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How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are real?

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How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

sung to the tune of "joy to the world"......

Joy to the world a king is born let everyone rejoice..
except for all you buddists, mohamadans and taoists,
raj-nesh pagans hindus.....hare krish-nahs and jews,
hes our god ,hes our god so bug ger off.

i think thats the "god" they refered to :D

they all believe in a male god, the only real god the one who created the heavens and the earth and man and the fishys that swim and birdies that fly.....

but they've been killing each other for way to long now over the "NAME" of this one true god.
they all agree on the base attributes of this character, but will squabble like kids in a sandbox, over the correct form of worship, including his name, which in one of the very old translations of his name literally translates into "he who is nameless" or has no name.

and for some reason they need to build "houses" for this character, and then they kill each other over the specific architecture and holy real estate.

i cant see "in allah we trust" appearing on US paper money anytime soon.

the god that was refered to was a specific god, the god of the old and new testiment, though not of the mormons testiment which is just "made up"...

apparently you'll be seeing a mormon president around the same time as in allah we trust goes on banknotes

now imagine an alien species whos contacted 1000's of species and knows there is no male bearded figure looking like the humans on sol3.
has observed the phenomena of indigenous superstition many times and recognise the greater universal reality which doesnt cater to these "flights of fancy".
its enough to make one want to put on the sound of music and sing what are we going to do about maria.

imagine for a moment we have travelled to a distant star and met a pre space flight species, we use BCI technology to "telepathically" comunicate, and find that deep down inside they think we are demons from some old myth, that despite that fact that we are obviously a natural being with advanced technology, which they can see and which we have confirmed.
deep down inside they still "file" us under demon in accordance with the local superstitions......
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Here's a prediction.......
you'll see full disclosure the same year the US elects an openly atheist president.........
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

I think this just about cover our current situation:

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How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

one example could be the hypothetical, that the nazis did discover antigrav and built the "Bell" flying disk, and moved to a secret base in antartica or the back of the moon...... these guys were also "mad" keen on genetic research.

its therefore not beyond the realms of possibility that they engineered the "grey" from human and possibly other genetic stock and are using them as proxies to hide the fact they still exist.

hmmm "not beyond the realms of possibility", I completely disagree with that. I dont think that there is a chance in hell that this scenario is real.

another one i heard was that the grey is a land dolphin

I cant even keep a straight face on that one.

human time travellers

Not nearly as far fetched as "Land Dolphin". I personally dont see think that is it but I do have to say that it is definately more possible than hidden nazi grav bells and genetic robots from antarctica or that land dolphin thing.

GREAT, now I cant stop thinking of that SNL skit. You know the Land Shark.
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Anyway, back to the main point of the thread. If I were to want to try to talk to someone and show them the best 2 cases I am aware of in order to show them that there is something to the phenomenon I would first pick the Delphose Kansas case of 1971. Oodles and gobs of physical evidence and the primary witness is still alive an young enough to provide insight (if you can get him to talk about it).

The other is the 1966 Westall Australia case. Over 200 witnesses (students and faculty from 2 schools) and physical trace evidence. There was about a 15 foot diameter patch of circular scortched earth that, reportedly, still has not been fully reclaimed by the local vegitation (just like the delphos case).

Those are mine. They have a bunch of similar qualities. Both had affected the ground in a circular pattern, landings in a wooded area that would be very difficult to get machinery into in order to perpetuate a hoax. Good withesses that have not saught to promote their respective cases to financial gain.

I dont think that Klass or any true "debunker" would have a "voila" moment after looking these but they represent reliable cases with similar trace evidence over a large enough time frame and geography to show that ther is some consistency to this phenomenon. Hence, worth serious study.

No time to check my spelling and grammer. Please forgive the errors.
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

only tossing the idea up as one thats doing the rounds

a search for "grey alien dolphins" will spit a bit of stuff out


its as whacky a piece of cryptozoology as your hear, but i dont find the idea totally impossible

and of course the same goes for the reptoids, a case could be made that during the dinosaur period a sentient tool using species may have arose.

and theres lots of logical reasons why these two hypotetical terrestrial species would move into deep underground habitats.

security: covering such things as radical climate change and impact distasters. genetic stability by cutting out known mutagens like solar radiation, and a superior sense of ecology, leaving the surface to "do its thing" and evolve the next sentient species...

of course "deception" is often mentioned.... what better way to stop the most recent tool using species from digging up the habitats of previous surface dwellers, than to let them think you come from outer space, instead of under their very feet......
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Someone call the cops, my thread was hijacked by religious fanatics.
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Someone call the cops, my thread was hijacked by religious fanatics.

yuppers, and one of the hijackers, which may or may not be me... depending on whether or not you include me in your definition of fanatic,
is also guilty of not closely reading the post she quoted in her reply to...
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Only one, but the thing is, different people have different measures of proof. I still talk with people (one of the reasons I have a history of being suicidal perhaps) that think OJ hasn't been proven guilty after all. I beat the shit out of a 5 yr old last month trying to convert him to my way of thinking Satan, I mean Santa doesn't exist! I got out of jail on a fail-ure of the system. Love it.
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Do you have a blog Aaron? I wanna get know to know the real Aaron. Youre an enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.

Have you had UFO sightings? Would you classify yourself an abductee?
How many UFO events have to be confirmed as true for it to prove that UFOs are re

Do you have a blog Aaron? I wanna get know to know the real Aaron. Youre an enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.

Have you had UFO sightings? Would you classify yourself an abductee?

If I had a blog, it would consist of porn that I might make an extra 20 bucks a month. No, there's enough crapsites on the net. I need not add to it.

I'm certainly not an abductee. I have had SP and lucid dreams before. Neat, but not enough for me to call Fart Hell. I've had ufo sightings, but nothing I'm convinced was piloted by Zorks. David's sightings are much more interesting as an example. There's tons of anecdotal reports that are better than mine, so I rarely if ever speak of them. I have had some experiences that even seemed to stump James Randi. But, you would be stuck in the postition of taking my word for it. Which I don't like. In short, I can't prove my experiences, so I rarely speak of them.