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Classic UFO Cases Reexamined

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947 UFO Clickbait.jpg

Rather than start new thread for each update, I'll use this one to announce new articles at STTF.

The Saucers That Time Forgot presents a collection by Claude Falkstrom: newspaper photos and ads and published between July and September 1947, using UFOs as "clickbait."
On the Jan. 16 show, guest Jerry Clark talks a bit about controversial UFO pioneer Ray Palmer, so this article ties into that.

Science fiction magazine Amazing Stories Sept. 1944 featured Robert Moore Williams’ “Star Base X,” a WWII story about a teardrop-shaped UFO, a spaceship flown by alien invaders. Here's a look at the story and how it "predicted" UFO landings, captured ET technology, alien invasions...
On the Jan. 16 show, guest Jerry Clark talks a bit about controversial UFO pioneer Ray Palmer, so this article ties into that.

Science fiction magazine Amazing Stories Sept. 1944 featured Robert Moore Williams’ “Star Base X,” a WWII story about a teardrop-shaped UFO, a spaceship flown by alien invaders. Here's a look at the story and how it "predicted" UFO landings, captured ET technology, alien invasions...
Yea I enjoyed that episode last week great pop culture.
Also looking out for Journalist-Film producer Mr Bryce Zabel's new movie on the real Roswell Story not full of false eyewitness. . He done some excellent interviews on his YouTube channel . On Roswell Major Keyhole did a recording about the event which was in the archives with interviewing the real eyewitness . I am sure Dr Randle will get a copy with his military links. Also just to add for Bryce Zabel -Major Keyhole stated not a V-1 Rocket and as Dr Randle excellent book 'When UFOs Fall From the Sky : CRASH' A History Of Famous Incidents Conspiracies And Cover-Ups' (2010) states

"Gonzales told John Price and Don Ecker that he had seen the bodies of the alien creatures. He was a sergeant in the transportation section, but, as the military swept through the base looking for all available men for guard duty. Gonzales was drafted. 91."

This quote is interesting and as stated was able to sit down with a number of eyewitness not caught up in the circuit of Roswell Show and another excellent book is the Scholars Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt book 'Witness To Roswell : Unmasking The 60-Year Cover-up' (2007) states

" Mack Brazel delivered a box of recovered material to Roswell's Sheriff's Office, which confounded them as as it had him, so Sheriff's George Wilcox and Deputy Tommy Thompson decided to contact the Roswell Army Air Field. Tuesday, July 8, Two days after the military received the Brazel material.93."

The classic book by Scientist Stanton T. Friedman, MSc 'TOP SECRET/ MAJIC : OPERATION MAJESTIC -12 AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT'S UFO COVER-UP' (2005) is critical to the Roswell Show and the Mac Brazel flying saucer crash fields . 1. Bill Moore was mixing it up on the communications with US Colonel T. Dubose who supplied the material for MJ-12 . Also during long conversations and recording the interviews one being a relation to US President who gave a inside scoop on the Roswell Crashes 5 all up. As stated in this release Major Keyhole was order to brush aside Roswell Crash story due to other events ongoing at the time. While some of the researchers suggest it was a Imperial Japanese Balloon it was wrong nor a NAZI V1 rocket and a side show. US Navy Admiral Byrd was in attendance at the crash sites as stated in this forum and the global threats of flying saucers . Also MJ-12 has highly credible elements if you have the codebooks -which is why Lue and Chris have kept clear as it has major implications for today. On Mr Lazar allegedly worked for the US Navy as a sub-contractor has told the same story since excellent journalist Mr G. Knapp . Mr Lazar was giving some good information on his alleged work and suggest you watch 'Deep -EVENT -Horizon ' . Moreover the infighting in UFO field is shocking and even the low scum hacking into folks private computers with aid of the agency . Very poor form and illegal . Back to Lazar he was giving information from his own experiences and others from his time on the Area He given some very credible info and only those who been there would know. Also the threat Deep Pulsar hey Bob. and it's relay -FIOA . Should find his material -the registry code already out there for Mr Bob Lazar that will show his locations and activities in 'R' and not the other which Mrs Annie Jacobson touched on years ago. While the 'good stuff was at another location.
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New from The Saucers That Time Forgot:

Throughout the early 1950s, brilliant UFOs were seen streaking across northeastern skies. The descriptions were all similar, and guesses ranged from fiery planes crashing to flying saucers. Some of them were a military test project by the US government.

UFOs: Confusing the Public
UFOs Hell Roarer.jpg
Very good Curt. Curt I have to tell you much to my shame I went to your website on Monday for the first time,it is amazing Curt and I now have it bookmarked on all my computer's and devices.
Classes on UFOs and aliens were held at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Once disclosed, the textbook was withdrawn, the ET studies canceled. Or so we were told.
An epic new report exposing the full story, and all 3 versions of the controversial UFO chapter.