Recent content by marmer

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  1. marmer

    The Invaders... and other programmes I'd like to be brought back....

    Yes. It was based loosely on Project Blue Book, was one of Jack Webb's (of "Dragnet" and "Adam-12" fame) last projects (if not the last) and it usually featured one special-effects-heavy UFO scene in each episode. This was about the time that movie F/X were just starting to appear on TV...
  2. marmer

    July 4, 2010 Episode - Walter Bosley

    Not that I have a dog in this hunt, but I've been around the interwebs since the days when it wasn't recommended to use your own name freely. Even back when a lot of systems didn't support long enough usernames for most people to use their full names. Facebook has sort of desensitized us to...
  3. marmer

    June 6, 2010 - Kevin D. Randle

    Yes, I would have liked to hear Kevin talk about Gulf Breeze, too, though I understand it's probably not really pertinent to the book under discussion. Was disappointed to hear no mention of Kecksburg, though I was glad to hear about the Cape Girardeau case. I think the "Flatwoods Monster"...
  4. marmer

    June 6, 2010 - Kevin D. Randle

    Enjoying it a lot so far. Maybe this has been addressed elsewhere, but the "intermission Welcome Back" music clip (with the wah-wah guitar) is the old one with David identified as co-host.
  5. marmer

    Guest suggestion: J. Allan Danelek

    Michael Busby's _Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery_ seems to cover similar ground, with no need for paranormal or extraterrestrial explanations. He spends a lot of time tracking the airships from their reported appearances in newspapers and trying to identify reported airship builders and his...
  6. marmer

    A Process/Philosophy Question

    If I had to guess, I would guess that those gentlemen who have guest hosted some episodes have been given moderator status. The thread which just closed looked like a train wreck about to happen. PK has my thanks for his swift action.
  7. marmer

    Gene, It's Time To Mend a Bridge

    I heard it. Fresh from my decoding of the archive "organization," I was listening, because I like listening to what Paul has to say. I had actually not paid much attention to this discussion and it caught me by surprise. They were way out of line. I had been willing to give Jeff the...
  8. marmer

    NEW DMR - Any MP3's?

    OK. "dmr-10-w" which, I believe was labeled Wed 03/03/2010 in the archives, is the Robert Hastings/Robert Salas show identified on the darkmattersradio blog as Wed. Mar. 10 in Week 8. "" is indeed a re-broadcast of an older interview with Richard Hall. The darkmattersradio blog only...
  9. marmer

    NEW DMR - Any MP3's?

    As best as I can tell, the filename is dmr-week-day. Except it's wrong. dmr-10 files seem to be ?Week 7? instead of Week 10 according to the dates in the blog. When a .mp3 file is downloaded it sometimes has questionable info in its tags. For example, claims to be Richard Hall...
  10. marmer

    Gene, It's Time To Mend a Bridge

    Point taken. It's also sometimes appropriate for friends who have the benefit of distance from a situation to urge mutual friends to reconcile.
  11. marmer

    My Mackie Woes ...

    Mackie is probably a little better but the Behringer is still pretty reliable. I wouldn't advise against it based on reliability, for what we use it for, which is light PA and sound reinforcement.
  12. marmer

    My Mackie Woes ...

    We use small Behringers and several Mackie VLZ series mixers where I work. They are all rock solid. I agree with Chris; if you need maximum value for price and don't need a whole lot of channels or features the Behringers are a very good deal.
  13. marmer

    Please respect Gene

    Yeah, I was going to post something similar. David talked more and is very articulate, so he got most of the attention, but if you go back and listen to old shows, Gene is definitely an active and intelligent participant. He brings a lot to the table that is worth hearing. Sure, some of...
  14. marmer

    Joseph P. Farrell on Coast....

    I didn't hear the interview, although I have heard several others with Farrell and read as many of his books as I can get my hands on. He is quite firmly in my gray basket. On the one hand, he has an earned doctorate in early Church history and is a retired college professor, and he also has...
  15. marmer

    Kimball & Ecker tonight!

    We have House of Pies in Houston, too. Verily, it doth indeed rock!