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mexican flying humanoid vid

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footage of some flying humanoid thing on what seems like a mexican newschannel report about it

at first i laughed cause i thought it would be something stupid but after watching the footage i'm like WTH is that??

although i don't understand spanish/mexican the testimony reactions of the witnesses are pretty convincing..especially the policman

this is REALLY giving me goosebumps:confused:
It seems to be unbelievable but as far as anyone who has studied and actually has taken witness/export testimony, it can not be explained as fact or fiction. Some people may pass it off as B.S. but the reality; unless you have unequivable facts to disprove it or prove it; it will always remain unknown. Listen to everything there is to say about it...but in the end without facts to back up either theory it's what you choose to believe.
Open_Mind2007 said:
It seems to be unbelievable but as far as anyone who has studied and actually has taken witness/export testimony, it can not be explained as fact or fiction. Some people may pass it off as B.S. but the reality; unless you have unequivable facts to disprove it or prove it; it will always remain unknown. Listen to everything there is to say about it...but in the end without facts to back up either theory it's what you choose to believe.

what was amazing was that the policeman in the van was actually shaking from shock or something (you can see his leg going up and down)

he must have seen something weird

ANYONE on the forums who can maybe translate what is being said in this vid?

whats interesting is that there are many stories of these flying humanoid encounters all round the world

the famous "mothman" might fall under this category too

Gene and David maybe you can invite an expert on this flying humanoid phenomena on the show sometime in the future. (don't know who though)

Should be a very interesting subject
Rick Deckard said:
Well, my eyes see a balloon carried on a breeze...

Public demonstrations of 'jet pack' type aircraft have been around since the 1950's (I think)


People consistently allege that military technology is usually 30 years ahead of what is on public display, so I suppose, if you do see a 'flying humanoid' it doesn't necessarily have to be ET...

doesn't necessarily have to be extraterrestrial (ET) as you put it indeed
it could very well be earthly beings that have evaded humanity in some way all this time

your military argument could be a good one but to the people who witness these things up close say it's nothing like that (from the stories you find all over the place)

stuff like the mothman isn't a guy on a jetpack i think:p
wezzy said:
your military argument could be a good one but to the people who witness these things up close say it's nothing like that (from the stories you find all over the place)

stuff like the mothman isn't a guy on a jetpack i think:p

I was being lazy - I just offered an example of a flying humanoid with a mundane explanation. Didn't have the will to explore ALL of the possibilities :p
I made a thread with this vid and some others in the UFO forum. I also recently posted a flying platform vid that might interest some.

A unmanned aerial vehicle is a possibility.
The terrified officer is Leonardo Samaniego. His story made headlines in Mexico. This link will supply you with additional information.
HugeDomains.com - WinterSteel.com is for sale (Winter Steel)
It's a good starting point for further research. This is only one of many similar incidents reported recently in Mexico. Russia seems to be another location where this sort of encounter happens frequently. So is the state of Arizona. When I have more time, I'll post a link to a site on the Arizona sightings topic you may find interesting.
Mogwa said:
The terrified officer is Leonardo Samaniego. His story made headlines in Mexico. This link will supply you with additional information.
HugeDomains.com - WinterSteel.com is for sale (Winter Steel)
It's a good starting point for further research. This is only one of many similar incidents reported recently in Mexico. Russia seems to be another location where this sort of encounter happens frequently. So is the state of Arizona. When I have more time, I'll post a link to a site on the Arizona sightings topic you may find interesting.

wow nice thx for the link

wow this guy was actually attacked and chased by this thing until he fainted:eek:

i thought he would have just seen it hover in the sky like in the vid
A.LeClair said:
I figured out who the music is by awhile back I think. Band called Muse. For the one or two people that might care out there.

Muse are brilliant - "Blackholes and Revelations" is a superb album... :cool:

Muse - Exo-Politics:

Open the skies over me
I am waiting patiently
I'll wait for a sign
As conspiracys unwind
Will you slam shut or free your mind?
Or stay hypnotized

When the Zetas fill the skies
Will our leaders tell us why
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign

Carried through the centuries
Secrets locked up
Are loaded on my back
And it weighs me down

When the Zetas fill the skies
It's just our leaders in disguise
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign
I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign

One thing I noticed about the video. The camera doesn't pan up into the sky at all. They focus on the object, but don't give us any of the surrounding sky. If you were to pan straight up into the sky, it would be legitimate proof that this was not just an object carried by a balloon, helicopter or something else.

Hell, for all we know it could be Criss Angel doing one of his tricks.
I saw something very simular here in Canada. It was about the same year, only it was in May. My children saw it too. If they had not seen it, I sware, I would have thought that I was loosing my mind. There was no sound and no sign of exhaust. It was not a balloon. It was just flying in the sky in a North East direction and it looked just like a witch on a broom. It was strange watching the clip at the beginning of this thread, as it was just like what we saw here. The world is such a strange place. If only I had a video clip of it.
Lorrie said:
I saw something very simular here in Canada. It was about the same year, only it was in May. My children saw it too. If they had not seen it, I sware, I would have thought that I was loosing my mind. There was no sound and no sign of exhaust. It was not a balloon. It was just flying in the sky in a North East direction and it looked just like a witch on a broom. It was strange watching the clip at the beginning of this thread, as it was just like what we saw here. The world is such a strange place. If only I had a video clip of it.

Could you make out any details, such as eyes or skin color?

Was it traveling about the same speed as the object in the vid?

About how far away would you guess it was?

Around what time was it? Night, day?
(Could you make out any details, such as eyes or skin color?)

No, it just appeared all black. My kids were really excited and it seemed like it turned it's head and looked back because they were yelling "Look a witch!" so loud. It had a black cloak and a black pointed hat. It just sounds so far fetched, but it is what we saw. Just like in the Mexico clip.

(Was it traveling about the same speed as the object in the vid? )

Yes, it seemed to be the same speed as in the video. It was not fast by any means. I wonder if it was the same thing as was seen in Mexico if it could have made it to Canada doing that speed in that lenth of time?

(About how far away would you guess it was? )

When we first saw it it was only a couple of block away. My kids were screaming in the back yard for me to come outside of the house and see the witch. I thought they were joking at first, until I saw it with my own eyes. We watched it until it was out of sight. I almost got into my vehicle to follow it and get really close to see it better, but I am such a chicken, really. I still think that I should have followed it or ran and gotten the video camera. Usually though, when people go to get the camera, by the time they get back, they have missed seeing the whole thing that they were going to capture on tape anyway.

(Around what time was it? Night, day?)

It was mid afternoon. A nice day but somewhat overcast. No wind.

Strange but true, and still very scary to think about.