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Big Foot/Shadow People

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Paranormal Novice
Hey guys i'm pretty new to the Paracast forum, but this has always had me perplexed. I heard on the recent shows that there are accounts of big foot seen in conjunction with ufo's. There was mention on the show about the big foot's having glowing red or green eyes.
My story comes from an encounter that started off with a triangle. Me and my best friend were driving down to a ufo hot spot right on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois (near Galena to be exact). We were in his truck smoking cigarettes driving on back roads waiting for our friend to call us back (he was going to go with us). Then this is where a field investigation probably wouldn't hold
If you believe some of the things witnesses have said there appears to be something related to ufos and Bigfoot in some cases. Really what has any kind of field research yielded in the last 40 years? Researchers go and talk to people visit locations and determine that "something" happened. They document statements ,gather samples. This kind of research can only hope to find out so much.

You mention the so called "shadow people" in your title but say nothing about it in your post.Do you think they are involved as well?
Some suggest "Shadow people" "Hoddies","Spiders Shadows" are some side effects to PTSD type disorder. Where's some researchers suggest people might open other worlds ?when on different types of medications. These are plausible factors as well as Sleep starvation. Mind you we only know 8 precent of the brain functionality some scientist suggests. Electrical surges of power also could factor in our magnetic waves among the home and street lights and power stations. Could this factor in eyewitness encounters of phenomena?
Sleep deprivation, certain drugs or combinations of drugs....sure I believe these should be considered as part of a possible explanation. Certain drugs induce extreme paranoia and hallucinations.

The first post seems to be playing around the edges....very abstract. Covers a few different subjects. Shadow people in the title, mention of ufos, references to a show linking bigfoot with ufos and questioning the validity of research.I get the feeling that the poster is having trouble nailing down a concrete idea.