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Monster Quest, Cattle Killer Episode.

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Tommy Allison

Well, I think this episode was one of the best ones I've seen in a while. It's about the Cattle Mutilation Phenomena. Cool Stuff. Not sure how it's going to end though. Most likely, Inconclusive.
This was actually a pretty damned good episode. Inconclusive, but they made some damned good points about cattle being apprehensive about people coming at night.

It was a good episode to watch for sure.
I have it on DVR, just haven't got to it yet. I've never really been intrigued in any way with this cow stuff and alleged mutilations. I once saw Linda Howe dragging around a large magnet attached to a string in connection with a mutilated cow. And I was embarrassed to watch. I was like W T F ???

As you know, I like Monsterquest so I'll have to give it a look.
Yep. This is one of those rare occasions where I watched it, and actually thought they did a fair job investigating something.

And Linda isn't in it, which makes it better.
They had some good explanations, and then... Those good explanations were debunked which left you with the conclusion that something extraordinary was at work.

It was a good episode, and I would almost nearly never say such a thing about that show.
They had some good explanations, and then... Those good explanations were debunked which left you with the conclusion that something extraordinary was at work.

It was a good episode, and I would almost nearly never say such a thing about that show.

I'll check youtube for it in the future. I rarely watch tv shows on the tv these days.

They deal with blow flies? Blow flies can explain a lot of the previously thought mysterious circumstances of many mutilation cases. Wondering if they debunked that explanation.
I might have to rewatch it. They covered insects, but they couldn't seem to come close to the clean wounds. The closest thing they came up with, was a cold razor or blade.
There was a rash of mutilations in western Canada in the late70's early 80's
I saw one in 83' , it was pretty text book; jaw flesh and muscle missing, anal and heart sections removed. It was about 40 feet from the river and the sagebrush closest to the cow in a circular region surrounding the animal was de-hydrated compared to the rest of the vegetation. RCMP told us not to talk about it.
My grandfather knew that this was going to happen at that location out by our house.
He was working for western union insurance at the time as a claims adjuster and was frought with calls from ranchers about mutilated animals. as he began to post these on a map he found that they were all taking place within a grid-pattern, 15 degree cone extending out from the highest geographical point in southern alberta in the part of the province we lived- Mount Hood. I tried to contact LMH about this, to the extent of some correspondence but nothing developed since.
It really pisses me off,that this part of the phenomenon is so overlooked, swept aside, and easily blamed on the most ridiculous causes. Scavengers, blow flies, Satanic Cults or what have you did NOT do this to these animals, and that there is hard ,factual evidence to be collected here. Im not gonna knock LMH for holding a magnet on a string to gather data, I just wish more people would focus on the phenomenon of animal mutilation more seriously, or that it could champion someone to the cause that is a little less flakier.
I stumbled upon a dead cow when I was a kid that had every bit of flesh stripped from its head. The skull was bleached white, but the body had not begun to decompose. There weren't even any flies or ants on it. I don't believe I was aware of the mutilation phenomenon at the time, but something about the scene was disturbing and I quickly left the area. Interestingly enough, it was in an area the locals had nicknamed 'Satan's Circle' and there were rumors of dead animals, killed in ritual sacrifices, found in the area.
Can anyone point to an episode in which resulted in actually finding ANYTHING?

I saw their riveting Bigfoot hunt in which they found pig hair!

Silliness set to 11. The only stupider show is UFO Hunters. However UFO Hunters does contain the makings of a marvelous drinking game.

Here's how to play:

Whenever the "Hunters" (who never actually catch anything, one might note) conduct an interview, they shoot cutaways of the interviewer listening to the subject. Since interviews are often shot with only one camera, these cutaways are usually shot after the interview. These are useful to editors because you can cut to them when you want to compress an answer or shape the interview. Now in their most inept form (like you might see in local news) a cutaway might contain a head nod showing how intently the interviewer is listening to the answer. Since they are shot at a different times, these are often not very convincing.

UFO Hunters takes this to a whole new level of bad. On UFO Hunters the interviewer nods ALMOST EVERY TIME. It is hilarious. But be careful if you choose to drink at every insincere nod--you will soon be on the floor.

The giant squid one. The squid didn't look giant to me though.
Speaking of Squid.

I was watching the National Geographic Channel, and they were doing some high speed photography on how a squid changes color. Well, they had a couple of them, but the one they were going to take pictures of died in the tank.

So they take this Dead squid and use a cattle prod like thing to make the body do the color change. Well they do this a few times, and the fucking squid came back to life. It was very aggressive at first, and then seemed terrified about what was going on.

I'm wondering what the squid might have been thinking, or if it had an NDE?
So they take this Dead squid and use a cattle prod like thing to make the body do the color change. Well they do this a few times, and the fucking squid came back to life. It was very aggressive at first, and then seemed terrified about what was going on.

I'm wondering what the squid might have been thinking, or if it had an NDE?
I've seen a goat revived after being frozen solid as a popsicle. It had been dead at least an hour and maybe more. It had enough time to graze some grass in goat heaven.