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Kia Ora from Middle Earth

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Paranormal Novice
Hi everyone,
long time forum watcher here. I thought I better come out of my watching closet and say Hi. So a little about me, I am an Aussie based in NZ (Middle Earth).
I have been interested in the paranormal for pretty much my whole life and have an extensive library that covers everything from UFOs to Reincarnation, Religion and Cryptozoo-ology.

In my long and extensive paranormal education, I have come to be a believer in UFO's, because there is definitely something we don't know going on here. Are they extraterrestrial? I don't think so.

I don't believe in psychics, ghosts or organised religions from the Middle East (christianity, judaism or islamism) and I am always happy to debate this.

My philosophy is this, it's not my job to disprove what you believe, it's your job to prove why you do.
Well, you've found many kindred spirits as you already know, I'm sure. As a forum watcher you also know that telepathy is not required to predict mike, followed by @stonehart, will connect to your posts. You don't happen to play guitar as well do you? Wait, I'm getting a sound, is that a g chord i hear? Let me guess, you're a Pink Floyd fan?

Welcome to the forum. Trust no one. Forget everything. It's the Paracast.
Hi everyone,
long time forum watcher here. I thought I better come out of my watching closet and say Hi. So a little about me, I am an Aussie based in NZ (Middle Earth).
I have been interested in the paranormal for pretty much my whole life and have an extensive library that covers everything from UFOs to Reincarnation, Religion and Cryptozoo-ology.

In my long and extensive paranormal education, I have come to be a believer in UFO's, because there is definitely something we don't know going on here. Are they extraterrestrial? I don't think so.

I don't believe in psychics, ghosts or organised religions from the Middle East (christianity, judaism or islamism) and I am always happy to debate this.

My philosophy is this, it's not my job to disprove what you believe, it's your job to prove why you do.

You will fit in just nicely I think :)

Welcome to the Paracast forum, I live in little old NZ as well.

Well, you've found many kindred spirits as you already know, I'm sure. As a forum watcher you also know that telepathy is not required to predict mike, followed by @stonehart, will connect to your posts. You don't happen to play guitar as well do you? Wait, I'm getting a sound, is that a g chord i hear? Let me guess, you're a Pink Floyd fan?

Welcome to the forum. Trust no one. Forget everything. It's the Paracast.

hahaha well spotted
So....you don't believe in ghosts, although some of the world's most famous ones originate probably from somewhere around the corner? I mean, the Ringwraiths, the dead green guys of Dunharrow, Sauron himself? ;)

Btw., I'm looking forward to see James Randi in the last Hobbit movie as the ancient dwarven king Durin who has Gandalf thrown out of his halls, because "I'll have none of your cheap conjuring tricks in here, stormcrow". He's just a perfect match for the role. And don't tell me it's just a rumor. :D

P.S.: great avatar
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So....you don't believe in ghosts, although some of the world's most famous ones originate probably from somewhere around the corner? I mean, the Ringwraiths, the dead green guys of Dunharrow, Sauron himself? ;)

Btw., I'm looking forward to see James Randi in the last Hobbit movie as the ancient dwarven king Durin who has Gandalf thrown out of his halls, because "I'll have none of your cheap conjuring tricks in here, stormcrow". He's just a perfect match for the role. And don't tell me it's just a rumor. :D

P.S.: great avatar

God please don't give Peter Jackson any ideas!!!! or for that mater more of my tax dollars :confused:
Well, you've found many kindred spirits as you already know, I'm sure. As a forum watcher you also know that telepathy is not required to predict mike, followed by @stonehart, will connect to your posts. You don't happen to play guitar as well do you? Wait, I'm getting a sound, is that a g chord i hear? Let me guess, you're a Pink Floyd fan?

Welcome to the forum. Trust no one. Forget everything. It's the Paracast.

Spookily enough, I AM a musician, well music teacher..... I am going to call you "Spooky Burnt State"
So....you don't believe in ghosts, although some of the world's most famous ones originate probably from somewhere around the corner? I mean, the Ringwraiths, the dead green guys of Dunharrow, Sauron himself? ;)

Btw., I'm looking forward to see James Randi in the last Hobbit movie as the ancient dwarven king Durin who has Gandalf thrown out of his halls, because "I'll have none of your cheap conjuring tricks in here, stormcrow". He's just a perfect match for the role. And don't tell me it's just a rumor. :D

P.S.: great avatar

It seems every other man and his dog has had a cameo in The Hobbit....
It seems every other man and his dog has had a cameo in The Hobbit....
You mean like Ian Holm, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom etc.? Yeah, well, I guess it's kind of a gesture of gratitude towards the fans of the LOTR movies.
I am quite a Hobbit/ LOTR fan, so I would rather my tax dollars go there than to furniture in the Beehive.
Me too. I loved the books as a child in the early 80s, when they were a kind of insider's tip here in Germany. Officially, they were regarded as trashy pulp and potentially dangerous, because of the germanic mythology. If you admitted to being a fan that would make you a potential ultra right-winger in the eyes of the cultural watchdogs
Although I'm more a fan of the books than of the movies, I see the latter as modern (action-heavy) re-interpretations of the general themes and stories, not as a strict adaptation. I'm not too happy with all of the changes, but overall, it's great entertainment and I love a vacation in Middle Earth from time to time. Btw., NZ seems to be a great place to live in. I'd probably never have noticed if it wasn't for the movies.
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You mean like Ian Holm, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom etc.? Yeah, well, I guess it's kind of a gesture of gratitude towards the fans of the LOTR movies.

Me too. I loved the books as a child in the early 80s, when they were a kind of insider's tip here in Germany. Officially, they were regarded as trashy pulp and potentially dangerous, because of the germanic mythology. If you admitted to be a fan that would make you a potential ultra right-winger in the eyes of the cultural watchdogs
Although I'm more a fan of Tolkien himself, I see the movies as a modern (action-heavy) re-interpretation of the general themes, not as a strict adaptation. I'm not too happy with all of the changes, but overall, it's great entertainment.

I agree, I went into the movies not expecting the book, but rather as entertainment. I have read the books numerous times so I know them quite well.
Hi everyone,
long time forum watcher here. I thought I better come out of my watching closet and say Hi. So a little about me, I am an Aussie based in NZ (Middle Earth).
I have been interested in the paranormal for pretty much my whole life and have an extensive library that covers everything from UFOs to Reincarnation, Religion and Cryptozoo-ology.

In my long and extensive paranormal education, I have come to be a believer in UFO's, because there is definitely something we don't know going on here. Are they extraterrestrial? I don't think so.

I don't believe in psychics, ghosts or organised religions from the Middle East (christianity, judaism or islamism) and I am always happy to debate this.

My philosophy is this, it's not my job to disprove what you believe, it's your job to prove why you do.

UFOs are very interesting in and of themselves. However like so much of that which is built on a progressive mythos of perception, it's the space between the perceived and that which petitions the observer's experience that makes for a real mind fry.

I believe that I have the ability to believe, however I do not believe that what I believe could be believed by everyone. Therefore, I know that believing apart from the instinctual mechanistic process that it represents is empty for those not caught up in it's belief.

My philosophy is this: I am not important enough to demand proof from anyone. If what you propose seems of interest and is inspiring, or is entertaining and intriguing, bravo. Look forward to some intelligent, well rounded, discussion. If not, and what you state strikes a personal chord of a disagreeable nature, there's too many other great posts to stick around for a flying shit fest.

You want to know what I really want and need apart from a joy ride in a flying saucer? A Tuatara! (now *this* is COOL!!)
UFOs are very interesting in and of themselves. However like so much of that which is built on a progressive mythos of perception, it's the space between the perceived and that which petitions the observer's experience that makes for a real mind fry.

I believe that I have the ability to believe, however I do not believe that what I believe could be believed by everyone. Therefore, I know that believing apart from the instinctual mechanistic process that it represents is empty for those not caught up in it's belief.

My philosophy is this: I am not important enough to demand proof from anyone. If what you propose seems of interest and is inspiring, or is entertaining and intriguing, bravo. Look forward to some intelligent, well rounded, discussion. If not, and what you state strikes a personal chord of a disagreeable nature, there's too many other great posts to stick around for a flying shit fest.

You want to know what I really want and need apart from a joy ride in a flying saucer? A Tuatara! (now *this* is COOL!!)

It will out live you you know as these little guys can live for a 150 years
It will out live you you know as these little guys can live for a 150 years

Whoa! I honestly did not know as much. Thanks! I wonder how many heart broke tuataras are running around due to outliving their human pals? Most likely not many.

They are simply so beautiful, but I would imagine quite hands off protected I'm thinking.
Whoa! I honestly did not know as much. Thanks! I wonder how many heart broke tuataras are running around due to outliving their human pals? Most likely not many.

They are simply so beautiful, but I would imagine quite hands off protected I'm thinking.

yeah very much so, and yeah they are very endangered