Recent content by Mexicola

  1. Mexicola

    Alien message: Get rid of your nukes

    I like that idea of analyzing data statistically to start hypothesizing on motivation. I really don't buy the idea that these events to send a message on the evils and dangers of nuclear war. I agree with Schuyler that our well being is an issue not high on their priority list. This...
  2. Mexicola

    Why is Global Warming a Hoax??

    We'll have to send all the starving polar bears to his place. I agree with a lot of his personal views but I'll have to disagree with most of his stances on climate change being a good thing. I think his views are a little too oversimplified, especially coming from a scientist who should know...
  3. Mexicola

    UFO's over London ?

    Is there a post somewhere on the forums that highlight a few things people should look for in a photo? ***Warning - VERY Amateur disclaimer*** I looked at the images in Photoshop - zoomed in to look closer at the objects. They appear to blur, with light spilling from the objects into...
  4. Mexicola

    UFO's over London ?

    I just tried out the digital / IR experiment and had positive results, it shows up as a white light in the screen. Is there a way we can examine the image in some manner to determine if the artifacts were an IR origin?
  5. Mexicola

    Montauk project

    I'm sure the Devil's Rejects was filmed at that guy's house.
  6. Mexicola

    New Cattle Mutilation

    Skunk - come to Ottawa for some real freezing weather - no chinooks out here... the only hot air here comes from Parliament Hill...:D
  7. Mexicola

    *ALERT* *ALERT* *ALERT* Dan Burisch is a nut case. Get your weekly Camelot Comedy

    Translation via my personal Cap'n Crunch Bullshit J-Rod Shadow Language Decoder: "Dan got into the booze last night and blew chunks into the porcelain god until the wee hours this morning - he took two aspirin and is suffering from a world class hangover."
  8. Mexicola

    Why is Global Warming a Hoax??

    AnnetteMarie - I was not telling you to shove it at all!!! The melting ice in a glass theory has been trotted out (by what I think is a very successful disinformation campaign - and I confirm this by reading other posts in this thread) from FOX TV to my local Ottawa conservative radio host and...
  9. Mexicola

    Why is Global Warming a Hoax??

    I've taken a few climatology / paleoclimatology courses in my undergrad so I feel like I can add a few relevant bits of info to this debate. Global Warming is really Climate Change and climate is defined as weather (some kind of average) over a period of ~30 years. Everyday weather events...
  10. Mexicola

    Up coming Rich Dolan episode - questions for Gene & Dave

    I still haven't heard a plausible reason to build a mile long aircraft that utilizes current technologies. If this is some kind of black project to create a new generation of dirigibles (which I think I read somewhere that Lockheed did have a contract to produce such aircraft), why would they...
  11. Mexicola

    Up coming Rich Dolan episode - questions for Gene & Dave

    What would the point be of having a mile long aircraft if you were going to keep it a secret? It would be a pain in the ass having to hide it all the time, keeping it unseen in our HEAVILY travelled airspace...
  12. Mexicola

    Up coming Rich Dolan episode - questions for Gene & Dave

    David - if you are getting emotionally burnt out from this stuff you definitely need to take a break. Since I've discovered the Paracast I have been obsessed with listening to the archives, watching DVDs, reading books (ironically I just started Dolan's book) and just generally having this...
  13. Mexicola

    Feb 15th show

    This was a great show. I had seen Scott Gordon on a Canadian paranormal tv show a few weeks ago and after watching it I immediately checked the Paracast archives hoping they had interviewed him... So I was really excited for this episode and was not let down at all. I think Scott has got to...
  14. Mexicola

    Great Unsung UFO Cases

    That is a really interesting case. I just finished Chris Rutkowski's book The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed - I picked it up after hearing the archive of Chris on the Paracast. Towards the end he talks about the ~200 high strangeness cases that have occured over the last decade...
  15. Mexicola

    Musical Interests

    Clutch - I have seen them so many times - they brought me back into the world of heavy guitars. In fact - way back when their Clutch self-named disc came out was when I started getting back into UFOs. They were singing about MJ-12, Tim Sult vs. The Greys, and I just soaked it all in... Talk...