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April 29th - Don Ecker

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Skilled Investigator
This is kind of a standard question I would love to hear asked of guests on a regular basis.

A wealthy eccentric decides to leave you his fortune with the condition that it be spent on the ufo problem in some manner, whether it be research, lobbying, education or any combination of these. Given your experience, what specifically would you see as the wisest use of $1 million? Of $10 million? Of $100 million?

Wealthy eccentric gifts aside, from your experience what areas or avenue(s) of research do you feel hold the most promise for advancement of our understanding of the phenomena?
dorkbot said:
This is kind of a standard question I would love to hear asked of guests on a regular basis.

A wealthy eccentric decides to leave you his fortune with the condition that it be spent on the ufo problem in some manner, whether it be research, lobbying, education or any combination of these. Given your experience, what specifically would you see as the wisest use of $1 million? Of $10 million? Of $100 million?

Wealthy eccentric gifts aside, from your experience what areas or avenue(s) of research do you feel hold the most promise for advancement of our understanding of the phenomena?

Wide spread surveillance operations of the skies and repeated abductee's homes. More implant and medical work on abductee's. Further analysis of the alleged Roswell debris Leir has.
musictomyears said:
I can't get away from this thought: I think I would buy 1 million chocolate UFOs, throw a big party and invite lots of little kids to it!

The kids are more grown up than the typical ufologist I guess. That's why you invite them instead?
Invest the cash in scholarships for promising scientists researching space travel, experimental energy, experimental physics, etc. Hope that their innovations will take us further out into the universe rather than waiting for whatever is out there to come to us.

First stop would be to hire some grad students to go through all of the Project Blue Book files, the majority of which have never been truly analyzed by independent researchers.
A hundred million?
I'd donate fifty mil to Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs to create an investigative organization that takes the in depth, hands on approach they employ, unlike most other investigators who just catalog lights in the sky reports.
I'd give Stan Friedman 10 million to pursue his ETH hypothesis.
Of what's left, I'd bestow thirty million upon myself in order to personally research paranormal phenomena on a global scale. This would require the purchase of several very fast, high performance sports cars to facilitate travel, along with a few strategically located mansions with attached garages to store them in.
Establishing a public relations department to win the support of the general public as well as government authorities would necessitate a Levi's/T-shirt free wardrobe for me, the hiring of a former centerfold personal assistant to handle the phones, and throwing lots of swell parties in which the Bourbon would gush like water from a busted fire hydrant. The serving staff at these bashes would be entirely made up of shameless hussies who apply their makeup with trowels and believe underwear is useless. When not tempting my guests with steaming platters of non-Arby's type roast beef, those charming vixens would be entertaining big shots in my gigantic pinball annex, which would contain pristine examples of every table ever made.
I realize these are ambitious plans for a mere $30,000,000, but I'm cheap. I'll buy wholesale.
Then I guess I'd just pis* the rest away. Meh.
Mogwa, I see you mentioned neither UFOs nor chocolate - these are serious omissions. Let's team up if you get the cash, I think you may need my advice and guidance for achieving your selfless goals. Just give me a tinkle.
Mogwa said:
A hundred million?
I'd donate fifty mil to Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs to create an investigative organization that takes an in depth, hands on approach instead of just cataloging lights in the sky reports.

Jacobs and Hopkins don't just catalog lights in the sky. In fact, they don't at all unless it's in association with an abduction case. UFO reports is more MUFON's speed, yet even they do a lot more than that. Or Peter Davenport's speed.
I'd donate fifty mil to Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs to create an investigative organization that takes an in depth, hands on approach instead of just cataloging lights in the sky reports.
I didn't say they just cataloged lights in the sky, I was contrasting their investigative techniques against the norm that does nothing but gather relatively useless data. That's why I'd give them the money.
I was really hoping the question would serve as a catalyst to coax very specific detail from guests on the show and not let them get away with something like "I'd donate $10M to MUFON to look for aliens." Bribery and espionage are not permitted. What specific, carefully considered venture does the guest think is worthwhile if $ is removed from the equation.

I think Paul has a pretty good and pretty cheap idea w/ the Blue Book thing.
Mogwa said:
I didn't say they just cataloged lights in the sky, I was contrasting their investigative techniques against the norm that does nothing but gather relatively useless data. That's why I'd give them the money.

Ah. I had to read and re read what you said several times in order to interpret it that way. Thanks for clearing that up.
A.LeClair said:
Ah. I had to read and re read what you said several times in order to interpret it that way. Thanks for clearing that up.

You're absolutely right. I'll edit that bit to make it clearer. Shame om me for being sloppy.
dorkbot said:
A wealthy eccentric decides to leave you his fortune with the condition that it be spent on the ufo problem in some manner, whether it be research, lobbying, education or any combination of these. Given your experience, what specifically would you see as the wisest use of $1 million? Of $10 million? Of $100 million?

Hi Dorkbot,

Although generally nonsense, you may be interested in Annex A of the item entitled "Massive New Funding For Ufology?" (posted on 1 April 2007) at the link below:

Kind Regards,

IsaacKoi said:
you may be interested in Annex A

Yeah, I saw that when it was first posted on ufoupdates. A hilarious and heroic April Fools effort. I tip my hat. Some of the Annex A ideas aren't bad actually. The Woods seem to be having a go at one of them w/ ufodex but I have no idea how far along they are with that.