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Joseph W. McMoneagle

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aka Arlen Royal Woods
Now that you've opened the remote viewing box with Daz Smith maybe you could get McMoneagle on the show or one of the other people from the military program. If you really want some fun see if you can get [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jonina Dourif to talk with you (http://www.psitech.net/about.htm).
I don't think Ingo Swann does interviews anymore but he was a great interview.
I'm in the middle of the Daz Smith interview at this moment and his description of his practice is consistent with other TRV practitioners, at least those who use the strict protocol. But you might as well get the historical story from one of the people who was there. (I'm assuming you haven't, I didn't check the archives before writing this.)