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May 31, 2009

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Skilled Investigator
L.A. Marzulli has quite the set of control beliefs.
The bible is a lot to swallow in this day and age where science is dispelling the demons of old and actually providing useful revelation.
I wouldn't be so quick to say "it's demons". For example, on the abduction phenomena, I've found Strassman's work on DMT very interesting. A lot of first person experiences can be brought about through biochemical means.
Well I lasted just over 50 min before screaming at my PC then attempting to insert a butter knife into the side of my head. This could be the only Paracast episode I've never heard from start to finish. I'll try again tomorrow...maybe :confused:
It was amusing to hear someone try to pin David into a simple yes/no answer. :)

As far as the rest of the episode I found it pretty good.
Well... we all have ideas and thoughts on the subjects at hand. Admittedly the guest did often state that what he was saying was "his opinion" so for that I have no issue.
The believability of researching and going off of other peoples' books always makes me feel a little restless due to the fact that quite often in this field no one knows much about anything - for certain. However, I found him to be honest in his own interpretations to the subject.
I believe it was towards the end where the guest mentioned going to a UFO/Paranormal conference for religious people to gather...
Ok as soon as this guy started quoting scriptures and bible stories, he became a joke to me. While he obviously believes the crap he spews it is not anything that I can find any truth in. At this point, there is more proof of alilen existence than in any of the bible stories he is touting. He seems to take alot of liberties in interpretation of these fairy tales.
This guy has a theory and random bits and pieces of incredibly speculative "evidence" and spins it to fit his belief system. He also seems to be a bit behind in this field. His discussion about how UFO's and the media is different from the past seems to ignore times in our past where this issue was taken very seriously.

At some level, I share the general belief that the bible and other ancient texts from all religions probably include clues about the paranormal and there is value to be gained from studying these texts. The part in Genesis where the Nephilm come down from the sky and mate with women is wild stuff that is overlooked by most and I don't think it's a based on nothing, I think the stuff in the bible is based on something, but what that something is I have no idea :)

But............. to take certain ambiguous passages written thousands of years ago by who knows and spin it that there are "portals" through which Daniel's angel had to fight to get through and therefore UFO occupants are fallen angles that travel through portals and are at war with good angels seems a bit of a .................. stretch! His whole rationale often seems really arbitrary. Take some prooftexted parts from the bible, through in some speculative research that shows abductees who yell Jesus are left alone, add some new age authors who have similar beliefs and add in some Greerian fillabusters and voila! A turd sandwich!

Probably the most accurate thing we can all 100% agree on that he said is that this presence scares the shit out of a lot of people, so there is something to be said about that and perhaps any potential motive behind the fear it causes is worth discussing/speculating.
I have heard Marzulli previously on Red Ice Creations, only pushing the NWO aspect of his Biblical paradigm, which is no different than any Christian viewpoint now-a-days.

He is simply a Christian; good-evil, black-white, angels-demons, only using the UFO phenomenon as a side garnish.

He's not the only Christian who claims UFO inhabitants(?) are demons. Dr. Stephen Yulish, a frequent UFO Digest contributor, sells the same stuff.
I have heard Marzulli previously on Red Ice Creations, only pushing the NWO aspect of his Biblical paradigm, which is no different than any Christian viewpoint now-a-days.

He is simply a Christian; good-evil, black-white, angels-demons, only using the UFO phenomenon as a side garnish.

He's not the only Christian who claims UFO inhabitants(?) are demons. Dr. Stephen Yulish, a frequent UFO Digest contributor, sells the same stuff.

Wasn't the NWO aspect of Revelations really just about the Roman Empire? That's what I've always thought. There is definitely a strong consistent theme throughout the OT that the people need to return to the wilderness and away from the corruption of power, but I don't see this as prophecy of a specific future NWO conspiracy, more just a general warning against the greed and corruption of humans in power and getting caught up in a certain way of materialistic life.
Wasn't the NWO aspect of Revelations really just about the Roman Empire? That's what I've always thought. There is definitely a strong consistent theme throughout the OT that the people need to return to the wilderness and away from the corruption of power, but I don't see this as prophecy of a specific future NWO conspiracy, more just a general warning against the greed and corruption of humans in power and getting caught up in a certain way of materialistic life.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
St. John the Divine (or John of Patmos), author of the Revelations, wrote the series of 'visions' when he was living on Patmos and yes, most historians attribute his writings to mean the then Roman Empire and the 'Beast' was Nero.

The Book of the Revelations has been used by various Christian groups over the past 2000 years to claim the Second Coming of Christ will occur in their generation, which is too many for me to list.
My impressions of this show bounced all over the map. When he first opened his mouth I thought, “Oh, boy. Another Fast Talker who knows everything.” But, I thought. No, let’s give him a chance. The parallels between some of the ancient prophecies and the ‘deal’ said to be offered by ‘the aliens’ to the government are interesting and we don’t often talk about them. Fair enough. But when he started demanding answers and calling our hosts ‘intellectually dishonest’ I lost all respect for him. When he threatened to hang up I was really hoping he would so we could listen to Gene and David rather than this joker. He is so self-righteous and convinced that his path is the right one that it is totally irritating. I thought our hosts were incredibly gracious to the guest. I simply couldn’t have done it.
He lost me when he started saying that the Smithsonian would come in and confiscate bones from archaeological digs and make people sign National Security papers. You gotta be kiddin' me right?

"Hold it right there Bub! We are secret Smithsonian agents. Give us those bones, and don't talk about it either! Yeah, thats right just shut up and sign this!"

I am continually surprised by the absurdity of this shit. I mean, who swallows this?
Probably the most accurate thing we can all 100% agree on that he said is that this presence scares the shit out of a lot of people, so there is something to be said about that and perhaps any potential motive behind the fear it causes is worth discussing/speculating.

You know what? I've been in that situation. Scared shitless... taken to the point where the last shreds of humanity have been stripped away and you're just a whimpering, snarling animal in the presence of these guys.

But nothing bad happened as near as I can tell. And it taught me to start to move past my fear. And the limitations of "civilization" and "technology." At the end of the day, we're just smart animals. We may pretend we're more, but we're not... and that is a truly valuable lesson that whatever this is has taught me.

Not that it makes it right -- whatever these f****** are doing. But feeding off of fear? Doubt it. Makes no sense whatsoever... my sense of it was something completely different. Like stressing a muscle to grow bigger.
Congratulations to Gene and David for the restraint they both showed during this episode. Wow. This was one of those painful-but-can't-stop-listening episodes that I really like.

Great job guys. I'm amazed that he didn't try more book pitching since that seemed to be what his whole desire to appear on the show was about.
He lost me when he started saying that the Smithsonian would come in and confiscate bones from archaeological digs and make people sign National Security papers. You gotta be kiddin' me right?

And you just know when he said "You can look it up on the internet" he was probably referencing those widely debunked (and in some cases painfully obvious) hoaxed photos of giant skeletons being dug up. I guess these guys are willing to believe in angels and demons but not in photoshop.

I pretty much had this show pegged from word one. Marzuli's discussion basically boils down to "I believe... it's in the bible... I believe... it's in the Bible."

His cries of "This isn't a religious thing" are grossely disingenuous. Doesn't it ever occur to him that by constantly referencing the Bible and putting his own spin on it, he is in essence creating a religion? Complete with it's own dogma ("spiritual warfare"), complimentary scripture (written by himself) and temples (UFO conferences).
You know what? I've been in that situation. Scared shitless... taken to the point where the last shreds of humanity have been stripped away and you're just a whimpering, snarling animal in the presence of these guys.

This is kinda sorta off-topic, but I am a firm believer that everyone should intentionally place themselves into a situation that scares the shit out of them. If you've had the old 'adrenalin dump' happen to you a couple of times, you can begin to 'think through the fear' because you are conditioning yourself. Your blood drains from your brain and goes to your arms & legs and it is much harder to focus on anything but fight or flight.

When you undergo tactical firearms training the instructors set up this situation intentionally. Their aphorism is that you are only half as good than on your best day of training. It also helps immensely if you have pre-programmed yourself what to do in a given situation. Then you fall back on your training rather than have to figure out what to do.

A friend of mine is a helicopter pilot (Nam Vet) and he described to me what happened when he was spraying for the gypsy moth in an Oregon forest when his bird's turbo-charger failed. He said his brain went into auto-pilot and he saw the steps outlined on the blackboard by his flight instructor, which he followed. The bubble burst as he crashed. He ran through the broken bubble, his clothes soaked in diesel oil (used as the medium to distribute the spray), fell behind a bush, and the helicopter blew up. I had a similar experience when a large dog attacked me. I was able to pull out a can of mace and neutralize the dog. But I had thought about what to do beforehand, and I Think that is key.

I'm not suggesting everyone suddenly start to pack and pop an alien. I'm just saying that with practice you can get through the fear, or at least minimize it enough to stay functional.
Hey I loved this episode. Conflict is fun.

I especially like when David quoted RAW, and told Mr. Marzulli he was in a reality tunnel.
I stopped listening about 30 minutes into it. Don't know how the rest of it panned out, but when Biedny starts lecturing a guest, I tune out.