaphysical oxymoron (with emphasis in the "moron" part), RPJ says that he lives a double life: By day he serves as Grand Master of the International Sacred Order of Lucha Libre, but at night he impatiently awaits for the return of the mothership in Mexico City as well as pursuing his life-long study of everything considered mysterious and/or "paranormal," a term he personally detests.
RPJ is also a gifted artist, and his work has been used in a variety of ways, such as book covers, and, of course, one of our cartoon caricatures for The Paracast.
His website is: absurdbydesign.com
Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.
Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, July 10th at 2:00 Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
July 14, 2024