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On the Show — Philip Mantle and Dr. Irena Scott

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Philip Mantle.pngPhilip Mantle is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from the UK. He was formerly the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and the MUFON Representative for England. He lives in Pontefract, West Yorkshire. He is the founder of Flying Disk Press, a publisher of a number of insightful and compelling books about UFOs and the paranormal.

Dr. Irena Scott received her PhD from the University of Missouri in physiology, did post-doctoral research at Cornell University, has been an Assistant Professor at St. Bonaventure University, and has done research and teaching at The Ohio State University, the University of Missouri, the University of Nevada, and at Battelle Memorial Institute. She worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Aerospace Centerin satellite photography, was a volunteer astronomer at the Ohio State University Radio Observatory and has taken flying lessons. Her publications include books, and works in scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, and she was a correspondent for Popular Mechanics magazine. She served on the MUFON Board of Directors (1993 to 2000), is a MUFON consultant in physiology and astronomy and a field investigator.

Dr Irena Scott x 4.pngDr. Scott co-edited eight symposium proceedings, has been a State Section Director for Ohio MUFON, was a founding member of the Mid-Ohio Research Associates (MORA) and its journal editor, and has published UFO material in books and journals (including scientific journals).

Beyond Reasonable Doubt — The Pascagoula Alien Abduction
By Philip Mantle and Irena McCammon Scott, PhD. Foreword by Calvin Parker

About the Book: The date was October 11th, 1973; the location was the Pascagoula River, Mississippi. Two shipyard workers Charles Hickson (age 42) and Calvin Parker (age 18) decided to go fishing on the river after work. Both anglers were not having much luck that night and they thought about calling it a night when something happened that would change their lives forever. A dazzling blue light from behind them illuminated the entire scene. Turning round both men watched in awe as a rugby ball-shaped object descended. A door opened and three bizarre looking humanoid entities glided out across the terrain to the two terrified onlookers. Both Parker & Hickson later that night made their way to their local Sheriff’s Department to tell them that they had been abducted by aliens. It wasn’t long before the story found its way into the media and the story went around the world. Charles Hickson readily told his story, but Calvin Parker wanted simply to be left alone. Hickson co-authored a book with William Mendez in 1983 and it wasn’t until 2018 that Calvin Parker finally told his story in full for the first time.

It was Calvin Parker’s book and subsequent publicity that made this case probably the best documented such event on record. It wasn’t necessarily what Calvin Parker related in his two books, but it is what happened when they were published. Much to everyone’s surprise, more and more first hand eyewitnesses began to step forward. A number of these witnesses reported seeing something a few days prior to the Parker/Hickson encounter and others a few days after. UFO sightings were made in and around Pascagoula, Mississippi and in neighbouring states as well. Added to that more eyewitnesses stepped forward with their accounts of what they observed on the very same night, that being October 11th, 1973. Two of these witnesses were quite literally on the other side of the Pascagoula River that night at the very same time as Parker and Hickson were experiencing their close encounter. Not only were they on the other side of the river, but they too have related a sequence of events that could indicate that they two had a similar encounter to the two fishermen on the opposite side of the river. The full story of these two witnesses and all of the others are detailed here in full.

This book concentrates on the independent eyewitness testimony, the puncture wounds evidence, the hypnosis sessions of the new witnesses and of Calvin Parker both of which were conducted exclusively for this book and it is left for the reader to draw their own conclusion. It is fully illustrated with photographs, documents, newspaper cuttings and exclusive artwork by UK artist Jason Gleaves and has a foreword by Calvin Parker.

Cohost this week: Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, October 25 at at 1:00 PM Pacific (4:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
October 29
I enjoyed this show I always enjoy hearing Philip.
I as you know am always sceptical of things though not a debunker.
I have however always thought that the late Calvin Parker was an honest, kind credible human being and I think this show and the main show honours his and Charlie's memory really well.