Recent content by Lemmy

  1. L

    EVP? To me they're fascinating since I've recorded many recently...

    Sorry, I don't know what happened to the TV yesterday. You are correct that you can rule out the digital stuff and you can almost certainly rule out FM too which includes TV (at least in the UK). That really leaves broadcast or ham radio, taxis or CB. If you are really getting ~3% sensible...
  2. L

    EVP? To me they're fascinating since I've recorded many recently...

    I totally agree with Jose! A few years back I searched the web for EVP and found one site that recommended that you place a diode at your recording input. This is called a crystal set where I come from. Crap mic amps can easily pick up radio stations. I once bought a record player amp that...
  3. L

    I discovered The UFO Technology & Revealing Its Secret

    And if you're not South African you also missed some decent radio. You can download a number of SA Avengers episodes from here: Avengers on the Radio They are all based upon the TV shows and sponsored by the makers of 'cold water OMO'. Lemmy
  4. L

    Dice experience

    Perhaps I should have also posted the absolute limits: If by some remarkable quirk of fate you needed five sevens plus your double four then the chances of getting it would be one in 36*6^5 or 1 in 279936. OTOH if you got really unlucky and needed a run of 2's and 12's plus double four then...
  5. L

    Dice experience

    Hello Methshin, It looks like you are talking about odds of between a million to one and ten million to one. Unfortunately, the odds of throwing a particular number depend on the number you need! Each die can land in one of six positions so there are 36 possible outcomes, some of which will...
  6. L

    DIY Triode

    This kind of thing fascinates me: Dailymotion - Fabrication d'une lampe triode - a Hi-Tech et Science video You can download a 125mB mp4 of this from the man's site plus some old documentation (in French) at: F2FO Lemmy
  7. L

    The great vocalists thread

    I remember her (Yma Sumac) - she did a song called 'virgin of the sun god' or possibly goddess. It was very popular in about 1950. She's got a voice that goes all the way from a beer fart to a loose fan belt. Absolutely amazing. Also, I'm sure I have a cassette tape somewhere of the song and...
  8. L

    The great vocalists thread

    Here are two more excellent singers, 1st Helen Kane (shamefully ripped off as Betty Boop) 2nd is Cliff Edwards (Ukulele Ike) probably remembered now only as the voice of Jiminy Cricket in Disney's Pinocchio. And how could I forget Darlene Edwards? Lemmy
  9. L

    Lewis Black

    Sorry to be so long responding but it's difficult finding replies to my posts. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. As for the goons being funny; I find a few episodes still have a laugh in them - the best IMO is 'Lurgi strikes Britain' which is still hillarious. Unfortunately the humor was based...
  10. L

    The great vocalists thread

    In my opinion, therefore the correct opinion ;) you are all wrong, the best voice that has existed to date is that of Amelita Galli Curci. Even better than Judy Collins. Here's a link: If it doesn't work just search youtube for Amelita and La Danza. Lemmy
  11. L

    ROTFLMAO x 100 The Veritas Show is charging for episodes now

    To be fair, he's also interviewed Milton Torres (TheParacast should do likewise but probably not for an entire two hours), Richard Dolan, Edgar Mitchel and Stanton Friedman. You are almost certainly correct though - I set it as an automatic download after I found it and forgot about it because...
  12. L

    Jenny Randles

    A trivial point perhaps but lead is actually less dense than mercury! it would float on it. Lemmy
  13. L

    Jenny Randles

    No, I'm not saying an OBE will cause a weight loss, I asked if the experiment had been done. It seems an obvious test IMO. If the result is no change then nothing is proven but if there were a weight loss it would be very interesting and even more interesting if there was a gain. Bushman is an...
  14. L

    Jenny Randles

    About the end of the last ice age I asked a question on the fidonet echo PARANORM about astral projection. I asked if anyone had ever been on sensitive scales while they allegedly 'projected' - talk is one thing but evidence is another and a change in weight would be evidence (provided you made...
  15. L

    Lewis Black

    I watched the first three clips and the third one raised a smile - the one about bottled water. He forgot to mention the sell-by date BTW. Life is too short to watch the rest in the hope of raising another - one smile in three clips is not a good ratio. I used to think that there was no such...