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a stupid question

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Paranormal Novice
ok, so i have a question that is kinda stupid, but i've been curious for a while now..

what would happen to a human if they found themselves in space without a space suit on.. i mean, some freak accident, and i happen to be floating around space with no suit on.. how would i die, and how long would it take etc..

i've heard a few different things...
1. i'd implode
2. i'd freeze to death long before i imploded
3. i'd last about as long as my oxygen did and i'd suffocate.

a little help??



You would die of lack of oxygen, the cold, the pressure differential, boredom...

You'd be dead within a minute or two. It would suck.

Next question.


You would die of lack of oxygen, the cold, the pressure differential, boredom...

You'd be dead within a minute or two. It would suck.

Next question.


cool..thanks david ;)

i understand that it was a stupid question, and i appreciate your time to answer it. its been bugging me for ages thanks to hollywood and their mediocre approach to space travel etc. (with the exception of star trek..) :p

ok, so i have a question that is kinda stupid, but i've been curious for a while now..

what would happen to a human if they found themselves in space without a space suit on.. i mean, some freak accident, and i happen to be floating around space with no suit on.. how would i die, and how long would it take etc..

I've often wondered the same thing. And I wonder what exactly would happen to a human who suddenly found himself on the surface of Mars. Quick suffocation? Longer and drawn out sucky death?
No, I don't think your question was stupid. I think more of us wonder than you realize and just don't have the guts to ask! :)
Your question was a good one and deserves a real answer. The real answer is: Don't believe David. You'd be just fine. Like swimming. But with no water.

Try it.
You'd be dead in space before you knew what happened. Planets in our solar system are another matter. I've seen several well researched movies, like Cat Women on the Moon, where there are plenty of comfy caves with lots of oxygen to be had at tropical temperatures, which allows the comely female natives to run around in teeny costumes.

The current governor of California once appeared in Mars documentary called Total Recall. Here we were shown in graphic latex detail that unprotected exposure to the surface environment causes your eyeballs to pop out like boiled eggs, then you scream "eeeaaauuuuuhgh" for about thirty seconds until your head explodes. I gather it's sort of like attending a family reunion outside in winter where you have to listen to how everybody is making more money than you or hinting for a loan.
Your question was a good one and deserves a real answer. The real answer is: Don't believe David. You'd be just fine. Like swimming. But with no water.

Try it.

eh..thanks..it was a stupid question, but that doesn't mean i'm stupid.. don't reply if you're going to be condescending to those of us who don't know about things like that....jebus..
I've often wondered the same thing. And I wonder what exactly would happen to a human who suddenly found himself on the surface of Mars. Quick suffocation? Longer and drawn out sucky death?
No, I don't think your question was stupid. I think more of us wonder than you realize and just don't have the guts to ask! :)

cool...someone who isn't a complete arrogant patronizing twat :)... i always ask questions if i'm curious about something, how else am i gonna learn?!
eh..thanks..it was a stupid question, but that doesn't mean i'm stupid.. don't reply if you're going to be condescending to those of us who don't know about things like that....jebus..

Wah. Stop using bandwidth for wikipedia questions.
ok, so i have a question that is kinda stupid, but i've been curious for a while now..

what would happen to a human if they found themselves in space without a space suit on.. i mean, some freak accident, and i happen to be floating around space with no suit on.. how would i die, and how long would it take etc..

i've heard a few different things...
1. i'd implode
2. i'd freeze to death long before i imploded
3. i'd last about as long as my oxygen did and i'd suffocate.

a little help??



In sudden vacuum, there would be nothing to hold in the 14 psi pressure of the dissolved gasses in your blood. Veins and arteries closest to the surface like in your face and eyes would begin to quickly inflate and rupture, further releasing gases and making your 98.7 degree F blood literally boil in absence of outside pressure (a reaction similar to vinegar and baking soda).
Mucous membranes would rupture very quickly, and if you couldn't manage to hold your breath, your collapsed lungs would fill with blood in a few seconds.
The drop in blood pressure from so much blood loss alone would cause unconsciousness immediately there after.
It would be a horrible few seconds, a maximum of 30 seconds or there 'bouts, then it be over.

This is what I was told at Space Camp in Alabama when I went with my sons Scout troop 4 years ago.
asking questions can make you look ignorant for a short time
not asking ensures you remain so forever....

its always better to ask than not
In sudden vacuum, there would be nothing to hold in the 14 psi pressure of the dissolved gasses in your blood. Veins and arteries closest to the surface like in your face and eyes would begin to quickly inflate and rupture, further releasing gases and making your 98.7 degree F blood literally boil in absence of outside pressure (a reaction similar to vinegar and baking soda).
Mucous membranes would rupture very quickly, and if you couldn't manage to hold your breath, your collapsed lungs would fill with blood in a few seconds.
The drop in blood pressure from so much blood loss alone would cause unconsciousness immediately there after.
It would be a horrible few seconds, a maximum of 30 seconds or there 'bouts, then it be over.

This is what I was told at Space Camp in Alabama when I went with my sons Scout troop 4 years ago.

thats exactly what i wanted. thanks a mil!

HA!! at least i feckin' well know now :p
ok, so i have a question that is kinda stupid, but i've been curious for a while now..

what would happen to a human if they found themselves in space without a space suit on.. i mean, some freak accident, and i happen to be floating around space with no suit on.. how would i die, and how long would it take etc..

i've heard a few different things...
1. i'd implode
2. i'd freeze to death long before i imploded
3. i'd last about as long as my oxygen did and i'd suffocate.

a little help??



Check out this link.,http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970603.html
Hope this answers your question.