Recent content by ghoul

  1. ghoul

    Sun 17th Jan 2010 - John Carpenter on Leonard Stringfield

    Pssst.... "" They were in old MUFON Journals. Some of the links are to text mentioning that you can purchase the docs from MUFON, however I found the journal with...
  2. ghoul

    "Morphing UFO" clear,close up photos.WTF?

    Balloons. They were released by the crew of the Discovery Channel show "UFOs Over Earth" and members of MUFON while they were in Mexico to point out how Jaime Musson believes anything and everything put in front of him. Video - Discovery Channel Videos Online - News, Science, Space, History...
  3. ghoul

    A Personal Note

    I'm sorry for your family's loss. My deepest sympathies to you and yours. :( Peace.
  4. ghoul

    Project Camelot vs. Jeff Rense

    Wow. Why would anyone bother with either party? Isn't your time better spent trying to lick thumbtacks out of a pile of used cat litter?
  5. ghoul

    Japan's New First Lady -

    Who knew Nancy Reagan would remarry? :rolleyes:
  6. ghoul

    What was your first computer?

    My computer history.... TI/99-4A (still have it in the basement in storage...wrote a few games for it) Commodore-64 (sold it in college when I needed some $) Apple Macs and Apollo stations in college 386 (purchased after college because I found out what apple wanted $) 486 DX/2 66 (wow was...
  7. ghoul

    Return of the Mysterious Universe Podcast

    I enjoyed it even though it was really just Grundy reading news articles he'd found or been sent. The guy had a good podcasting voice, the show was well produced sound-wise, and it had enough self awareness of when things were just silly to be entertaining. I wasn't a premium listener or...
  8. ghoul

    John Ford Open Letter Part 2

    Um, what? Excuse me, I have to go wash some BS off of my hands and eyes.
  9. ghoul

    The direction of the show recently

    How cool is it to be Steve "one more thing" Jobs' next door neighbor? :D
  10. ghoul

    Whitley Strieber

    I said it on another forum, but I gave up on Whitley ages ago when he started having William Henry preach his New Age goofiness and snake oil on his podcast. LMH doesn't help the listening equation with her willingness to believe anything and everything anyone tells her either. His association...
  11. ghoul

    Michael Jackson has died

    I just knew somebody here would know the truth!!! Thanks so much for confirming my suspicions!!!:rolleyes:
  12. ghoul

    Michael Jackson has died

    Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
  13. ghoul

    What do you think the Crystal Skulls are?

    I think you need to include links to verifiable results from actual research. I also think that the skulls are pretty artwork, not anything mystical, or magical, or powerful, or anything. Recent artwork, period.
  14. ghoul

    Gary MacKinnon

    This guy is a full of it. SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the picture? GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across. Wait a sec....didn't you tell everyone earlier that you had a 56k connection? GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said...