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Jan 20, 2008 Show, Stop Sylvia Brown

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Brian Now

Paranormal Pimp
I really liked this show. It was "meaty" so to speak. It didn't have the theory or the unverifiable, extreme claims that have been in a lot of recent episodes.

However, personally I can't imagine spending as much time and effort in chasing one person as the guest does. It's not that I have too much of a life (I don't!), it's just that I think it would get old. But more power to him! It's good that at least somebody is publicly challenging people like Sylvia Brown...America's favorite white trash psychic.

On a side note, I actually am very interested in psychic/medium stuff, but while I am open to the phenomenon and I very skeptical of the people who claim those abilities.
I thought that too. It's kinda cool that there's someone out there tearing down frauds who isn't a complete wall of disbelief like Randi et. al.... but it's also kinda...I dunno, sad? Weird? To obsess like that. Still better that than stalking I always say!
I haven't listened to the show yet, but Robert Lancaster is just amazing I've heard/seen him a few times and his website www.stopsylviabrowne.com is just wonderful.
I totally enjoyed the show. Robert was well spoken, presented his opinion in a rational way and even though he thinks Sylivia Brown is a fraud, never once made an ad hominem attack on her.

I think it is great that there are people taking on the frauds in this field, and at the risk of being thought an anti-religious zealot (I'm not), I wish someone would take on the tele-evangelists in the same way. I don't see how what someone like Pat Robertson does is any different from what Sylvia Brown does.
I'm glad you two finally found out where she came from, how she became famous, and how she stays famous. It's these questions that baffled me more so than her predictions.
Hi there.

The answer is really sad.

Earlier this year Robert Lancaster suffered a massive stroke (he is recovering). While he was in the hospital the website domain came up for renewal and an unscrupulous individual purchased it and then tried to sell it back to Robert at a ridiculously inflated rate.

Well, Robert had a backup address and that is now the address for the site: Stop Sylvia Browne

Please update your bookmarks to the new address.

The semi-good news is that the value of the original address has plummeted dramatically due to the word getting out about what happened and in time the original address will hopefully not be worth anything.
