Recent content by The Staggering Priestess

  1. The Staggering Priestess

    America Breaking Up Into Seperate Countries?

    Looking at the usual pattern of sprawling states throughout the history of humankind, I suppose that the political organization of the land between the Rio Grande and the 49th parallel will eventually be quite a bit different from what it is today; and it probably will be split up into even...
  2. The Staggering Priestess

    Dec. 28th show...." and stuff....".

    (Most of the following post is self-plagiarized from an earlier comment I made on the Eerie Radio forum about their pulling their Bill Knell episode.) I don't recall hearing Bill Knell before the Paracast show, though I've listened to a few podcasts with less rigorous standards that feature...
  3. The Staggering Priestess

    Abject Stupidity.

    Ah, but strictly speaking this is an error of punctuation, not grammar. ;) And besides, I would refer you to Stage's Law: "On Internet forums, any post critiquing a poster's grammar will itself contain grammatical errors". So I was doomed from the start by the inexorable mechanisms of the...
  4. The Staggering Priestess

    Abject Stupidity.

    So, Tommy, what would you do if you found a jar of glowing yellow goo labeled "Radioactive"? Have a refreshing beverage? :) If grammar is any indicator of intelligence you might find yourself on a number of sterilization lists. Best to be cautious when advocating Nazi solutions, dear one ;)...
  5. The Staggering Priestess

    Wendy, Peru's Britney Spears

    Oh yes, one of my bedside favorites! The really exciting news is that M. Night Shyamalan has just optioned the movie rights. I can't wait. Mogwa, I will get that song over to you just as soon as Dean Fagertstrom's aliens can start channeling again :)
  6. The Staggering Priestess

    Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild

    I drink deep of the grotto's vapors and uncloak my mind to the ravishment of the oracular god: drunken nonsense or mystic fact, here it is uttered: Hillary must be president now, or never. No future president will be lashed to the puppet-strings left vacant by McBama-Bidin or Palen-O'Cain.
  7. The Staggering Priestess

    Binnall Audio is probably the worst podcast out there

    Ooops, sorry, I never would have sent that email to him if I knew it would set you off that way :) (Just kidding, that wasn't me :) -- though, perhaps it is significant that people are praising him for not talking during his show :question: I don't much like listening to him speak, his voice is...
  8. The Staggering Priestess

    Wendy, Peru's Britney Spears

    I watched with the sound down, and so have no idea what the heck she is singing about (my Spanish is not so good any how) or how she sounds, but the video has that delightfully quaint quality of people who are not of the English-speaking world trying their hand at "rock videos". (I mean no...
  9. The Staggering Priestess

    Binnall Audio is probably the worst podcast out there

    Oh, man, GSB, if you think Binnall is about the worst paranormal podcast out there I hope you will count your blessings that you've missed stumbling into some of the truly putrified rot pits that are available on iToons and Black Vault Radio :) (not that I am criticizing BVR in any way, I think...
  10. The Staggering Priestess

    Digitized music from Dean Fagerstrom

    Hmmmm, very interesting observation, qqqq.... perhaps it explains the question posed by Paul Kimball: "Where is the Alien Bach?" :)
  11. The Staggering Priestess

    Digitized music from Dean Fagerstrom

    I am too big a chicken and I get spooked too easily to listen to music that may possibly come from alien-channeled dead men (just hearing David's story about that weird carnival music that played during a phone conversation with a woman in New York creeped the bejebus out of me), and...
  12. The Staggering Priestess

    The Paulding Light Mystery

    Hi Schticknz, I sure didn't mean to imply that you were debunking it and I'm sorry if I conveyed that impression. My mind just went off on a tangent on the "no photos taken" idea. I agree with you -- it does seem bizarre that no one would investigate it, though I checked on Wikipedia as per...
  13. The Staggering Priestess

    The Paulding Light Mystery

    Hi Schticknz! I would say that the fact that the news clip didn't show anyone using or apparently even carrying a camera (other than the TV videographer, of course), doesn't necessarily mean that people don't take cameras out there; it just means that none of the footage the videographer took...
  14. The Staggering Priestess

    Congressional Phantom

    One unrelated thing I meant to ask you, Mike (and anyone else for that matter) before my rambling carried me away:did you ever have a sense, when you were working in Washington, of a kind of psychic shadow weighing you down? I mean a feeling of darkness and negativity, unwholesomeness or...
  15. The Staggering Priestess

    Congressional Phantom

    Hi Mike! Having spent my share of nights working in empty old office buildings till the wee hours of the morning, I find your account very evocative and feel a sympathetic shudder. Probably you don't have any wish in reliving the experience or increasing the uncanniness of it, but from a...