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Kucinich UFO Story in Wall Street Journal

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A UFO could fly right by my window right now and I'd still be more surprised that I just read a straightforward article in the WSJ about Kucinich and UFOs.

That was a very well written article. I really hope this spawns a few more questions not only to Dennis Kucinich but to the rest of the candidates. It would be nice to see this topic become a surprise issue in the election race.
RonCollins said:
That was a very well written article. I really hope this spawns a few more questions not only to Dennis Kucinich but to the rest of the candidates. It would be nice to see this topic become a surprise issue in the election race.

Well, Stephen Bassett is certainly pushing hard for it to be an issue. His Paradigm Research Group just issued a new press release today about the election and UFOs, specifically addressing the WSJ article. Clinton's involvement with the Rockefeller initiative has also been a topic of recent discussion.

With X-Conference 2008 coming up in April, I'm sure we'll see an even bigger effort to push this into the mainstream.

I think that politics are so crazy these days that the giggle factor might be losing its grip on the UFO issue. It's a little bit wishful thinking but with all the sex scandals and the level of attention that religion gets in todays political discussion, what's so weird about UFOs anymore? Bassett's tagline for the X-Conference is "It's not about lights in the sky, it's about lies on the ground." Maybe it should be: "It's not about lights in the sky, it's about the level of bullshit on the ground."

Does anyone have this article copied or another link to it in its entirety?

The WSJ shows only the partial now and wants you to subscribe, etc. I read it at first thinking I should copy this into Word or something, but never did. I'm interested in the description, time, and location of the sighting. I remember it being 3 orange thingies??? Or was it a crashed disc in the desert?? Or was it flying humanoids? See how these things get out of hand?

Thanks for any help in this.
Don't get your hopes up. It all depend of what Kucinich does if he ever get elected.
I remember the Reagan and Carter (and even Bush) promising to reveal more about what the government knows about UFOs. And we all know what happened.

RonCollins said:
He and I stand the same chance of getting elected so I guess it is a mute point.
In another we might as well forget about government ever releasing any info on UFOs.

he talked about his experience during one of those debates. He didn't seem to be serious when he talked it though.
Only JFK dared to risk his life and party politic to expose the truth when it came to such matter as hiding information from the public. He wrote a number of memos requesting more info NASA and other agencies.

While the rest of them simply used the agenda for their benefit.

It's a Wall Street Journal piece, a notoriously right-wing rag that as of January 1 became part of Rupert Murdoch's holdings.

The piece was intended to play on and reinforce the meme that Democrats are crazy people, to sell newspapers to its primarily GOP readership and/or serve the GOP the way Murdoch's Fox News does.
rohnds said:
Only JFK dared to risk his life and party politic to expose the truth when it came to such matter as hiding information from the public. He wrote a number of memos requesting more info NASA and other agencies.

Source for the existence of the memos? And please no MJ-12.
TClaeys said:
Does anyone have this article copied or another link to it in its entirety?

Just answering my own post, but if anyone wants a second look, the article is reprinted here thanks to John Greenewald


Courtesy of Jim Marrs

rohnds said:
Courtesy of Jim Marrs

I asked you very nicely, "no MJ-12".

A real, legitimate source please. If you can't provide a legitimate source, please withdraw the comment. You are implying (please correct me if I'm wrong), that JFK was killed because he planned to release UFO-related information.

Even if the document was legitimate, it doesn't support this claim.

There are many, many gullible people in the world and they will immediately believe such wild claims, not knowing that the provenance of the MJ-12 documents is enormously suspect.
Read Friedman's book. This document have been verified through freedom of information act. The fact that you believe this is a hoax doesn't make it a hoax.

rohnds said:
Read Friedman's book. This document have been verified through freedom of information act. The fact that you believe this is a hoax doesn't make it a hoax.

Well, if Stanton Friedman says an MJ-12 document is real, it must be.

Hey, would you like to buy a bridge? I'm running a special this week for True Believers.

Seriously, where can I find this document in the JFK library or the National Archives? Anonymous mailings from New Mexico don't count.
I tend believe him or you or anyone else. One thing he has done that you or anyone else haven't done is spend his entire life researching this subject.

And thus I trust his research than anyone else's who becomes Monday morning quarterbacks on the subject.

rohnds said:
I tend believe him or you or anyone else. One thing he has done that you or anyone else haven't done is spend his entire life researching this subject.

Unfortunately, his support of the Great Saucer Wars of the 50's has kinda doused my enthusiasm for SPF. I have a terrible fear he needs something to replace Roswell.

As far as the issue at hand, all I want to know is which U.S. Government office provided the document in question. Or whether it was an anonymous mailing from New Mexico sent from a mysterious inside source.

In your response, I think you meant to say: "I tend [to] believe him or you or anyone else."

Now, I know I have been hard on you in this thread and in the Mars thread, but I intend this as sincere advice: You should rethink that stance into something more like: "I will tend not to automatically believe claims of the extraordinary." Rohnds, you will have a much happier life if you do so. There are many people out there eager for your $$$$$ who are counting on you to believe them on faith.

Rohnds, something else bothers me. You claim that JFK was killed because he was going to reveal UFO secrets. But even if the document *was* real, it doesn't support that position. To show such a theory true that you need a document from the Conspiracy. Remember a U.S. President does many things every day that make many powerful people unhappy.

If there was a Conspiracy, why not from U.S. Intelligence (revenge for Bay of Pigs)? Or the Mafia? Or Castro? Or Conservatives afraid of JFK's political agenda (civil rights)?

What's bothering me is that it seems you *want* to believe that this statement is true, regardless of whether there is a reason to believe it. Why is this?