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Dreams or Reality

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Paranormal Novice
In life we have all had some strange and unexplainable experiences, encounters. Some may be pleasant and unharmful but many can leave you pondering how that happened to us and what was the reason behind it. But every situation may not be supported with logical reasons. I would like to share such an experience of mine here; which was a few months back.

I was lying down on my bed to take my afternoon nap. My sister was sitting on the bed doing her stuff and my mom was sitting at a place near the bed. I don’t know whether it was my dream or reality but after some time, suddenly and strangely, I felt like I was glued to my bed and was not able to move; I wanted to wake up but could not. It was as if something was holding me from waking which scared me to no end. I felt a presence beside me on the bed. I could clearly see my sister and mom sitting, which made me think that I was awake. I felt someone’s presence in the home but could not move myself out of the bed. I was only able to move my head.

I was lying straight on my back and was not able to change my position. I saw some shadow moving along the bedside. Then I tried to call my mom and sister to help me but when I tried I couldn’t open my mouth… It felt super glued shut. After a few minutes of struggle, I gave a shriek and punched the bed and told the spirit to stop. Then I got up and felt dizziness in my head, I was sweating even though the weather was not very hot.
Yes sleep paralysis seems to answer all the unknown out there! How many of the worlds population has been connected in a scientific study of sleep paralysis? How much of human brain has been investigated ? I keep a open mind on this one.
Yes sleep paralysis seems to answer all the unknown out there! How many of the worlds population has been connected in a scientific study of sleep paralysis? How much of human brain has been investigated ? I keep a open mind on this one.

I don't go around labeling everything as sleep paralysis. But since his account sounds EXACTLY like it why wouldn't I make that assumption?
thanks for reading my story... u can say so... its a true experience.. :)

I've had countless experiences similar to these, some even more intense and for me its sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is well-documented scientifically and can discount for many abduction and ghostly-encounters. Simply put: If you wake up, can't move, can't speak, feel a presence, and/or see a shadow or entity...its sleep paralysis.
I've had countless experiences similar to these, some even more intense and for me its sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is well-documented scientifically and can discount for many abduction and ghostly-encounters. Simply put: If you wake up, can't move, can't speak, feel a presence, and/or see a shadow or entity...its sleep paralysis.

I've had just two experiences with it that I can remember. Once as a kid and a shorter, less dramatic episode several months ago (Could have been longer ago than that. Can't precisely nail it down in my memory).

The way it happened when I was a kid is that I was in bed and the room was dark. Then it filled up with a dozen or so of these tall, dark beings, darker than the surrounding darkness. They didn't really look like anything but tall, dark boards or planks. No arms or heads or anything, just like these tall fence posts shambling around the room. And it seemed like they were whispering, room was filled with it, all this indecipherable jabbering. We lived in a small apartment above a bar so my sister shared the same room with me. These tall board-like things went over to her bed and were walking around it and looking down at her and blabbering and all of that and they appeared to be paying no mind to me at all. I don't remember being paralyzed but I can't recall trying to move either. I was happy to remain unnoticed so was sorta' pretending to not be awake. Then my memory of it just ends. I assume I fell all the way asleep at that point. I carried around that memory for many years thinking something strange might have happened as it always seemed like more than just a dream to me. Then I found out about sleep paralysis and the mystery was solved.

The thing that happened not too far back was this impression of being surrounded by smoke or mist that was intelligent somehow and was pushing in on me or trying to grab me or get inside of me or something. I very much got a feeling of pure evil from it. But I was semi-conscious (Felt like I was somewhere between alertness and sleep) and was able to think somewhat rationally and was aware that my eyes were closed so how in the hell was I seeing it? This time I tried to move but nothing would work, I couldn't do jack. I couldn't even open my eyes. I got more and more alarmed and then all of a sudden I snapped out of it. Opened my eyes and shot up instantly and there was no smoke, no presence of any kind. Just my normal surroundings. This time I knew right away what had happened. Whole thing had lasted just several seconds. Considering all the talking and reading I'd done about it I was pretty pleased that I'd had another run-in with it after approximately thirty years. Think I might have posted about it here shortly after it occurred.

This is something that hasn't happened to me much. But some people are afflicted with it quite a bit and it can indeed be very frightening and even seem quite real.
I don't go around labeling everything as sleep paralysis. But since his account sounds EXACTLY like it why wouldn't I make that assumption?

Maybe it is sleep paralysis or not who knows until the human brain has been totaly explained ? Also how do we not no sleep paralysis is not some sort of dimensional gateway within the electronic pulse of the brain ?
Maybe it is sleep paralysis or not who knows until the human brain has been totaly explained ? Also how do we not no sleep paralysis is not some sort of dimensional gateway within the electronic pulse of the brain ?

I've often wondered that myself but you have to ask yourself which one is most likely based on our scientific understanding of the phenomena. This is one of the few "paranormal" subjects that is well studied and can be induced in a laboratory. I'm not saying all occurrences like these are sleep paralysis because that would be completely ignorant, but I would bet that most of these type of experiences can be explained away. Especially when you have the classic symptoms of not being able to move and/or speak etc...
I'm not saying all occurrences like these are sleep paralysis because that would be completely ignorant,

Right, that is what I mean by critical thinking. Not putting everything in a little box. 8)

but I would bet that most of these type of experiences can be explained away.

Again, I agree. That is honest skepticism and not a knee jerk "religious" materilistic attitude. Also, I'm in agreement with blowfish that we have not mapped the brain far enough to know. Sleep Paralisis is something I've expereinced throughout my life. Paranormal? I'm not sure because I'm not sure what paranormal is. I'm still on the fence as far as the soul and the afterlife. Oh, I know that I fuss with the "skeptics" here alot. I also know that I have and still do express a "belief" in God and the spritual nature of the universe. But, my "belief" is predicated on what I've experienced and feel about life. It's not something I'm absloutely sure of. But, then again I'm still critical of things that are "proven" scientifically to the extent that I don't state absolutes. So, when it comes to "intuition" and dreams and visions, I'm very much still skeptical of my own expereince. But, at the same time I'm also honest about the "fact" that I've had dreams and visions and "known" things. So, stay skeptical. Just remember that there is a big difference between "skeptic" and "true believer" in materialism.

Oh, and I gotta agree that this time it really does sound as if you were waking up from a dream or sleep paralizes. But, maybe one day we will find many universes and things that are paranomal now, won't be then. :cool:
I've had just two experiences with it that I can remember. Once as a kid and a shorter, less dramatic episode several months ago (Could have been longer ago than that. Can't precisely nail it down in my memory).

The way it happened when I was a kid is that I was in bed and the room was dark. Then it filled up with a dozen or so of these tall, dark beings, darker than the surrounding darkness. They didn't really look like anything but tall, dark boards or planks. No arms or heads or anything, just like these tall fence posts shambling around the room. And it seemed like they were whispering, room was filled with it, all this indecipherable jabbering. We lived in a small apartment above a bar so my sister shared the same room with me. These tall board-like things went over to her bed and were walking around it and looking down at her and blabbering and all of that and they appeared to be paying no mind to me at all. I don't remember being paralyzed but I can't recall trying to move either. I was happy to remain unnoticed so was sorta' pretending to not be awake. Then my memory of it just ends. I assume I fell all the way asleep at that point. I carried around that memory for many years thinking something strange might have happened as it always seemed like more than just a dream to me. Then I found out about sleep paralysis and the mystery was solved.

The thing that happened not too far back was this impression of being surrounded by smoke or mist that was intelligent somehow and was pushing in on me or trying to grab me or get inside of me or something. I very much got a feeling of pure evil from it. But I was semi-conscious (Felt like I was somewhere between alertness and sleep) and was able to think somewhat rationally and was aware that my eyes were closed so how in the hell was I seeing it? This time I tried to move but nothing would work, I couldn't do jack. I couldn't even open my eyes. I got more and more alarmed and then all of a sudden I snapped out of it. Opened my eyes and shot up instantly and there was no smoke, no presence of any kind. Just my normal surroundings. This time I knew right away what had happened. Whole thing had lasted just several seconds. Considering all the talking and reading I'd done about it I was pretty pleased that I'd had another run-in with it after approximately thirty years. Think I might have posted about it here shortly after it occurred.

This is something that hasn't happened to me much. But some people are afflicted with it quite a bit and it can indeed be very frightening and even seem quite real.

Interesting stories, particularly the "shambling fence posts", bizarre to say the least. I wouldn't have appreciated that as a child.

My experiences were later in life, and still occur when I am hyper-stressed, exhausted, and have just fallen asleep (classic sleep paralysis). Typically, a dark figure comes through my bedroom door and stands next to me for several minutes...until I am able to muster out of my paralysis and turn on the light...(the figure is completely visible until the light goes on). Sometimes this figure just stands in the doorway, leaning against the door frame.

As a teenager I would have the sensation of being levitated and/or pulled out of my bed! Not much fun to say the least, but you grow accustomed to it.

I feel the same evil sensation as you Wickerman, something I believe is commonly associated with this sleeping "disorder".
I feel the same evil sensation as you Wickerman, something I believe is commonly associated with this sleeping "disorder".
I have to agree Terjav :) is it blood pressure, lack of sleep, stress or electronical interference?
I had a similar experience when I was 11 years old. I was lying on my back on the bed trying to sleep. I suddenly was awake but asleep. I was experiencing sleep paralysis. Even though my eyes were closed, I could see with my mind (not the external environment). I saw this golden energy field, and was being pulled into it. I sensed an extremely powerful energy; like standing near the giant turbines at Hoover Dam. It was like entering into another dimension; a non-material dimension that is not made of the same stuff as this dimension. I was so startled my adrenalin snapped me out of it. Sleep paralysis is a fact. The majority of cases involving sleep paralysis are a normal part of sleep. However, there could be more to it. We can only wonder. Afterthought: I would not have posted my experience under ghost stories but what was described is similar.
I feel the same evil sensation as you Wickerman, something I believe is commonly associated with this sleeping "disorder".
I have to agree Terjav :) is it blood pressure, lack of sleep, stress or electronical interference?

Lol, how about all of the above? I would venture to guess all of those play a role in sleep paralysis.
Hmm... I remember experiencing sleep paralysis, but there was never a sensation of anyone standing over me. With me, what caused the most nightmares was the vampire! There was always a nasty vampire sucking my blood in my nightmares. Always something about me not having done my homework on time, or not having done some coursework on time, being late for something. Like trying real hard but not being able to make it to some airport before the plane took off to take me home. And always that evil vampire mixed into this somehow.
Those vampires scared the crap out of me when I was small. I use to sleep with the blanket covering my neck! Yow! I still dream of vampires from time to time.
Anyhow, I can certainly relate to sleep paralysis. As I said, I even remember waking up conscious and requiring a struggle for about 5 seconds before I was able to move. I remember trying to move, not being able to. Then trying harder, until I snapped out of it. Discomfiting!
The sleep paralysis theory has one sticky point if a so called individual experience the strange awareness of the shadow figures how come a fellow witness can hear the same noise but does not see the shadow figure and both are wide awake?
I'm not saying all occurrences like these are sleep paralysis because that would be completely ignorant,

Right, that is what I mean by critical thinking. Not putting everything in a little box. 8)

but I would bet that most of these type of experiences can be explained away.

Again, I agree. That is honest skepticism and not a knee jerk "religious" materilistic attitude. Also, I'm in agreement with blowfish that we have not mapped the brain far enough to know. Sleep Paralisis is something I've expereinced throughout my life. Paranormal? I'm not sure because I'm not sure what paranormal is. I'm still on the fence as far as the soul and the afterlife. Oh, I know that I fuss with the "skeptics" here alot. I also know that I have and still do express a "belief" in God and the spritual nature of the universe. But, my "belief" is predicated on what I've experienced and feel about life. It's not something I'm absloutely sure of. But, then again I'm still critical of things that are "proven" scientifically to the extent that I don't state absolutes. So, when it comes to "intuition" and dreams and visions, I'm very much still skeptical of my own expereince. But, at the same time I'm also honest about the "fact" that I've had dreams and visions and "known" things. So, stay skeptical. Just remember that there is a big difference between "skeptic" and "true believer" in materialism.

Oh, and I gotta agree that this time it really does sound as if you were waking up from a dream or sleep paralizes. But, maybe one day we will find many universes and things that are paranomal now, won't be then. :cool:

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