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alien hair DNA tests

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I just purchased his book detailing this case.titled Hair of the alien.It was published in 2005.It can be found at borders.He would be interesting to interview on the paracast.If they havnt allready....8)
im very interested in your evaluation of the book and its claims.
it strikes me as a possible smoking gun.
I finished reading the book about a week ago. The DNA results from the recovered "alien" hair are intriguing. Let me preface my remarks by saying that I am not a geneticist/biochemist. I am relying on the expertise of those who performed the tests.

That said, here's the gist of the story and the results. In 1992 Peter Khoury received a visit by two odd looking females in the confines of his bedroom. Their appearance was generally humanoid, with some odd features. One woman had blond hair that was very light, to the point of being translucent. Her blue eyes were about three times normal size. Her face was very long, stretched in essence, ending in a rather pronounced, pointed chin. The other female was Asian in appearance, with the over-sized dark eyes, and black immobile hair.

Peter, at some point during this encounter, ends up having a coughing fit that persists for three days. He doesn't remember intercourse with the alien female. What he did notice was that his penis was very sore after the encounter. On closer inspection, he found a blond hair tightly coiled around the head of his penis, with another blond hair interwoven with it. It was almost like nylon string and was painful to remove.

He had the foresight to keep the hairs in a sealed bag - lucky for us!

Now to the DNA results:

DNA Analysis of Hair Shaft:
For those who know what this means, the DNA analysed was from "mitochrondrial hypervariable region I". Controls were taken from Peter and Peter's wife (who is not blond and never came in contact with the hair sample). The DNA from this blond alien had 2 mutations which made it quite strange - the mutations are only seen in a rare Chinese Mongoloid type (apparently one of the rarest human lineages known). This type of mutation would be seen in black hair, not blond. (Albino source, hair dyeing, contamination et al were ruled out).

OK, so far that's a bit odd, but perhaps still possible in the realm of human genetics. The next analysis is where things go sideways:

DNA Analysis of Hair Root:

The mitrochondrial DNA from the root was different from the shaft. Instead of the mongoloid variations, a novel "Basque/Gaelic" type was revealed. In any normal human DNA, we should get consistent DNA results no matter where the sample comes from. In other words, the shaft and root DNA should be the same, but they are not.

The only way this can happen is via advanced cloning techniques, something not available at the time of Peter's encounter with the females.

The other interesting aspect of this root mitochondrial DNA is that both genes for CCR5 protein are deleted. Apparently not having this CCR5 gene confers immunity against viruses, such as HIV. There is more info about the implications of this double deletion in the book, but I fear this post is getting rather long so I won't get into it at this point.

Bottom line: the analysis shows the hair to be "human", but with significant anomalies. Those anomalies point in the direction of advanced genetic manipulation.

Found the book to be a fascinating read and it also covered other Australian UFO cases I had not heard about before. Why everyone isn't shouting about this book is a mystery to me....

edited to correct spelling
lotusland said:
There is more info about the implications of this double deletion in the book, but I fear this post is getting rather long so I won't get into it at this point.

i for one am very interested in genetic "implications" so please feel free to post the other implications.

i asked the question in another thread , if you could using IVF create a baby that was immune to virus's etc would you do it. it seems we now have the data and means to do just that or will do very soon

ill be seeing bill soon

Exhibition Tour with Bill Chalker - Saturday 17th February 2008 3pm
Join internationally renowned Australian ufiologist Bill Chalker, author of Oz Files and Hair of the Alien as he shares his unique insights on the works of art and evidence on display in The Visitors. Enjoy a glass of bubbly to toast the exhibition's close.
Cost: $5
so is the claim that these visitors are genetically mutated humans, aliens, hybrid, or "other"? i got a little bogged down with that website, but I like your synopsis of the book, lotusland.
mike: tell Bill about the paracast when you see him. Maybe Gene/David might be interested in interviewing him as he seems to be a very thorough, level-headed researcher in this area. :)

As for the double deletion of the CCR5 gene, I'll just quote from the book:

Both the recent origin of the gene (approx 5000 years ago) and the fact that both gene copies must be absent to confer viral resistance in humans argues for a a "breeding mutation" rather than natural selection. Could such a double-deletion have been induced by germline (egg/sperm cells) genetic engineering, as a way of making a whole alien species viral resistant? Alternatively, if the the delta-CCR5 arose on Earth only recently by random mutation, why did this valuable pheontype not show itself first in apes, or in primitive countries such as India or China where smallpox is rife? How could resistance to HIV have been achieved by natural selection 5000 years ago, if HIV came into man only recently in 1955?

Today we see delta-CCR5 almost exclusively among people of northeast European descent, as well as Ashkenazi Jews. The origin of that mutation dates back 5000 years ago, and it is associated with a blond, blue-eyed racial type. Could such a mutation have been introduced into local humans, by cross-breeding with some blond alien species in ancient Ireland or Scandinavia?

The author then goes on to speculate that this conferred viral resistance due to this delta-CCR5 might explain why these beings seem to operate in our environment without hazmat-type suits.

As for a definitive answer as to whether these beings Peter encountered were human, alien, or alien-human hybrids, one cannot say. These results are based on one sample - many more need to be obtained so they can be analysed further and comparisons made. What we can say is that the blond being shows evidence of genetic manipulation, making her a rather unique specimen.

There has been an argument put forth that the scenes of these encounters be treated like a crime scene so that forensic evidence can be collected. Maybe there are others out there with hair or tissue samples but have no idea what to do with them?

This was not Peter's only encounter with these beings, but the only one where evidence of their presence was left behind in a very obvious manner. Maybe it was meant to be found?
i'll certainly mention the paracast to him, i also would like to hear an interview if he and the hosts are inclined to do so.

thanks again for an excellent summation of the book, im hoping to get a copy on the 17th.

if the data/sample presented and the subsequent conclusions are valid, then to my mind it offers a decent chunk of the jigsaw puzzle
I'm always intrigued by what these beings look like that people encounter. When Tim Good says he's met some of them, but refuses to describe them in any kind of detail as he doesn't want them to be "recognized" in public, I get a wee bit annoyed.

At least Peter Khoury is very forthright in his descriptions and has provided drawings of how these 2 beings appeared to him. I post these images here in case it resonates with others who may have experienced something along these lines.
(image credit: Peter Khoury)

The pot-bellied appearance of the asian female was something that caught his eye during his encounters with them. Apparently she patted her belly several times, indicating to Peter that a baby was to be made.

The texture of the asian's skin he described as leathery, as though she had been exposed to a lot of sunlight. The blonde's skin was more rubber-like, which he noticed in the way it stretched and moved during the encounter. He doesn't recall or seem to have noticed whether or not the blonde had eyebrows.

edited to re-link pictures. (imageshack/photobucket say they violate their terms)


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For those of you interested in the DNA aspect, here's a scan of the electrophoresis strip, along with details about where the DNA was extracted. (I apologize for the poor quality of the scan). The author has provided an extensive appendix detailing the exact methodology regarding the extraction procedure and amplification of the DNA. In fact, the entire book is well-referenced throughout.

Thanks again Lotusland for the details, i personally am fascinated with the DNA genetic aspect of the UFO phenomena, and follow our own dna tech with enthusiam, i have a nagging itch that genetics are a , perhaps the key to the puzzle.

we are starting to collect DNA as a matter of course, all prison inmates here must give a swab/sample and many crimes have been cold case closed by the data, babies born here have been giving foot and hand prints on birth at a hospital for decades, and i doubt it will be long (if it isnt already happening) that dna samples will also be collected, and tied with your MRN (medical record number) which serves as an ID card by proxy down here, the MRN is tied to the ATS system (admissions transfer and seperation) seperation being the nice word for death.
and you are tracked through the system from your first "admission" when you are born, to your ultimate seperation when you die.

and while some see an "identity" card or file as negative, it would be a useful tool for sorting out the humans from the hybrids......
Bill Chalker also has a blog, which he occasionally updates:

great link, i found stuff there id missed. and i found more on the dna aspect here
As this thread is inherently about the provocatively named book "Hair of the Alien", I wanted to touch upon one of the other cases Bill Chalker brings up in his research. This concerns the late Vicki Klein of Dalton (near Canberra). Since 1960, she had been witnessing UFO phenomenon as well as "alien" abductions and visitations. She had quite an established reputation with the Australian Geological Survey Organisation for her assistance with the monitoring of earthquakes in this particular region. All who knew her described her as sane, intelligent and very down to earth.

What many people didn't know was, she was in contact with these Nordic type aliens who were giving her predictions about impending disasters, telling her to get ready, where the safe areas were etc etc. Interestingly, one of these alien's faces was very dog-like with a long flattened nose and pointed ears, which reminded me of the Egyptian's god Anubis. But I digress.

The point of the story is this: the gloom and doom predictions didn't come true. She had made her family live in this very rural area, her husband gave up a job in the city that he really liked, all because these aliens told her to do that.

And she's not the only one

Then there's Nancy Lieder with her Zetas and predictions of the close passage of Planet X (which didn't come true) and other disasters. They told her she needed to give up her successful career, get rid of her home and move to the middle of the country where she now lives on some kind of income assistance.

And there's Miriam Delicado with her tall blond aliens, who have also predicted impending destruction and the death of about 90% of the world's population. She too was urged to uproot and move to a completely different part of the continent so she could be safe and be rescued by her alien friends when that time comes.

And dare I mention the one-armed bandit in the Swiss Alps? Whatever you may think of his story, he's also claiming contact with these humanoid beings who seem to be pre-occupied with impending gloom and doom (and as others have pointed out before, all their predictions seem to be made public AFTER the event has occurred. Not much of a prediction).

What is striking is the recurring theme of manipulation and control through fear. And with these beings claiming to be from another planet, it's a tad difficult to check out the authenticity of their stories.

Voices from beyond

I see a link here to the world of channeling, that practice whereby someone allows the deceased (or those not focused in physical reality) speak through them. In many, many of these cases, you again see that control and exploitation are common themes in these communities. The best treatment I've ever seen on this subject is the book by Joe Fisher called "Hungry Ghosts". It details his initial enchantment with these voices from beyond, to his eventual disillusionment with them.

It really seems to me that these beings, whatever they are and wherever they're from, are masters of deception and manipulation. They've been around forever, plying their trade. Their tactics haven't changed, but they seemed to have updated their "look" to correspond with the modern era. And those snazzy "spaceships" do strike awe and fear into those who encounter them.

I think the Paracast's guest Allen Greenfield summed it up best: maybe their purpose is to make us think.

They certainly do that, and a lot more. :)
i met Bill today and passed on printouts of the paracasts front page and list of episodes. i told him that people here would love for him to do an interview, and he remebered Gene and mentioned having spoken to him once in the past.
so with any luck he will agree to do so.
he mentioned further travel to china to further research the DNA aspect of this case and so i hope he will be able to share this with us

i hope he does agree to be a guest, looking at the exhibit i saw today i would say hes australia leading researcher in the UFO feild.
lotusland said:
As this thread is inherently about the provocatively named book "Hair of the Alien", I wanted to touch upon one of the other cases Bill Chalker brings up in his research. This concerns the late Vicki Klein of Dalton (near Canberra). Since 1960, she had been witnessing UFO phenomenon as well as "alien" abductions and visitations. She had quite an established reputation with the Australian Geological Survey Organisation for her assistance with the monitoring of earthquakes in this particular region. All who knew her described her as sane, intelligent and very down to earth.

What many people didn't know was, she was in contact with these Nordic type aliens who were giving her predictions about impending disasters, telling her to get ready, where the safe areas were etc etc. Interestingly, one of these alien's faces was very dog-like with a long flattened nose and pointed ears, which reminded me of the Egyptian's god Anubis. But I digress.

The point of the story is this: the gloom and doom predictions didn't come true. She had made her family live in this very rural area, her husband gave up a job in the city that he really liked, all because these aliens told her to do that.

And she's not the only one

Then there's Nancy Lieder with her Zetas and predictions of the close passage of Planet X (which didn't come true) and other disasters. They told her she needed to give up her successful career, get rid of her home and move to the middle of the country where she now lives on some kind of income assistance.

And there's Miriam Delicado with her tall blond aliens, who have also predicted impending destruction and the death of about 90% of the world's population. She too was urged to uproot and move to a completely different part of the continent so she could be safe and be rescued by her alien friends when that time comes.

And dare I mention the one-armed bandit in the Swiss Alps? Whatever you may think of his story, he's also claiming contact with these humanoid beings who seem to be pre-occupied with impending gloom and doom (and as others have pointed out before, all their predictions seem to be made public AFTER the event has occurred. Not much of a prediction).

What is striking is the recurring theme of manipulation and control through fear. And with these beings claiming to be from another planet, it's a tad difficult to check out the authenticity of their stories.

Voices from beyond

I see a link here to the world of channeling, that practice whereby someone allows the deceased (or those not focused in physical reality) speak through them. In many, many of these cases, you again see that control and exploitation are common themes in these communities. The best treatment I've ever seen on this subject is the book by Joe Fisher called "Hungry Ghosts". It details his initial enchantment with these voices from beyond, to his eventual disillusionment with them.

It really seems to me that these beings, whatever they are and wherever they're from, are masters of deception and manipulation. They've been around forever, plying their trade. Their tactics haven't changed, but they seemed to have updated their "look" to correspond with the modern era. And those snazzy "spaceships" do strike awe and fear into those who encounter them.

I think the Paracast's guest Allen Greenfield summed it up best: maybe their purpose is to make us think.

They certainly do that, and a lot more. :)

Excellent post, some very good observations there. I have extensive experience with channelling/mediumship, and I too moved away from this sort of practise, mainly because of the dependencies that it often creates. There have been and continue to be very helpful transmissions and channellings, however they are exceedingly rare. I get the feeling that many of those spirit entities are rather desperate to communicate with their human counterparts. Consequently, I wouldn't trust their messages.

It is interesting to draw the parallel to aliens. I approach it like this: Does the contact enhance my life, or does it hinder my life? Do I feel better for sustaining it, or worse? I am aware of having had passing contacts with the greys, primarily, but not entirely, via mediumistic practise. Those contacts made me definitely feel worse, so I stopped them. However, I think I learned quite a lot in the process.
lotusland said:
The author then goes on to speculate that this conferred viral resistance due to this delta-CCR5 might explain why these beings seem to operate in our environment without hazmat-type suits.

This appears to be an oversimplification. The absence of one gene or type of receptor would not result in generalised immunity to all types of viruses. The different receptors only interact with certain viruses:


found a current link to Miriam Delicado today,


she has a book out now - not sure how long ago - and is making the rounds of UFO conferences. The article also has a link to a video of a 1988 broadcast mentioning Majestic 12, etc., and includes 2 "shadowy figures" (insert ominous music here, then a wild bwahahaha) called Falcon and Condor...


anyway, was a bit interesting, I don't see this sort of thing often in my web-surfing. ;)