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Ken Gerhard

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Paranormal Adept
It so happens that cryptozoologist and Bigfoot expert Ken Gerhard lectured this evening at the local library two blocks from where I live. I'm not much of a Bigfoot aficionado. But Gerhard delivers a lively presentation with thoughtful Q and A afterwards. I do have a feeling that some younger members of the audience may come down with a mild case of the creeps tonight !
It so happens that cryptozoologist and Bigfoot expert Ken Gerhard lectured this evening at the local library two blocks from where I live. I'm not much of a Bigfoot aficionado. But Gerhard delivers a lively presentation with thoughtful Q and A afterwards. I do have a feeling that some younger members of the audience may come down with a mild case of the creeps tonight !

Did you take anything significant away from the lecture? Just curious. This is a topic of interest for me, although I can't claim to be privy to most of the names that show up in this area of unknown study.
I wish there was a way that I could make it to some lectures. I don't think that there are many in my area. I don't know how I would go about looking for a schedule for this type of thing either.
I wish there was a way that I could make it to some lectures. I don't think that there are many in my area. I don't know how I would go about looking for a schedule for this type of thing either.

You would probably have to know the speaker or a group they are associated with then just follow that to look for event announcements and schedules. I have never heard of one in my area but I also didn't go out of my way looking, either.
I wish there was a way that I could make it to some lectures. I don't think that there are many in my area. I don't know how I would go about looking for a schedule for this type of thing either.

I've found a few by checking with the websites of local libraries, many of them have frequent guest speakers and sometimes they'll be on paranormal or UFO related topics.
Did you take anything significant away from the lecture? Just curious. This is a topic of interest for me, although I can't claim to be privy to most of the names that show up in this area of unknown study.

Cryptozoology is not really an area of special interest for me. So I am probably not the best person to ask. Suffice to say Gerhard was a lively and articulate presenter. He seemed to divide the lecture into two parts: Creatures he believes are biological species yet undiscovered, and things of a more paranormal bent. Q & A after the lecture was sadly cut short because it was closing time at the library. lol

I only happened to learn of his presentation by way of a monthly newsletter sent out to residents of my little incorporated city in the "burbs" of Austin. But I was a surprised he would take the time to shuffle all of the way out here when most events in the Austin area are more central. So I would say to keep an ear to the ground for this kind of thing.