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January 5, 2020 — Jerome Clark and Chris Rutkowski

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Gene Steinberg

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I was interested in the discussion of the Patterson bigfoot encounter and film footage.

Jerry Clark suggested an ape-like creature may have been what Patterson filmed.

I'd like to insert a blow-up of the Patterson creature's face:


My impression is decidedly, the creature does not appear to be an ape, but rather, a large humanoid.

** Also, I was extremely interested in what was new information to me, when Jerry mentioned that it's not uncommon, when viewers of anomalous phenomena photograph what they see, the camera records a bright blurry area, as opposed to what the observer's eye saw. That's encouraging. The observer wasn't crazy.

I tend to suspect that these "real but not always present" phenomena may well be items crossing into our presence from other dimensions.

-- Squirrel
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Again, Chris and Jerry also appeared on After The Paracast, part of our Paracast+ subscription service.

For more info on recent episodes, check this post:


Lie Detector - Unlike Travis Walton, Heironimus passes

Why anyone still believes the Patterson story is beyond me

Wellll ....... I'm not so sure "confessions" - even with a lie detector pass (some say it's not hard to fake a pass) - guarantee this BF sighting was a hoax. Just as with "confessions" of some of the more elaborate and high quality crop glyphs claiming they were faked. I'd like to see the Crabtree glyph, with its raster pattern, reproduced in daylight, without surrounding grass getting trampled, for example. No "rope and board" could have done Crabtree.

The apparent inertial effects of the creature's movement suggest genuineness to me, and the facial appearance doesn't look like a mask.

I think "confessions" have at least an equal potential for fakery as the original anomaly does. "Fifteen minutes of fame" kind of thing.

I'll stay in the "I don't know" lane on this one, with a guess it's real.

-- Squirrel
Wellll ....... I'm not so sure "confessions" - even with a lie detector pass (some say it's not hard to fake a pass) - guarantee this BF sighting was a hoax. Just as with "confessions" of some of the more elaborate and high quality crop glyphs claiming they were faked. I'd like to see the Crabtree glyph, with its raster pattern, reproduced in daylight, without surrounding grass getting trampled, for example. No "rope and board" could have done Crabtree.

The apparent inertial effects of the creature's movement suggest genuineness to me, and the facial appearance doesn't look like a mask.

I think "confessions" have at least an equal potential for fakery as the original anomaly does. "Fifteen minutes of fame" kind of thing.

I'll stay in the "I don't know" lane on this one, with a guess it's real.

-- Squirrel
Hope you're doing okay amid this pandemic, and if you prefer to believe the guy in the suit isn't the same guy in the film, you're entitled to that. Personally, whether or not the film is genuine is of no relevance to my position on the subject. I think it's very much like UFOs. Something strange is going on and people are having real experiences that cannot be attributed to the mundane.

Lie Detector - Unlike Travis Walton, Heironimus passes

Why anyone still believes the Patterson story is beyond me
If you research this a little deeper and make comparisons of the two different suits talked about by those who claim to be responsible for the suit and then look at what happens in the film itself - there's no way what Bob H. describes is something he could have walked it let alone do the dynamic and unique things that this creature does in this Bigfoot legacy flick. There's way too many strange biological pieces at work in this footage that, as Clark says, is best left for the experts to explore.

I also totally loved listening to you try to understand Clark's notion of event vs. experience anomalies which is something i used to debate with you ad nauseam and got nowhere - so this episode brought back good memories. The UFO is there and not there at once. It really is about letting paradox play a much bigger role in the anomalous.

Clark's comments about taking pictures of what you think you see and there being just glowing fog present was fascinating. This gets supported in various early UFO pics and even pics associated with the Beast of Bray Road. I wonder what other examples could be found to support this notion that what our brain thinks we are seeing is not in fact what is actually there (see my essay in reframing for more of the same). This claim from Clark also makes almost every single photo of a structured craft defined as a hoax. So there's that too.

This was an enjoyable episode that brought back memories of how logic has literally nothing to do with what it means to witness anomalous phenomena. I'm not saying abandon logic altogether when it comes to exploring ideas of this subject matter but if you want to dig into the witness experience then you have to learn to start thinking more "both and" as opposed to "either this or that".

be well.