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Huge Mystery Boneyard Discovered In New Mexico

Is this a 'cattle mutilation' site by a cryptid?

  • Yes and a covert surveillance camera could capture the event in the future

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Yes but it should be left alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't believe in cryptids

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters

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Alan Lowey

Paranormal Novice
The Phantoms and Monsters website featured this story today:
Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

MF, aka (redacted), was prospecting in the (redacted - New Mexico) late September, 2002. He told me about a strange location he stumbled onto and later showed me a few of the photos he took.

Below a steep slope on a semi-flat rocky area, strewn amongst the typical high desert trees, was a boneyard. This boneyard according to MF was over 200 feet long and many of the bones had washed into a ravine below the dump, making the number of bones even greater than what he could see. The remains were a sampling of most the mammals that live in the (redacted), such as deer, elk, bighorn sheep, bear, mountain lion, horse, cattle, etc. Antlers and horns were broken and left on partial skulls — so that ruled out poachers and trophy hunters. On some of the kills made in recent years, the hides and flesh still clung to the bones, so that ruled out meat hunters. The location is too far from a rough 4-wheel drive forest service road, for any truck to use this as a dump site. MF searched for any intact skulls that he could take home, but most were all or partially crushed. His guess is something has been dumping carcasses here for over 50 years. He returned a number of times over the years, hoping to see some evidence of what was responsible.

MF thinks the predator has to be big and powerful, either dragging the carcasses long distances through the forest or dropping the carcasses from above. An intriguing mystery.

After I return to New Mexico from (redacted), I plan to visit the site with MF in the fall of 2015. I’ll take close-up photos with a good camera.

MF doesn’t type or use a computer, so I’m sending this hoping you have some insight into what this might be. I’m attaching three photos taken from his old cell phone camera. If you want more info let me know. LL [end quote]

boneyard1.JPG boneyard2.JPG boneyard1.JPG boneyard2.JPG boneyard3.JPG