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Navy UFO "proof" video - anyone else kind of confused?

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Paranormal Maven
We keep getting those U.S. Navy aircraft videos of a "UFO" kind of moving endlessly across a horizon, or ocean, or whatever, shown to us as "absolute proof" that UFOs are "real."

First, I don't personally understand what I'm looking at in those videos. I guess it could be some sort of craft, but the far bigger question is, if government wants to show us how "real" UFOs are, why not show us some of the (surely) millions of OTHER photos or videos showing, say, a captured craft at Area 51 with humans standing around for size comparison?

Or official documents, with logos, showing investigative reports on craft and body sample assessments?

That Navy video is close to a zero to me, as visual evidence.

Anyone else?

-- Squirrel
First, I don't personally understand what I'm looking at in those videos. I guess it could be some sort of craft, but the far bigger question is, if government wants to show us how "real" UFOs are, why not show us some of the (surely) millions of OTHER photos or videos showing, say, a captured craft at Area 51 with humans standing around for size comparison?
Or official documents, with logos, showing investigative reports on craft and body sample assessments?
😀 The interim goal is just to inure us to the reality of "visitors." Not until the process is well advanced, or consummated, will we be deemed ready for full disclosure, or indisputable proof. Prior to that, the result would be negative psychological reactions, and premature overthrow of the status quo (political and ideological). It's a looong story. The Alien Grand Design gets into all this at length.
😀 The interim goal is just to inure us to the reality of "visitors." Not until the process is well advanced, or consummated, will we be deemed ready for full disclosure, or indisputable proof. Prior to that, the result would be negative psychological reactions, and premature overthrow of the status quo (political and ideological). It's a looong story. The Alien Grand Design gets into all this at length.
I understand what you are saying, but we keep getting fed the idea that the barely decipherable Navy video IS indisputable proof. "Finally!"

If it really is a flying aircraft, the "UFO" is moving in a perfect circle and the aircraft is WAYYY too steady to be real, as I see it anyway. There would be a few small dips and bumps in a real aircraft's path, particularly when it came around 360 degrees and hit its own wake.

Where are the skeptics? They don't seem to have trouble with questioning other UFO evidence.

This seems like a real life "The Emperor Has No Clothes" kind of thing -- nobody notices a problem.

Oh well ... there are lots of bigger issues to fret about, I guess ...

-- Squirrel
I understand what you are saying, but we keep getting fed the idea that the barely decipherable Navy video IS indisputable proof. "Finally!"

Alleged proof UFOs are real, not proof of what they are.

If it really is a flying aircraft, the "UFO" is moving in a perfect circle and the aircraft is WAYYY too steady to be real, as I see it anyway. There would be a few small dips and bumps in a real aircraft's path, particularly when it came around 360 degrees and hit its own wake.

One could claim advanced ETs could do it, or maybe it's just a hologram.

Where are the skeptics? They don't seem to have trouble with questioning other UFO evidence.
If it comes from the Navy that would be calling them liars.

Oh well ... there are lots of bigger issues to fret about, I guess

More immediate, but longterm nothing is bigger.:)
We keep getting those U.S. Navy aircraft videos of a "UFO" kind of moving endlessly across a horizon, or ocean, or whatever, shown to us as "absolute proof" that UFOs are "real."

First, I don't personally understand what I'm looking at in those videos. I guess it could be some sort of craft, but the far bigger question is, if government wants to show us how "real" UFOs are, why not show us some of the (surely) millions of OTHER photos or videos showing, say, a captured craft at Area 51 with humans standing around for size comparison?

Or official documents, with logos, showing investigative reports on craft and body sample assessments?

That Navy video is close to a zero to me, as visual evidence.

Anyone else?

-- Squirrel
I totally understand. I’d really like to see the films that Gordon Cooper describes at Edwards, or Bob Jacobs describes at Vandenberg-Big Sur. There’s just no telling if that ever will be released.

With respect to the Navy videos, they are giving us a small part of the story. These appear to be the same as the foo fighters encountered by our air forces in the 40s and 50s. In my opinion based on experiencing filming forms like these mostly in the daytime, they appear to be forms of intelligent energy. A closeup of these energy forms will show a spin or some kind of movement on the surface. They seem to be able to pop in and out of view at will. When I’ve filmed them or seen videos from other grassroots captures, it’s difficult to make out a solid object…it’s more energy.

While some might be projections or shadows of actual craft as some have theorized, I feel many are energy beings of some kind indigenous to the planet. Bio forms we haven’t even classified yet. But that’s just a theory.

But back to how they look and compare to two of the Navy videos.

Here is an example of a hovering orb with its surface in spin mode.
Orb spin

And this is an example of one hauling ass across the sky. Once again, you can see a rolling in the texture - surface of the object. I’m not saying it’s the same as in what the Navy is showing us so far, but looks quite similar to me.
Fast Moving Orb

And as I’ve briefly stated to one who accused me of posting a video of a fly…lol…I think some of these objects are bio forms we don’t know about yet. Trevor James Constable wrote about them. This link does an excellent job at explaining more about “some” of these that appear to be bio forms.
Bio forms - Orbs

Are any ET too? Perhaps so. They’ve been filmed in space as well, exhibiting the same behavior

I know this just brings up even more questions, but the Navy releases are but a tiny sliver. As we pay attention to what the grassroots are capturing also, I feel more answers will be revealed, and the Navy et al will feel the need to get on with it.
Where are the skeptics? They don't seem to have trouble with questioning other UFO evidence.
-- Squirrel
I'm a skeptic big-time. Why is the government allowing 'old' footage to be bandied about? (Its always old footage - never current, never fresh with all eyes alive and focused and able to discount the narrative). What is in the interests of who to try to get the public to believe in 'aliens' after decades of poo-pooing it all?