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Nick Redfern Reveals the Conspiracy Behind the Conspiracies

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Gene Steinberg

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He's back with another thought-provoking book. Nick's latest work is entitled "For Nobody's Eyes Only: Missing Government Files and Hidden Archives That Document the Truth Behind the Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories."

And if those files are missing, what happened to them? We welcome your comments and questions for this extra special episode, which will be recorded on October 23.
Having not read your new book, but putting it on my soon to order list, I find the subject of keeping folkloric, or subculture "belief centered" information secret, that possibly does not exist to begin with, extremely fascinating. This being from a stand point that does not positionally argue so much the validity of the subject matter, as much as it centers it's real curiosity on the issue of a possible social control mechanism through staging, imagery, and misdirection. Might this book serve to identify such an operative body?

For instance, the Roswell Incident. We all know, or at very least want to believe, that something extraordinary MAY have happened. "May" being the operative word here. Does the underlying question represented by the historically questionable validity of an alien technology crash in Roswell accomplish the intent of this organized process? Could the initial fantastic proclamation of such an event, it's immediate retraction in and of itself, even the intense investigations that shaped the UFO subculture, all culminate to represent a fantastic distortion of a far more sinister real history itself?

Or does your new book, which IMO would be just as fascinating a perspective, reveal the discovery of an officialdom centering on a systematic organized process wherein certain select factual history is altered/erased according to plan? Who prioritizes and makes those decisive plans exactly?

I know that I'll find all this out for myself soon enough when I get to reading the book Nick, but darn you, there you go getting my curious anticipation motivated, and them rusty wheels to turning again! :)
On your past appearances on the paracast and elsewhere you have talked about the trove of information you have gotten ahold of via foia requests.It seems to me in order to have any success in getting info on a particular case one must have so much information about that case that the request is almost superfluous. At any rate could you list a number of essential items one would need to include to come up with a bitchin' foia request. Thanks.
Eh Wade, where and when did he say that (treasure trove of info from FOIA requests, even if worded differently)? Not being a Dick here, genuinely interested and doubting he said that.
Eh Wade, where and when did he say that (treasure trove of info from FOIA requests, even if worded differently)? Not being a Dick here, genuinely interested and doubting he said that.

Of course your not a Dick, for you are a kind and gentle poster. Using treasure trove of info is my wording not his and perhaps over exagerated but he had mentioned it quite frequently on other broadcasts but I can't really be more precise than that but I'm sure he touched on it on the last appearance on the paracast because I made a mental note to myself at the time to ask the above question on his next appearance.
Check out

Interview with Nick Redfern on his new book The Pyramids and the Pentagon - Panama City Paranormal | Examiner.com

1. Many of us are wondering how you are getting such classified information always and with your new book The Pyramids and the Pentagon. Even more so. Can you give any answers besides "If I tell you, I'll have to killl you." Grin.

Nick Redfern: Actually, there's no big secret to it! I use the Freedom of Information Act a lot to get hold of documents and files.For example, nearly all the CIA/Noah's Ark information in the book surfaced via the FOIA .Same for the information on Morris Jessup and the Egyptian Pyramids; the Stonehenge data and more. People often have quite cynical views about FOIA, but if you are persistent and know where to look, you can actually find a lot of interesting data.
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JFK assassination - have you found anything from the archives and what is your personal opinion?

9/11 - same as above

Dear Gene and Chris please ask Mr Redfern:

On his last appearance on the paracast I heard Mr Redfern mention "cannock chase" as being a "paranormal hotspot". Off the top of his head (I am not sure if he will see this thread before the show is recorded) does he know of any "cases" from "RAF Stafford" and or Swynnerton, Yarnfield or Stone?

Secondly what is his opinion on the possible connection between the gulf of Tonkin incident, operation Northwoods and the terrorist attacks on the world trade centers in 2001?

Finally does he have any concerns over the fluoridation of public water supplies? as this is one of the "conspiracies" that has never died or gone away.

Thank you very much, best wishes.
He's back with another thought-provoking book. Nick's latest work is entitled "For Nobody's Eyes Only: Missing Government Files and Hidden Archives That Document the Truth Behind the Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories."

And if those files are missing, what happened to them? We welcome your comments and questions for this extra special episode, which will be recorded on October 23.

I just have one question...
How do you do it!! :) You're a frick'n machine!
Do you have a team of shadow people interns helping you keep up with all the different articles and book projects?
Seriously, though there has to be some kind of method to your madness of keeping so many projects going at the same time...

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Just a quick few for Mr.Redfern.

1. As I have seen him appear on Ancient Aliens a few times, how much does he personally believe in the ancient astronaut theory?

2. Speaking of conspiracy theories, I have heard people talk about the current popularity of the paranormal in media being tied to a long careful plan to "desensitize" the populous to the idea of aliens and the like. Do you think there is anything to this theory? If so who is perpetrating it?

3. I have heard rumors Giorgio Tsoukalos's hair requires the use of blood magic to maintain its rigidity. Have you seen him perform these dark rituals, possibly near the craft service table?

Thank you and keep up the good work.
I've only read a few of your articles and I'm sure many of my questions have been answered elsewhere, so I thank you in advance for answering these questions in the show:
  1. Who is your favorite UFO researcher, historian or activist and why?

  2. Do you have a perspective on the UFO phenomenon that is radically different from other Ufologists, or do you consider yourself heavily influenced by someone in particular (e.g. John Keel, Jacques Vallee, Chris O'Brien)?

  3. Do you agree with Chris's gut-feeling that a large number of paranormal events are related to each other and that a "tricksterish" force is behind them (Chris please correct me if I'm misrepresenting you)?

  4. What are your favorite 3 UFO events (using whatever definition of favorite you like)?

  5. Have you done any research on time-slips, and if so, is there any evidence for them, or is it just a myth?

  6. Are there any cases that have been debunked by UFO researchers, that you believe have merit to them?

  7. Have you discovered government documents that contradict other government documents, thus making it likely that at least one set of documents is disinformation?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.


Just ask all those questions above (what a great assortment of material), and maybe this one or two:

"You've written so any books on so many topics. Do you ever feel that you have contradicted yourself in your writings where ideas from one book may stand in direct opposition to another? If so, please describe."

One more piece about Nick R. as a researcher:

"Would you describe yourself as a paranormal, Fortean author with a specific agenda looking to solve the phenomena through a set of personally developed evolving theories OR are you a secretary researcher in the field providing speculation on the possible narratives that unfold from related FOIA requests where whatever strong idea floats is what gets written about? Bascally, how would you describe your career?"
I have a question for everyone on the show:

We regularly hear of people who claim to have been abducted and given information by the aliens that took them. However, these prophecies are usually revealed after the fact, or on the rare occasion someone makes a prediction in advance, it's so vague that it can be applied to almost anything.

To your knowledge:

1. Has there ever been an abductee who has made a correct, precise prediction, based on information apparently passed on to them by advanced beings?

2. Are there any clear predictions that we are waiting to see come to pass?

I find that the fluffiness of these prediction/prophecy claims (and the advocates who insist they are real/accurate) hurts the community and makes a laughing stock of serious researchers in the eyes of the general public.
I recommend that post by Nick Redfern. It very succinctly summarizes Chris's contribution to the study of the cattle mutilation mystery.
James Fox says in his latest movie General Merrill McPeak claims that he (Gen. McPeak) had seen an accumulation of 'thousands' of Roswell files, i.e., apparently those that the GAO said could not be found. Do you know anything about the foregoing?
Great show. Huge thank you to Chris and Gene for asking my questions (even my super serious third one) and thanks to Nick for answering them, great answers as well.

This is why the paracast is so good.Forum lurkers like me are listened to along with the massive posters.

Also I'm sure my dog is flattered to have been mentioned.
James Fox says in his latest movie General Merrill McPeak claims that he (Gen. McPeak) had seen an accumulation of 'thousands' of Roswell files, i.e., apparently those that the GAO said could not be found. Do you know anything about the foregoing?

James Fox generally confirmed the foregoing on Jimmy Church's radio show on 8/13/14.