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Year's best meteor shower set to dazzle

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Aaron LeClair

Paranormal Maven
"The year's best meteor display – the Geminids – is set to wow skygazers on Thursday and Friday."

The timing of this is perfect, thanks for posting that.

Long story, but I have this friend who said he had never seen a shooting star recently, and I kept telling him how he needed to go out when one of the meteor showers are going on, he'd see tons. I told him I would check when they happened again, but forgot.

Great timing!
No, not at all. A telescope does not need to be set to an extreme magnification at all and is useful to eliminate the surrounding city lights although it does not completely knock out the effects of city living!
Miah said:
The timing of this is perfect, thanks for posting that.

Long story, but I have this friend who said he had never seen a shooting star recently, and I kept telling him how he needed to go out when one of the meteor showers are going on, he'd see tons. I told him I would check when they happened again, but forgot.

Great timing!

Does he/she ever look at the sky at night? Theres a whole mess of stuff goin on up there.
My wife and I went out to the beach to watch it last night for a couple of hours. It apparently didn't peak until early this morning, so it was slower last night than I would have liked. But regardless we saw some real doozies!

One fell from the sky right into the ocean not far away at all, that was amazing! We saw several others that lit the sky and streaked far, fun stuff.

My friend from Atlanta did get to see it too, so his shooting star virginity has been broken.
I popped out last night into the courtyard (Kansas) and saw a few with my neighbors... nothing special, I've seen better, but we were in the middle of the city with plenty of light pollution... so all in all, I'd say it was pretty good. For die-hards, tonight you may yet see more, although the best is probably over.

But last night we had about one a minute or so here.