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Alien Video To Be Shown In Denver Friday.

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Tommy Allison

Wonder if Stan Romanak filmed it. His case is impressive. Unfortunately not much buzz about it in recent years. He sort of went into hiding last I heard.

Too bad the body won't be shown. A person in a suit would be obvious. With just a head, won't be compelling. I'm still interested in watching. Hope I can see it soon.
Here's Stan's new (new to me) site.

I viewed the old one, haven't looked through this newer one yet.

I don't know who this Peckman guy is yet.
"It [the movie] shows an extraterrestrial's head popping up outside of a window at night, looking in the window, that's visible through an infrared camera," he said. The alien is about 4 feet tall and can be seen blinking, Peckman said earlier this month.

Yeah, that sounds like a slam-dunk. After all, it blinks.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Here's Stan's new (new to me) site.

I viewed the old one, haven't looked through this newer one yet.

I don't know who this Peckman guy is yet.

This news story might provide some illumination:


He sounds like an interesting fellow to me,

Jeff Peckman is back at it, and this time he is bringing little green men along for the ride.

The Denver man, who sponsored an offbeat ballot initiative that would have required the city to implement stress-reduction techniques, now wants to ask voters to create a commission dealing with space aliens.

"It is important because if you're driving down the highway and you saw a crash of a small spaceship and a car or a bus full of kids, you really wouldn't know what to do," Peckman said Thursday. "Do you wait for the hazardous materials experts to show up because of potential contaminants from another solar system? What do you do? People really don't know."

Peckman, 54, who is single and lives with his parents, has submitted to the city a draft of the proposed ordinance, which would require the creation of an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission.
What's the story with Stan Romanek? Jeff R., any thoughts on him? I briefly went through his site and he has sort of a black, "fuzzy" picture of a humanoid.
icculus said:
What's the story with Stan Romanek? Jeff R., any thoughts on him? I briefly went through his site and he has sort of a black, "fuzzy" picture of a humanoid.

In short, Stan has a handful of videos and some pics (I think) of ufos, multiple witnesses to some close encounters with ufos, some of which can be heard on one of his videos. Marks on his body, some strange electromagnetic effects on car alarms he sets off reportedly, a strange equation and failed prediction (excuse being his dyslexia). Some other weird stuff...
fresh off of having read Vallee's book "Revelations" I doubt there is anything real substantial to this, but who knows, maybe it's the next dororthy izzatt, we will hopefully find out.

Do you think the powers that be that are in the know look at their calender and think, "Well, it's been a month since the last big UFO clusterfuck, I think it's time we orchestrate something new to meet the yearly suggested quota from the disinfo experts. Lets get Lear and Howe on the phone, it's party time. Jack you come up with the back story, make sure to put just enough truth in there that people will take the bite, but make sure there are some subtle inconsistencies that will discredit them later. Everone got that? Okay, happy hour time!"
He's going to be on FOX NEWS tomorrow. How BS could it be?

We've had what? half a dozen articles from high places saying we could have ET Brethren living in the universe?
"Peckman, 54, who is single and lives with his parents"

The guys just oozes credibility. Sorry if this sounds elitist, but come on! At 54 you can not live with your parents and expect the world to take you seriously. Also, if there is "proof" then fracken show it already. This "cant show you" crap is stupid. It really hacks me off. Everytime someone says it, I throw them directly into the BS bin.
Poi said:
Could be he moved in with his elderly parents to care for them ... and it drove him bonkers. :D

I saw that in the article too. I would hope he's in there with his parents taking care of them. Then again this could be some cripsy from Boulder CO.

I spent some time there. Some really, really, weird shit goes down in that town. I had friends that witnessed what one would call "men in black" these days, go into houses and not come out for long periods of time. They told me about strange sounds coming from the ground—like elevators... Also mile wide floating craft. We'll see. Like David said, this smells like Bull Poop.