Wow ... three family members. I am sorry for this loss. I assume you feel they would have had more time?
Not really much longer in their case.
It's how they sell it to you, as if your to stupid to realise, they are killing them, or as they put it, letting nature take its course, i remember one fella rabbiting about death being a natural process, the body shutting down etc etc, but what they were really doing was speeding up the process to save money, hence the financial incentives.
Ive also no doubt the doctr's believed they were dong the right thing, when it was doctors making the decision to withdraw treatment, its a slippery slope when withdrawal of treatment is decided by ward managers.
they forget we are there 24/7 watching them fiddling with the auto-pump drugs thing, eventually they just sleep, sometimes become vaguely aware, until they become comatose and their hearts stop, and its the morphine that achieves that, you know when they are going to die within the next few minutes evrytime, as you become attuned to their breathing, my mother came back after about 30 seconds, and stopped breathing again a few minutes later, my mother was ready to go, she wanted to be with my sister and father, but my sister fought it, she didnt want to leave here daughters.
sorry that last bit about my sister isnt worded very good, you would have to be there to understand.
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