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Collecting Evidence of ET?

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Although the Pentagon still won't accept whether there's evidence of an ET visitation, it appears the issue is being taken more and more seriously.
ET visitors were taken seriously (albeit secretly) from the start. How could the government not take them seriously, in view of overwhelming initial proof, in '47? Recent developments just show acclimation is making more progress.
ET visitors were taken seriously (albeit secretly) from the start. How could the government not take them seriously, in view of overwhelming initial proof, in '47? Recent developments just show acclimation is making more progress.
Oh, they DO! But, as always, they are simply gas-lighting the public on this issue. The Congressional "UAP" televised hearings, just the SAME as everything else we see and hear with the Fed. govt., its ALL THEATRICS. Political theatre. I mean, in the MOST LITERAL sense, infused with a disinformation campaign of sorts. Who were the two dudes presenting their "testimony" to Congress? Both were Cointel. That tells it all right there! Cointel's their name, and disinformation is their game.

Also, did anyone else notice how painstakingly meticulously CAREFUL they were not to use any wordage like aliens, ET'S, beings, lifeforms, etc, etc anything at all that would suggest or imply that the alleged sightings, UAP craft in question, and what is seen in their fake-ass cockpit videos were piloted by intelligent, sentient beings from another planet, dimension, or different universe altogether. They're gas-lighting everyone into believing that that is what they "mean". Which is super-easy to make people think that, because MOST people conflate UFO'S/UAPS and aliens as being one and the same. Which of course, they are not. All aliens (or most of them anyways) fly in UFO'S. But, not all UFO's are flown by aliens. So its almost effortlessly easy for them to employ their "double-speak", gas-lighting, and sowing the seeds of confusion in people's minds.

I see right through them like a window, as Im sure many others do as well - the Congressional hearings, the alleged creation of new Fed agencies in addressing "UAP" matters, the dramatic increase in MSM stories/coverage about UFO'S, the sharp uptick in worldwide UFO sightings, and just the fact that the "conversation" has begun officially, they're setting their "narrative" with the public, laying the final-stage groundwork BEFORE the full roll-out of Project Blue Beam.

Do extraterrestrial's exist? Yes, 100% they DO exist! I have had multiple face-to-face encounters with ET's off and on since my senior year in high school (1996). Abducted once. So, I KNOW for a FACT they are real, they do exist. But......the "REAL" ET'S will not be involved in this Project Blue Beam", not directly involved in it anyways.
Oh, they DO! But, as always, they are simply gas-lighting the public on this issue. The Congressional "UAP" televised hearings, just the SAME as everything else we see and hear with the Fed. govt., its ALL THEATRICS. Political theatre. I mean, in the MOST LITERAL sense, infused with a disinformation campaign of sorts. Who were the two dudes presenting their "testimony" to Congress? Both were Cointel. That tells it all right there! Cointel's their name, and disinformation is their game.

Right, just the most recent of myriad examples.

I see right through them like a window, as Im sure many others do as well

You should see the take in The Alien Grand Design on alien as well as government deception and its long-term purpose.

Do extraterrestrial's exist? Yes, 100% they DO exist! I have had multiple face-to-face encounters with ET's off and on since my senior year in high school (1996). Abducted once. So, I KNOW for a FACT they are real, they do exist. But......the "REAL" ET'S will not be involved in this Project Blue Beam", not directly involved in it anyways.
I don't know when this "blue beam" is supposed to begin; if it's in just a few years I dismiss it. Ultimately, I think ETs will participate in the establishment or consolidation of a world government. But according to the scenario in The Alien Grand Design that won't happen until the latter part of this century.
I don't know when this "blue beam" is supposed to begin; if it's in just a few years I dismiss it. Ultimately, I think ETs will participate in the establishment or consolidation of a world government. But according to the scenario in The Alien Grand Design that won't happen until the latter part of this century.
You really are taken with this book. Why?

I did try to find out something about this author, but his blog is barely populated with material.
Right, just the most recent of myriad examples.

You should see the take in The Alien Grand Design on alien as well as government deception and its long-term purpose.

I don't know when this "blue beam" is supposed to begin; if it's in just a few years I dismiss it. Ultimately, I think ETs will participate in the establishment or consolidation of a world government. But according to the scenario in The Alien Grand Design that won't happen until the latter part of this century.
Im intrigued, who is the author of it? I'll definitely check it out!

I totally concur with your take on it, how they will have an integral role in the NWO/OWG. In fact, I believe they are already here doing just that. That most, if not all, the "powers-that-shouldn't-be" are indeed actually ET's? Maybe not? What say you?
I totally concur with your take on it, how they will have an integral role in the NWO/OWG. In fact, I believe they are already here doing just that.

For now much of what they're doing is just acclimation--slowly inuring the masses to their reality. But they and the gov't are promoting certain false ideas intended ultimately to attain the final political outcome.

That most, if not all, the "powers-that-shouldn't-be" are indeed actually ET's? Maybe not? What say you?
The aforementioned book opines that ETs have set the key policies for the gov't, or both parties, and from the start have covertly run UFO policy at least.
Lol, it's an extremely controversial work. If people would read the book maybe we could have a discussion thread on it.
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