Yea, silly me, I thought it was for the benefit of the poor when you can get free healthcare, free higher education etc etc paid by progressive taxation.
If you think there's something messed up with the way that banks are subsidized after the financial crisis, that's of course completely valid. Eventually, it's best to locate the source of the problem, to avoid it happening again. And the source of the problem is DE-REGULATION, not government control.
During all the years with Greenspan, it was the philosophy of Ayn Rand that ruled, extreme deregulation, not the opposite. Did you realize that? This is not something which is up for debate, it's simply how it is. Greenspan admired her crass capitalism, e.g. see:
For Ayn Rand it wasn't a problem if someone suffered and others flourished, because that was just 'the beauty' of free enterprise.
I gotta say, only the Tea Party and similar right-winged organizations would be so politically false or stupid to think that
DE-REGULATION, even less gov. control, would help. If you think that
less government control will help in the future, you're really
quite naive.
A very left-leaning social democrat or a socialist would say that banking should now be a public (government) job, because private enterprise is unable to do it without going for max profit, all the time, and without literally destroying society. That's definitly classic socialist thinking, but maybe it's the best? I can tell you that several European nations are considering that right now so they won't ever again have to bail out the pricks. Understand, without banking you can't loan money for a new house or whatever, so banking is a necessary evil, and that's why some parts of the financial sector indeed did get bailed out, even if it's sickening to think about.
Finally, and this is objective knowledge: In capitalistic societies the gap between rich and poor is way higher than among social democratic countries. Until you understand why that totally undercuts your argument about 'feudalism', you're just pissing in the wind.