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Best Kick Ass Evidence...ever

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Paranormal Novice
Wondering what folks believe is The Best Evidence Ever captured for any paranormal event. I'm looking for the big kahuna of the twilight zone. The one that truly makes critics pause and debunkers shit...behind closed doors of course.

Nothing comes to mind for me and I keep thinking something should ... especially given our technological recording ability for the last several decades now.

Which makes me wonder if there really is any signal to all this noise? Maybe we're all just chasing our tails in the dark.

If you're talking about objective evidence, none exists as far as I know. Paranormal experiences are considered subjective even if there are multiple witnesses to an event.

It's possible that the government has physical evidence, but if they do, they'll never tell. :frown:
This one is pretty good. It's the U.S. military firing on a flying saucer over Los Angeles in February, 1942. Thousands of rounds were fired and there were civilian casualties caused by falling flak.
The circular lights are anti-aircraft rounds. I seriously doubt a balloon could take such punishment.
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For my money, Arigo takes the prize. I've seen videos of him doing operations on Youtube, but they've since been removed, but read the John G. Fuller book on him, it'll blow your mind. I've used abebooks.com to purchase a number of hard and soft cover copies.

And as far as visual evidence of UFOs, there's this:

And this:

And this:

A Different Perspective: UFO at Trindade Island

And one of my personal favorites.

Bottom line, there's plenty of evidence for those motivated enough to seek it out.

Actually, I just did another search for Arigo on Youtube, and it looks like there's a Brazilian TV show about him, with some dramatic recreations, but also authentic footage mixed in as well. Here's part 1:

And I should also mention that David Sonnenschein, from this Paracast episode, had done a documentary on the current "vessel" of Dr. Fritz, he sent me a copy, and some of the footage on it is absolutely staggering. Unfortunately, he's never released it, but I'll give him a call this week and see what's going on with him, perhaps he'd be interested in posting some clips from it on Youtube.

Or maybe he would be happy for you to post the clips?

Fingers crossed. I would really like to see that.
Gotta disagree with you, David.

The OP said: The one that truly makes critics pause and debunkers shit...behind closed doors of course.

The information in your post is very impressive to the open minded types on this forum (including me). However, it certainly won't cause the debunkers and critics to suffer from loose bowels. They need a "smoking gun" they can see and touch combined with a mountain of scientific backup.

Us forum members might find it convincing, but not the critics and debunkers.
There is good evidence out there. However it may or may not be per your definition of "kick ass". :)

Most of the best evidence I've seen or read about is frankly quite subtle. Much of it boils down to scientific and or physical characteristics that's not all that "sexy" per general public norms, however for me it's quite compelling.

My opinion is that the "general public" given solid physical evidence would not be be convinced unless it had that whiz bang look of a flashy movie.

One thing to keep in mind this is still a work in progress.
There is good evidence out there. However it may or may not be per your definition of "kick ass". :)

I'm not talking about my definition of kick ass in terms of what it would take to convince me. Actually, I'm already convinced.

The OP's question was about critics and debunkers. That's what I was responding to and nothing more.
Gotta disagree with you, David.

The OP said: The one that truly makes critics pause and debunkers shit...behind closed doors of course.

The information in your post is very impressive to the open minded types on this forum (including me). However, it certainly won't cause the debunkers and critics to suffer from loose bowels. They need a "smoking gun" they can see and touch combined with a mountain of scientific backup.

Us forum members might find it convincing, but not the critics and debunkers.

I see what you mean. Yeah, the debunkers are essentially fundamentalists, their belief systems will not allow them to accept anything outside of their comfort zone. In discussing some of these things with debunkers who I've been somewhat friendly with, they simply change the subject when confronted with something like the Arigo case. And you might be right about a "smoking gun", but for chrissakes, when you see some of the stuff that exists in the Arigo filmed footage - or the Farias fellow, the latest "vessel" - I mean, it's just breathtaking, and more like a flaming machine gun, but the debunkeeheads will just ignore it. Such is life.

I think what gives the best "case" by someone who has the most credibility on the topic of what was flying around in the skies in the 1950's is Kelly Johnson. While it is not evidence such as pics or videos, it speaks volumes that there is a legit "unknown" aspect to what is in our skies.

I see what you mean. Yeah, the debunkers are essentially fundamentalists, their belief systems will not allow them to accept anything outside of their comfort zone. In discussing some of these things with debunkers who I've been somewhat friendly with, they simply change the subject when confronted with something like the Arigo case. And you might be right about a "smoking gun", but for chrissakes, when you see some of the stuff that exists in the Arigo filmed footage - or the Farias fellow, the latest "vessel" - I mean, it's just breathtaking, and more like a flaming machine gun, but the debunkeeheads will just ignore it. Such is life.


You are exactly correct.

Religious fanaticism is a crutch for people who can't handle life on their own. It serves the same purpose as drugs and alcohol. While those three things are not necessarily harmful on their own, they become harmful when abused.

There is no possibility of enlightening people like that. They are too unstable to deal with a major upset of their world view. I would venture to say that the more unstable they are, the more defensive and frightened they become.

Religious fanatics are as dependent on their crutch as the junkie is on his next fix and the alcoholic on his next drink. They feel safe within their narrow, structured existence and couldn't survive for long outside of it. They will defend their world view to the death against all threats real or imagined. They have to. Their tenuous grip on a semblance of sanity depends on it.
I'm not talking about my definition of kick ass in terms of what it would take to convince me. Actually, I'm already convinced.

The OP's question was about critics and debunkers. That's what I was responding to and nothing more.

I was replying to the first part op's message.....:) Should have quoted my bad.

Wondering what folks believe is The Best Evidence Ever captured for any paranormal event. I'm looking for the big kahuna of the twilight zone. The one that truly makes critics pause and debunkers shit...behind closed doors of course.
I'm a curiosity-seeker.. I haven't seen any real evidence in person or the media yet.
Of course, one should always be careful what You wish for.
It's sort of like praying for my long dead Granny to come to me in the night & show me a sign of the "after-life." So far..nada!
I noticed that "Experiencers" seem to be overly defensive on their views & even offensive to anyone that doubts them.
I surmise that until there's a Global expose by the actual Visitors, the 2 sides will continue this debate of Real or not.
I noticed that "Experiencers" seem to be overly defensive on their views & even offensive to anyone that doubts them.
Would you be offended if I looked at you like you were silly for telling me the sky is blue and not chartreuse? It is. You just have bad eyes.
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Now what's the difference between an open-mind and an air-head?
Can't answer that one, but I do know the difference between Love, True Love, and just showing off. The punch-line is perhaps inappropriate for this forum.

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