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On the Show — Greg Ogles — New Schedule!

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gregogle.pngGreg Ogles got into investigating Bigfoot in 2013 and is the founder of the Alabama Bigfoot Society. Initially he just wanted a diversion in his life as his profession can be quite stressful. Greg has hunted and fished all of his life so being in the woods in remote places was not new to him.

In his regular life, he is the traffic analyst for the largest city in Alabama. As an analyst, he's trained in investigative techniques which he has translated over to investigating the unknown.

Throughout the history of mankind, we have always been curious about the unknown, making new discoveries and trekking our way into the wilderness. Greg's first thoughts were to fully document all of his encounters. As a skeptic he thought there would be little film that he would have to edit. Then one cold day in Alabama, everything changed!

His company is Relic films, a production company that seeks out the truth about America's greatest Legends and Myths. With the use of modern technology and the study of ancient Indian cultures we uncover the hidden truth about what is real and what is just a story.

Films: "Legend of The Downey Booger," "Alone in the Woods," "Legend of The Moon-Eyed People of North Carolina."

Watch "The Legend of the Downey Booger" on Tubi: The Legend of the Downey Booger (2018)

Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Tuesday, March 12 at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
March 24, 2024
While Bigfoot was the main item on the agenda, as usual other topics arise, such as UFOs and ghosts.

And how does Bigfoot try to communicate with us? That's something we focus more in After The Paracast.