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David Biedny Has Passed On

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Maybe he wanted to mend fences. I hadn't talked to him in 13 years.
He was on worse terms with Lance Moody whom he once banned. I didn't get along great either. Once, after I posted a point by point refutation of his ideas, he referred to me as "this dork" but said "I can't ban him …."
Anyway RIP.
Btw does anybody know the condition of skeptic CDA/Christopher Allen ? Been a long time since I saw him in KDR's blog.
At a time when any member could delete their own posts without limit, Moody went in and removed everything he ever posted (which took threads he introduced with him).

That makes it hard to disagree with the original decision to ban him, though it was later rescinded.
Moody wasn't banned for deletions. Biedney actually saw merit in some of what moody posted on Roswell. But he just couldn't stand the tone of Moody's posts. He was harsh about that and said "I'm banning you Lance."
I just heard about David's death today while visiting UFO legend Rick Hilberg. I loved the old episodes when David would don the "bad cop" uniform. I miss those days.

A favorite memory, however hazy all these years later, is his story about the death of his mother and the events surrounding his sitting Shiva for her. I've tried to find that episode without success. If anyone has the date of that show, or a link to it, I would be so grateful.
David told a number of stories about his background, and thus I wouldn't remember which episode he discussed anything like that. Remember he did over 200 with us.
David told a number of stories about his background, and thus I wouldn't remember which episode he discussed anything like that. Remember he did over 200 with us.

This wasn't an aside. It was like a half hour story at least. It proved to David that his mom "survived" death. I don't believe there were any guests on that episode.

Anyway, RIP David and best wishes to you Gene.